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Politics Board

     You know your Obama VA left hundreds of thousands of - MIZ45 MU - 3/9/25 16:55:46
     RE: I would ask it there is anyone stupid enough to believe - Mizzou Lou KC - 3/9/25 16:51:48
     32 - Calca STL - 3/9/25 16:46:40
          Duly noted. Now to ID the other 76,999,999* - JG MU - 3/9/25 16:49:08
     OOOOO thousands - JG MU - 3/9/25 16:06:03
          As Trump would say..."you shanked that one - Logan STL - 3/9/25 16:43:02
               LOl, 1 " away from the cup, shanked - JG MU - 3/9/25 16:47:48
          JG Supports Marxist theft of taxpayer funds as long as it's - hokie VT - 3/9/25 16:26:57
               No troll, I point out hypocrisy a thousand times worse - JG MU - 3/9/25 16:29:57
                    No, you ignore AOC and then shrieked out a lie. - RHAYWORTH MU - 3/9/25 16:32:08
                         LOL I do nail it - JG MU - 3/9/25 16:41:22
                              "it" being you defending AOC (a democrat) - MIZ45 MU - 3/9/25 16:44:47
          You always defend liberals (nm) - Bosalphus KC - 3/9/25 16:25:05
               When have I ever defended the trump? - JG MU - 3/9/25 16:28:41
                    Good point. You did cheer on when he - MIZ45 MU - 3/9/25 16:32:19
               Always. No matter what. (nm) - MIZ45 MU - 3/9/25 16:26:03
          That's a misuse of funds for personal expense and - MIZ45 MU - 3/9/25 16:20:38
               You are correct. A feckless lying c*nt does . - RHAYWORTH MU - 3/9/25 16:31:17
     Eat the rich. Nm - hokie VT - 3/9/25 16:05:15
Did Biden actually sign those pardons? - BigDave MU - 3/9/25 14:41:26
     Nm - hokie VT - 3/9/25 15:59:23
     Do you seriously believe everything you read - sks MU - 3/9/25 15:06:49
          So I can choose between trusting Fox News who is - hokie VT - 3/9/25 16:03:23
               FOX is fake news propaganda (nm) - Seagull MU - 3/9/25 16:39:38
               Likely too many words for you - TigerMatt STL - 3/9/25 16:09:42
                    You have no comment on the post or the issue? Nm - hokie VT - 3/9/25 16:20:07
               “reputable and probably most honest major news outlet” LMAO(nm) - TigerMatt STL - 3/9/25 16:07:38
                    Name a better major news outlet, please. Or, just reply with - hokie VT - 3/9/25 16:21:38
          Gaslighting is all dems have left - RHAYWORTH MU - 3/9/25 15:38:46
          RE: Do you seriously believe everything you read - MOCO SON MU - 3/9/25 15:34:38
Which one of you TB prog squad'ers is this? - MIZ45 MU - 3/9/25 13:46:12
     Should have shot him (nm) - Bosalphus KC - 3/9/25 16:13:31
     Liberals have lost their g'damn minds(nm) - AWOLTiger KC - 3/9/25 14:43:18
Happy International Women's Day! - smoke MU - 3/9/25 13:30:26
     What's a woman?(nm) - Tigrrrr! MU - 3/9/25 14:52:11
          RE: What's a woman?(nm) - MOCO SON MU - 3/9/25 15:40:05
          Saying something like this is a good sign - CulturedDan MU - 3/9/25 15:31:09
               internet does funny thing, Vance laughs at funny thing - Bosalphus KC - 3/9/25 15:41:41
          If you want clarity, don’t ask a Dem/lib. (nm) - Outsider MU - 3/9/25 15:17:46
     RE: Happy International Women's Day! - CulturedDan MU - 3/9/25 14:19:39
          RE: Happy International Women's Day! - Tigrrrr! MU - 3/9/25 14:53:44
               You bring up a good point, when a dude transitions… - Outsider MU - 3/9/25 15:23:36
Bizarre and humiliating - El-ahrairah BAMA - 3/9/25 13:27:16
     IKR and you want him to get a third term - JG MU - 3/9/25 14:00:41
          He does? (nm) - Bosalphus KC - 3/9/25 15:38:51
          This is why nobody should bet with you. You're still - MIZ45 MU - 3/9/25 14:05:09
