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Politics Board

     It is good to see that convergence. (nm) - JeffB MU - 7/26/24 18:28:34
And so it came to pass - JG MU - 7/26/24 17:33:10
     Would you like some cheese with that .... (nm) - Outsider MU - 7/26/24 18:02:34
     And so it came to pass - MIZ45 MU - 7/26/24 18:02:04
          Its ok, we all know he wears a helmet and - Outsider MU - 7/26/24 18:03:59
     Haha! Yiu care more about bird babies than ... - Outsider MU - 7/26/24 18:05:48
          You do raise a valid and alarming point (nm) - MIZ45 MU - 7/26/24 18:09:11
     Wrong board - RHAYWORTH MU - 7/26/24 17:34:54
     Wrong board (nm) - MIZ45 MU - 7/26/24 17:11:53
wrong board* - tmcats KSU - 7/26/24 17:10:16
     Was this moved here from the football board, or did you - JeffB MU - 7/26/24 17:14:34
          uga scholastics post now on the football board(nm) - tmcats KSU - 7/26/24 17:17:26
               ok, thanks. (nm) - JeffB MU - 7/26/24 17:18:00
     defund public transportation(nm) - TigerFan92 STL - 7/26/24 17:17:49
          or blow it up &/or deactivate it, apparently. (nm) - JeffB MU - 7/26/24 17:25:19
     Its the amish again. - RHAYWORTH MU - 7/26/24 16:57:32
     Last I heard it was some of Ace's friends--eco-terrorists. (nm) - Tigrrrr! MU - 7/26/24 16:51:56
          Israel said it was Iran lol - Columbian Gold MU - 7/26/24 16:59:20
          Maybe a little payback for their Trannyfest Olympics. (nm) - JeffB MU - 7/26/24 16:56:16
     insidious. abigail adams was spot on about the french(nm) - tmcats KSU - 7/26/24 17:04:50
     That was some ridiculously stupid shiite - JG MU - 7/26/24 16:49:42
          If it was about abusing children you'd be glued... - Outsider MU - 7/26/24 18:07:13
     RE: What does a tranny last supper have to do with sports or - Columbian Gold MU - 7/26/24 16:44:23
JG, you have some xplainin' to do... - tigerNkc KC - 7/26/24 16:35:38
     OH and BTW - JG MU - 7/26/24 17:06:14
          I looked back and realized you commented on a video, which I - tigerNkc KC - 7/26/24 17:24:49
               trumps ear kinda reminds me of those cases - JG MU - 7/26/24 17:30:37
     First of all - JG MU - 7/26/24 16:47:27
          You clearly don't know what "strawman" means - MIZ45 MU - 7/26/24 17:10:56
Why don't they ever do this $hit with islam? - Th8tnTiger MU - 7/26/24 16:13:21
     Whackos are evil. every last lefty(nm) - TigerFan92 STL - 7/26/24 17:19:51
     What does that video have to do with Christianity? - MrTruman2U MU - 7/26/24 17:01:08
          It's a mockery of the Last Supper(nm) - AWOLTiger KC - 7/26/24 17:10:17
     1932 German satire predicting France in 100 years - Columbian Gold MU - 7/26/24 16:48:52
     Viva la France!!!!! - Tigrrrr! MU - 7/26/24 16:36:04
     Gyro’s wife looks like she’s lost a few pounds. Glad she - Carlos Rossi KC - 7/26/24 16:31:51
     You know why. Cuz islam will kill people for it - RHAYWORTH MU - 7/26/24 16:16:51
          Judgmental much son? By the by Dubya called it the - Floyd Turbo 99 - 7/26/24 16:34:33
               👍 (nm) - JeffB MU - 7/26/24 17:23:28
               It is funny that the usual suspects - JG MU - 7/26/24 16:58:41
     Vance has triggered progs like no one else, except Trump. I - BH O'bonga MU - 7/26/24 16:16:58
          LOL the absolute ridiculously delusional shiite - JG MU - 7/26/24 16:21:00
     Be careful how you couch your support for him - JG MU - 7/26/24 16:13:08
          Can you explain why you think this post is funny? (nm) - Lt. J. Dangle MU - 7/26/24 16:16:33
               So you are saying I ottoman not make jokes then(nm) - JG MU - 7/26/24 16:19:58
                    No that is not what I am saying. I am curiuos what you - Lt. J. Dangle MU - 7/26/24 16:26:01
                         Its difficult to explain humor to - JG MU - 7/26/24 16:30:51
                              You find explaining something you found so funny to - Lt. J. Dangle MU - 7/26/24 16:38:25
                                   If you have to axe you will never understand - JG MU - 7/26/24 16:51:49
                                        Asking questions is a great way to learn. You should - Lt. J. Dangle MU - 7/26/24 16:57:15
                                             LOL - JG MU - 7/26/24 17:00:05
     vance was a mistaken choice, one kam might counter ... - tmcats KSU - 7/26/24 14:59:55
          your posting here is a mistaken choice - FootballRefugee MU - 7/26/24 15:25:22
               lol(nm) - Th8tnTiger MU - 7/26/24 15:54:02
          No he's a good choice - Sal CMSU - 7/26/24 15:22:37
               Vance is a principleless back stabbing grifter - JG MU - 7/26/24 16:12:16