     RE: Bizarre and humiliating - MOCO SON MU - 3/9/25 13:46:46
     well you do love the trump - JG MU - 3/9/25 13:54:06
     You’re such a *****. You seek out things to cry - TigerMatt STL - 3/9/25 12:51:10
          Sorry mat. I'll never do it again. nm - hokie VT - 3/9/25 12:53:55
     It’s time to bring back mutilation as a punishment - El-ahrairah BAMA - 3/9/25 12:13:49
          Shame Used to be a deterrent. Something everyone wanted to - hokie VT - 3/9/25 12:27:52
AOC's criminal liability - BH O'bonga MU - 3/9/25 11:43:01
     He was allowed to work via DACA(nm) - Spanky KU - 3/9/25 14:37:24
     But she is too dumb to convict - BigDave MU - 3/9/25 13:09:40
     Shocker! (nm) - Outsider MU - 3/9/25 11:57:51
     Eat the rich. Or something. nm - hokie VT - 3/9/25 11:51:48
     harry ... - tmcats KSU - 3/9/25 13:15:37
     Probably got paid off by Qatar (nm) - Columbian Gold MU - 3/9/25 10:59:59
     One of the facts missing from these quick enrichment stories - tigertix MU - 3/9/25 10:40:35
          Because everyone of the GOP is afraid of shutting the - Spanky KU - 3/9/25 11:36:01
          RE: One of the facts missing from these quick enrichment stories - BH O'bonga MU - 3/9/25 10:43:54
               Mitch/Ryan/Boehner/Blunt/etc. are rich...............nm - tigertix MU - 3/9/25 11:02:00
          all of them should be looked at(nm) - tman MU - 3/9/25 10:41:29
     Through divorce as shown in your own post(nm) - raskolnikov MU - 3/9/25 09:40:19
          RE: Through divorce: So, when married to the man she was wor - BH O'bonga MU - 3/9/25 09:50:53
          Shut up. The adults are talking. (nm) - Tigrrrr! MU - 3/9/25 09:45:01
     She married a very rich man and then they divorced (nm) - FIJItiger MU - 3/9/25 09:33:24
          End no fault divorce - El-ahrairah BAMA - 3/9/25 11:20:06
          Ahhh....I see.... - CulturedDan MU - 3/9/25 10:07:42
               More of a business transaction than a marriage. - Tigrrrr! MU - 3/9/25 10:17:46
                    Like every relationship Trump has ever had(nm) - FIJItiger MU - 3/9/25 10:25:33
                         yes, he's a big time profit deal guy(nm) - CulturedDan MU - 3/9/25 10:29:27
                              People don’t like him in real life, has to pay for sex(nm) - FIJItiger MU - 3/9/25 10:36:16
                                   liberals pay other men to sex their wives - Bosalphus KC - 3/9/25 11:44:38
                                        You know some odd people(nm) - FIJItiger MU - 3/9/25 12:09:17
                                             You posted "Women sought me out" on a message board - Calca STL - 3/9/25 12:11:54
                                                  lol (nm) - Bosalphus KC - 3/9/25 13:03:29
                                                  Yes(nm) - FIJItiger MU - 3/9/25 12:16:42
                                   LOL so do you(nm) - Wildcat KSU - 3/9/25 11:00:20
                                   we all do(nm) - CulturedDan MU - 3/9/25 10:48:56
                                        Not in my experience, women sought me out. Condolences (nm) - FIJItiger MU - 3/9/25 11:34:34
                                             This post is more cringe than the one you made on the Shack - Calca STL - 3/9/25 12:11:01
                                             This is JG-level NPD - CulturedDan MU - 3/9/25 11:59:06
                                             This is a JG level post in terms of it's honesty. - RHAYWORTH MU - 3/9/25 11:43:40
                                   Glass Houses buddy. (nm) - Logan STL - 3/9/25 10:39:45
                    Worked for John horseface Kerry... nm - hokie VT - 3/9/25 10:24:06
          So did the hedge fund manager husband marry her for - Tigrrrr! MU - 3/9/25 09:40:11
               I don’t know them, no idea. I presume not(nm) - FIJItiger MU - 3/9/25 09:55:40
                    How about those Pelosis? Funny how Paul is always - Tigrrrr! MU - 3/9/25 10:02:18
                         Johnson should pass a stand-alone bill making it unlawful - tigertix MU - 3/9/25 10:42:11
     Congress members should only be able to invest in a - TigerFan92 STL - 3/9/25 09:32:13
          That's a good idea. And i'd agree to give them a 50% - hokie VT - 3/9/25 11:49:52
Hmmmmmmmm? - Tigrrrr! MU - 3/9/25 09:20:19
     Foreign money will pale in comparison of what the dem NGOS - tigertix MU - 3/9/25 10:43:35
Assad's Overthrow Brings Peace to Syria - kp83 MU - 3/9/25 09:16:23
     Turns out Assad, Saddam, and Qaddafi were the moderate - El-ahrairah BAMA - 3/9/25 11:21:16
     Sorry, we need to remove the beam in our eye before we - tigertix MU - 3/9/25 11:00:50
          The world needs more dictators and less democracies - El-ahrairah BAMA - 3/9/25 11:28:19
     RE: Assad's Overthrow Brings Peace to Syria - BH O'bonga MU - 3/9/25 09:23:25
Service service shots man at white house - JangoFett MU - 3/9/25 07:05:41
     the only debate is - JG MU - 3/9/25 13:53:39
     He deserves credit for getting BHO elected....no thanks....n - tigertix MU - 3/9/25 11:05:22
     You certainly are politically aware enough to know that - Outsider MU - 3/9/25 10:04:29
     RE: Both Trump and McKinley capitalized on populist rhetoric, - sarasotatiger MU - 3/9/25 09:01:01
          Progressives were also for implementing minimum wage - TigerMatt STL - 3/9/25 09:28:22
     French ladies march in protest against Trump in Paris - BH O'bonga MU - 3/9/25 07:56:36
          So glad the ugly hags in KC don't whip out their titties.... - Tigrrrr! MU - 3/9/25 10:15:09
          RE: French ladies march in protest against Trump in Paris - CulturedDan MU - 3/9/25 10:06:51
          Never stick your dick in crazy (nm) - Tigrrrr! MU - 3/9/25 09:13:48
          Link no longer exists from MyLordBebo - KCT-BoneTiger MU - 3/9/25 08:31:22
               no boobs for the boob, sorry(nm) - CulturedDan MU - 3/9/25 09:30:13
               It's there. Must be an idiot blocker in place (nm) - Tigrrrr! MU - 3/9/25 09:14:42
          Do you think 9/11 was an inside job? (nm) - KCT-BoneTiger MU - 3/9/25 08:12:34
               Did you read his post? - Columbian Gold MU - 3/9/25 09:33:40
I guess we'll never know - CulturedDan MU - 3/8/25 20:34:25
     Dale Gribble knew around 20 years ago.... - Sarazen KC - 3/9/25 13:25:57
     We should try to figure out real women on their period first - 615Tiger STL - 3/8/25 23:44:12
          Ask them to fix you a sandwich. If they tell you to fvck off - Tigrrrr! MU - 3/9/25 09:07:05
     RE: I guess we'll never know - Tigrrrr! MU - 3/8/25 22:12:43
     and some dem NGO raked in $600k and laundred $250K back - tigertix MU - 3/8/25 21:12:10
     Well…. - TigerMatt STL - 3/8/25 21:09:13
          It should seek help for its mental illness and quit worrying - Tigrrrr! MU - 3/8/25 21:35:42
     Next up....a study in prostate issues in trannie men - Tigrrrr! MU - 3/8/25 20:45:05
          Just wait until 60 year old tranny men want Viagra - TigerMatt STL - 3/8/25 21:06:03
     That's a shame(nm) - hefeweizen MU - 3/8/25 20:39:20
No wonder the globalhomo west hates Putin: - MUTGR MU - 3/8/25 19:50:08
     So Putin follows the science. Its more than we can say - Outsider MU - 3/9/25 10:09:27
     oh chit they have Woman's Day. Wonder how many other - TigerFan92 STL - 3/9/25 09:22:18
     RE: No wonder the globalhomo west hates Putin: - sarasotatiger MU - 3/9/25 09:03:32
          Not in the Christian churches. Those are just more liberalis - TigerFan92 STL - 3/9/25 09:26:35
          RE: Goddess worship movement: Never heard of that, but then - BH O'bonga MU - 3/9/25 09:09:12
     RE: No wonder the globalhomo west hates Putin: - Seagull MU - 3/9/25 08:04:23
     Sidling up with Musk is phenomenally stupid - raskolnikov MU - 3/8/25 20:17:52
          You lie nonstop. - GODZILLA MU - 3/9/25 09:13:13
          You are phenomenally stupid - RHAYWORTH MU - 3/9/25 08:32:04
               Its amusing to me when an unaccomplished, unsuccessful, - BH O'bonga MU - 3/9/25 08:47:29
          You think Elon is approving every post before it's - Seagull MU - 3/9/25 07:27:44
          Phenomenally stupid ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ nm - BandG MU - 3/8/25 22:18:33
          You want the censorship back, check. nm. - MUTGR MU - 3/8/25 21:35:21
          You just made that up - Wildcat KSU - 3/8/25 20:41:27
          I'm always surprised how incredibly dumb you are..nm - bcoop199 KC - 3/8/25 20:39:08
               I'm not(nm) - Tigrrrr! MU - 3/8/25 20:41:01
          You are literally making that up(nm) - CulturedDan MU - 3/8/25 20:33:45
          Soros is so much better(nm) - hefeweizen MU - 3/8/25 20:26:13
     Helps when Jews don’t run your country.(nm) - TigerMatt STL - 3/8/25 19:57:16
Bill Nye Nazi salute - Calca STL - 3/8/25 18:13:36
     RE: Bill Nye Nazi salute: Not a scientist, but may be a nazi - BH O'bonga MU - 3/9/25 07:46:30
     Another pretend scientist - MU Diaspora MU - 3/8/25 19:04:23
     Much of what we call modern science - glue MU - 3/8/25 19:00:11
too bad, trumplicans - JG MU - 3/8/25 16:05:45
     ^^^^Failed veterinarian - Panthera MU - 3/9/25 06:48:08
     ^^^^misplaced priorities^^^^^ - Spanky KU - 3/8/25 17:22:31
     Go screw a dog - mu7176grad MU - 3/8/25 17:08:33
     RE: too bad, trumplicans - BH O'bonga MU - 3/8/25 16:35:06
     Here's a video of you to enjoy until you come back tomorrow - Wildcat KSU - 3/8/25 16:20:19
          RE: Here's a video: And some reading material. - BH O'bonga MU - 3/8/25 16:35:53
     California needs more windmills.(nm) - TigerMatt STL - 3/8/25 16:15:40
     Why would that be bad for trumplicans? - NPDTiger MU - 3/8/25 16:09:48
     even more bad news, for trumplicans - JG MU - 3/8/25 16:07:41
     They seem to be thriving in this current climate... - Outsider MU - 3/8/25 16:07:34
          biggest threat is lead poisoning - JG MU - 3/8/25 16:08:22
               Be sure to add that to your list of grievances (nm) - Outsider MU - 3/8/25 16:09:08
Do you think Musk and Trump calling for the EV - KCT-BoneTiger MU - 3/8/25 15:35:49
     Musk already said on an investors call that he believes it - TigerMatt STL - 3/8/25 17:34:12
     No question it helps Musk. Okay to get Tesla off the - namres MU - 3/8/25 16:56:44
     Why are you the #1 source of Asian Hate on Tigerboard?(nm) - Wildcat KSU - 3/8/25 15:59:14
     I'll never buy an EV - but you liberals have been forcing - RayKinsella1922 SEC - 3/8/25 15:57:33
     If any companies fold because tax credits are removed then - DHighlander NWMSU - 3/8/25 15:47:44
     I would prefer no subsidies for any form of energy - JG MU - 3/8/25 15:42:47
          Renewable Energy dominates Energy Subsidies - Spanky KU - 3/8/25 16:20:53
          Is coal involved in the manufacture of an EV or for the - MIZ45 MU - 3/8/25 15:45:17
               Go easy on him, he can only think so long. (nm) - Outsider MU - 3/8/25 15:46:18
                    Yeah, not even a nano-second(nm) - Wildcat KSU - 3/8/25 15:58:40
                    Poor guy has had a rough day. 🤣 (nm) - MIZ45 MU - 3/8/25 15:54:58
                    Me thinks you give him way too much credit(nm) - DHighlander NWMSU - 3/8/25 15:49:25
                         Touché (nm) - MIZ45 MU - 3/8/25 15:54:33
     ^^^^^Failed veterinarian - Panthera MU - 3/9/25 06:47:14
     Federal employees(nm) - Calca STL - 3/8/25 16:44:44
     Another JG lie - I don't support Trump - MIZ45 MU - 3/8/25 15:28:27
     You ok Bud? You seem unwell(nm) - NPDTiger MU - 3/8/25 15:25:43
          He lost a wager to never post again - MIZ45 MU - 3/8/25 15:29:20
          Then what do you feel about MIZ45, - JG MU - 3/8/25 15:27:18
               What do I feel about what?? - NPDTiger MU - 3/8/25 15:30:17
                    He melts his meds on his mom's stove and - Outsider MU - 3/8/25 15:31:46
                         😂(nm) - NPDTiger MU - 3/8/25 15:34:43
                         Technically its my Dad's stove that is 1600 ish miles - JG MU - 3/8/25 15:33:35
                              What kind of stove is it climate boy? Gas? (nm) - Outsider MU - 3/8/25 15:35:25
                                   Don't rightly know - JG MU - 3/8/25 15:37:07
                                        Probably gas and your dad is killing us all. (nm) - Outsider MU - 3/8/25 15:37:52
                                             I'm not sure he has ever cooked a thing in his life - JG MU - 3/8/25 15:39:13
                                                  So you are a product of zingers, ding dongs - Outsider MU - 3/8/25 15:41:45
                    about his stupid lies that I proved - JG MU - 3/8/25 15:31:30
                         Breh what are you even talking about 😂(nm) - NPDTiger MU - 3/8/25 15:34:23
               Stupid liar for you means someone who doesn't agree - Reagan STL - 3/8/25 15:29:21
                    He's still never proven that I've told a single lie - MIZ45 MU - 3/8/25 15:31:23
                    Wrong again , stupid liar - JG MU - 3/8/25 15:31:01
                         The "set of words" have the exact same meaning, mullet - MIZ45 MU - 3/8/25 15:32:50
     Just answer the question... - Outsider MU - 3/8/25 15:24:39
          You are trying to compare - JG MU - 3/8/25 15:26:43
               Cut to the chase - you're upset that Leftist ideology isn't - Reagan STL - 3/8/25 15:30:45
                    LOL climate change is just fact - JG MU - 3/8/25 15:32:17
                         Nobody buys your commie solutions to climate change - Wildcat KSU - 3/8/25 15:56:13
                         Breaking ground with that one Einstein... - Outsider MU - 3/8/25 15:34:15
                              LOL thanks for proving how stupid you are - JG MU - 3/8/25 15:38:30
                                   The sun is really really hot. See, I can state facts too. (nm) - Outsider MU - 3/8/25 15:40:06
                                        Congrats - JG MU - 3/8/25 15:40:52
                         Of course it is. We're seeing it now - MIZ45 MU - 3/8/25 15:33:53
               And you just can't grasp the concept of a question... - Outsider MU - 3/8/25 15:28:18
                    Your question is comparing - JG MU - 3/8/25 15:35:40
                         What fact exactly? (nm) - Outsider MU - 3/8/25 15:39:01
                              That what must not be said, - JG MU - 3/8/25 15:40:19
                                   Lol! Lordy. (nm) - Outsider MU - 3/8/25 15:42:26
                                        As always - MIZ45 MU - 3/8/25 15:57:53
                                             Settled science like Biology? Oh hell no! (nm) - Outsider MU - 3/8/25 15:59:19
     Executive branch does not, Congress does(nm) - raskolnikov MU - 3/8/25 20:20:43
     Shut up tard(nm) - Danny Whizzbang USA - 3/8/25 15:24:34
          RE: Shut up tard(nm) - BH O'bonga MU - 3/8/25 15:53:42
     Neither one , but then - JG MU - 3/8/25 15:24:17
     RE: France to Macron: we won't die for Ukraine...: How it - BH O'bonga MU - 3/9/25 09:00:56
     When did that happen, JG?(nm) - CulturedDan MU - 3/8/25 20:36:35
     Assad was ousted under bidens policy - NPDTiger MU - 3/8/25 15:07:56
          Ousting Assad has been a necon goal since Obama. - MUTGR MU - 3/8/25 15:13:25
     That site gonna put a virus on your computer, homie (nm) - MIZ45 MU - 3/8/25 14:54:56
May want to max out those credit cards now - NPDTiger MU - 3/8/25 14:33:04
     What kind of moron would support such an idea? - Ferg MU - 3/8/25 15:07:03
          Democrat voters, that's who. - MU Diaspora MU - 3/8/25 19:08:37
               Hawley is a Democrat? - Seagull MU - 3/9/25 07:32:11
          Josh Hawley and Bernie Sanders working together on this - KCT-BoneTiger MU - 3/8/25 15:17:06
               That's some high-level retardedry (nm) - CulturedDan MU - 3/8/25 20:33:14
     No, dems will then sue when they cut off the poor. - RHAYWORTH MU - 3/8/25 14:48:36
          Whuffo you mean I don'ts qualify fo' a $25k line of credit - Tigrrrr! MU - 3/8/25 18:38:13
     Whose free speech is being violated? (nm) - Outsider MU - 3/8/25 14:23:33
          students purposely being kept ignorant - JG MU - 3/8/25 14:27:53
               This isn't a road you democrats want to go down. 🤣 (nm) - MIZ45 MU - 3/8/25 14:45:55
               When is a decision like that so incredilby dumb, why can't - namres MU - 3/8/25 14:43:44
                    They are totally committed to psychophantry - JG MU - 3/8/25 14:47:32
                         " They lack any sort of discussion skills".... says the - MIZ45 MU - 3/8/25 15:18:21
               So this isn't about free speech as you asserted and thus - Outsider MU - 3/8/25 14:34:50
                    wrong again lie boy - JG MU - 3/8/25 14:36:16
                         Whose speech is being violated? Bet you don't know. (nm) - Outsider MU - 3/8/25 14:47:51
                              the teachers are prohibited from teaching - JG MU - 3/8/25 14:49:17
                                   That's a curriculum decision not free speech. They are - Outsider MU - 3/8/25 14:52:13
                                        authoritarians like you and MIZ45 believe - JG MU - 3/8/25 14:54:41
                                             You can try all you want but this is a curriculum - Outsider MU - 3/8/25 15:00:14
                                                  Jesus - JG MU - 3/8/25 15:05:23
                                                       No kidding, you are pretty fvckin stupid - Wildcat KSU - 3/8/25 15:53:07
                                                       Ah the white flag. You're so weak .(nm) - Outsider MU - 3/8/25 15:06:31
                                                            LOL says the steamrolled nitwit - JG MU - 3/8/25 15:09:00
                                                                 What's the "ignore list"? Sounds like a huge white flag - MIZ45 MU - 3/8/25 15:12:07
                                                                      He's got so many white flags - Wildcat KSU - 3/8/25 16:16:43
                                                                 I'm still here moron if you actually want to answer - Outsider MU - 3/8/25 15:10:41
                                                                      Did I use too many big words? - JG MU - 3/8/25 15:22:05
                                                                           You aren't capable. (nm) - Outsider MU - 3/8/25 15:25:27
                                                                                That's unpossible - JG MU - 3/8/25 15:28:09
                                                                                     And yet you are still a moron. (nm) - Outsider MU - 3/8/25 15:29:39
                                                                      He should stick to replying to posts from 9 years ago - MIZ45 MU - 3/8/25 15:13:17
                                                                           It never does. He is seriously a psycho and belongs - Outsider MU - 3/8/25 15:15:08
                                                                                He claims he never made a vow to not reply to superior - MIZ45 MU - 3/8/25 15:16:56
                                                                                     I'm on a do not reply list and he's the one squaking - Outsider MU - 3/8/25 15:19:21
                                             Well that's quite the lie from you, mullet - MIZ45 MU - 3/8/25 14:58:13
     Are your pronouns "feckless lying c*nt"? - RHAYWORTH MU - 3/8/25 14:08:36
          None of those words - JG MU - 3/8/25 14:12:58
               You're still a feckless lying c*nt. - RHAYWORTH MU - 3/8/25 14:18:27
                    No lying POS - JG MU - 3/8/25 14:19:14
                         3 different people have called you a liar today. - RHAYWORTH MU - 3/8/25 14:50:01
                              liars/people - JG MU - 3/8/25 14:52:44
     Ukraines only hope was an insurgency - El-ahrairah BAMA - 3/8/25 13:42:13
     you commies disgust decent people - JG MU - 3/8/25 13:24:31
          For wanting to prevent the deaths of Ukrainians? (nm) - Bosalphus KC - 3/8/25 13:51:21
               Not one person believes your party's crocodile tears - JG MU - 3/8/25 13:52:48
                    They do expose themselves with their hardline support - vmissouri MU - 3/8/25 14:13:10
                    LOL. Melt(nm) - AWOLTiger KC - 3/8/25 14:02:01
                         not one person - JG MU - 3/8/25 14:02:52
          You have a lot of Ukrainian blood on your hands. nm. - MUTGR MU - 3/8/25 13:28:47
               no comrade commie - JG MU - 3/8/25 13:35:00
                    As the person calling for continuation of that war, you - MIZ45 MU - 3/8/25 13:45:33
          The "they stole the GND from me!" guy calling someone else a - MIZ45 MU - 3/8/25 13:28:06
               Just another error on JG. - RHAYWORTH MU - 3/8/25 13:34:19
                    LOl I never posted that, nitwitted liar - JG MU - 3/8/25 13:38:05
                         The "unleash the drones on muh political foes" guy is - MIZ45 MU - 3/8/25 13:44:39
                              NEVER said that neither, lying POS - JG MU - 3/8/25 13:54:28
                                   You did, lying POS. You were banned for it(nm) - Wildcat KSU - 3/8/25 15:47:05
                                   Again, you've said exactly that and got suspended for it - MIZ45 MU - 3/8/25 14:44:45
                                        If you could link that up and NOT make a lying idiot of - JG MU - 3/8/25 14:57:08
                                             Of course! - MIZ45 MU - 3/8/25 15:02:29
                                                  LOL Jesus you REALLY are THAT stupid - JG MU - 3/8/25 15:08:00
                                                       "I'm going to ignore you again, since you still own me" - Wildcat KSU - 3/8/25 15:48:04
                                                       Lol, I don't blame you for renewing your bítch vow - MIZ45 MU - 3/8/25 15:09:59
                                                            J6 gets put down as the small man here every day - Wildcat KSU - 3/8/25 15:49:42
                         You did indeed post that comment on the new green deal. - RHAYWORTH MU - 3/8/25 13:42:00
                              LOl no lying POS I did not - JG MU - 3/8/25 13:46:00
                                   This is why you received every single vote for the board's - MIZ45 MU - 3/8/25 13:47:16
                                        NO LYING POS, IT IS NOT - JG MU - 3/8/25 13:50:18
                                             As I said, as you prove - MIZ45 MU - 3/8/25 14:43:27
                                                  "It's exactly what he said he just didn't use those words" - Wildcat KSU - 3/8/25 15:50:51
                                             Your NPD is showing, Lady Buttcutt (nm) - hefeweizen MU - 3/8/25 13:55:45
                                                  Lady Buttcutt doth protest too much. - RHAYWORTH MU - 3/8/25 14:06:44
                                                       Neither a lady nor a buttcut be - JG MU - 3/8/25 14:08:09
                                                  IF NPD is pointing out liars lies , as you obviously do, - JG MU - 3/8/25 13:57:31
          How do you get to "commies" from that post - NPDTiger MU - 3/8/25 13:28:00
               His complete fealty to Putin, capiche? - JG MU - 3/8/25 13:32:49
                    Putin isn't a communist(nm) - NPDTiger MU - 3/8/25 13:34:48
                         Well he was according to republicans - JG MU - 3/8/25 13:36:43
                              I never said anything about communism being tried - NPDTiger MU - 3/8/25 13:39:03
                                   LOL did you get amnesia when you created a new handle? - JG MU - 3/8/25 13:40:34
          His parents seemed to disagree. - GODZILLA MU - 3/8/25 13:24:04
               they are blinded by love of their son - JG MU - 3/8/25 13:25:52
                    But are they blind - MIZ45 MU - 3/8/25 13:27:22
                         DOH - GODZILLA MU - 3/8/25 13:29:11
                              beyond blindsided - JG MU - 3/8/25 13:33:53
                                   ^^still believes the Russia Hoax, and probably kids in cages - Wildcat KSU - 3/8/25 15:46:06
                                   ^^^ Cheering his Dems despicable behavior (nm) - MIZ45 MU - 3/8/25 13:48:41
                                   No Trump did something that normal people - GODZILLA MU - 3/8/25 13:37:07
                                        He massively disgustingly hypocrtically used the kid - JG MU - 3/8/25 13:39:35
          NPD(nm) - hefeweizen MU - 3/8/25 13:05:40
               LOL lying hack - JG MU - 3/8/25 13:09:08
          ......BUT TRUMP!!!!!! - MIZ45 MU - 3/8/25 13:04:53
Dupes on parade - JG MU - 3/8/25 12:50:06
     Not a Trump fan but not a committed demlib like you - mu7176grad MU - 3/8/25 13:09:08
          LOL why lie? - JG MU - 3/8/25 13:09:55
     You are indeed phucked with absurdity. - RHAYWORTH MU - 3/8/25 13:00:00
          yes I do nail it - JG MU - 3/8/25 13:01:41
     So a conservative doesn't have an issue with a bloated - MIZ45 MU - 3/8/25 12:58:10
          JG is a narcistic liar, who seeks green energy controls. - RHAYWORTH MU - 3/8/25 13:02:33
               LOL at your lying stupidity - JG MU - 3/8/25 13:05:16
                    Show us the waste and bloat - Wildcat KSU - 3/8/25 15:44:48
                    Odd. Because your crying is over the waste and bloat - MIZ45 MU - 3/8/25 13:06:26



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