                    You loved that about biden! - RHAYWORTH MU - 7/26/24 16:17:40
               Yeah just have to weather the poc girl bossin yass kweenin - Th8tnTiger MU - 7/26/24 16:10:17
               Intelligent? - Gyro STL - 7/26/24 15:45:48
                    That comment made 3 years ago and a made up story are the - JeffB MU - 7/26/24 17:40:03
                    Yes, he’s intelligent (nm) - Sal CMSU - 7/26/24 16:02:02
                         Well, Gyro believes that using cat women - Lt. J. Dangle MU - 7/26/24 16:06:18
                              You're just dumb AF... - Gyro STL - 7/26/24 16:34:11
                                   Well, I didn't lie about reading a book and then get - Lt. J. Dangle MU - 7/26/24 16:42:27
                                        Just keep yappin'... - Gyro STL - 7/26/24 17:50:03
                    You still claiming to have read his book even though you - Lt. J. Dangle MU - 7/26/24 15:47:38
                         Careful, his fat wife's parents are rich - Columbian Gold MU - 7/26/24 15:50:48
                              That won't help Sal's statement that Vance is intelligent... - Gyro STL - 7/26/24 15:51:40
                         Please let us in on this huge secret Dangleberry(nm) - Gyro STL - 7/26/24 15:49:38
                              Who said anything about a huge secret??? WTF? - Lt. J. Dangle MU - 7/26/24 15:57:41
                                   Dumb****... - Gyro STL - 7/26/24 16:33:32
                                        I've never claimed it be sleuthing. You obviously didn't - Lt. J. Dangle MU - 7/26/24 16:46:37
                                   He never read the book (nm) - Sal CMSU - 7/26/24 16:03:14
                                        Obviously and now he says he just didn't remember the - Lt. J. Dangle MU - 7/26/24 16:48:20
               the media would have applauded a moderate like nikki(nm) - tmcats KSU - 7/26/24 15:25:40
                    1). The GOP shouldn’t try to please the media - Sal CMSU - 7/26/24 16:05:15
                    yeah, the dem media loves Nikki - 90Tiger STL - 7/26/24 15:28:50
                         many of us love her(nm) - tmcats KSU - 7/26/24 15:39:30
                              you're in the dem media, good to know. - 90Tiger STL - 7/26/24 15:42:01
                    No they wouldn’t have. They would have treated her like - tman MU - 7/26/24 15:28:06
          Kam's problem in the upper midwest is kam. No VP is going - pinkman MU - 7/26/24 15:14:00
               But that's just it, she doesn't have to win the Rust Belt... - Gyro STL - 7/26/24 15:48:28
               mn, wi, mi - i don't today?(nm) - tmcats KSU - 7/26/24 15:18:45
                    ? (nm) - JeffB MU - 7/26/24 15:22:13
                         upper midwest states in play(nm) - tmcats KSU - 7/26/24 15:23:15
                              I guess you're using talk to text on your phone? (nm) - JeffB MU - 7/26/24 15:24:29
                                   quit being so obtuse - what's your point?(nm) - tmcats KSU - 7/26/24 15:26:29
                                        you need to re-read your responses in this thread - 90Tiger STL - 7/26/24 15:42:26
          there are no centrists in the Dem party.... - Spanky KU - 7/26/24 15:04:06
               They tried to tell us Harris was a moderate too (nm) - Sal CMSU - 7/26/24 15:21:09
                    i've never heard her described as anything but a raging lib(nm) - tmcats KSU - 7/26/24 15:22:31
                         You should go back to the posts leading up to the 2020 - Sal CMSU - 7/26/24 15:24:29
                              here ... - tmcats KSU - 7/26/24 15:27:58
               kelly from arizona is atop her list along with ... - tmcats KSU - 7/26/24 15:07:55
                    Kelly voted with Biden 96% of the time - Spanky KU - 7/26/24 16:29:09
                    Who not been atop her? (nm) - Fourth and Long MU - 7/26/24 15:12:51
                         did trump grab her p'sy too?(nm) - tmcats KSU - 7/26/24 15:17:43
                              another lie, so easily stated, so casually (nm) - 90Tiger STL - 7/26/24 15:43:53
               lol - tsutiger57 MU - 7/26/24 15:05:18
It's kind of embarrassing that people still - Logan BAMA - 7/26/24 14:38:49
     I do steamroll your ilk way too easily - JG MU - 7/26/24 16:10:59
     Some people play with their food(nm) - AWOLTiger KC - 7/26/24 15:09:12
     irony is deep, so much so that people drown in it(nm) - tmcats KSU - 7/26/24 15:01:00
     It is a jousting match for entertainment purposes. (nm) - JeffB MU - 7/26/24 14:52:09
          100% people take these boards way too seriously. It should - Fourth and Long MU - 7/26/24 14:54:55
          Correct - Wildcat KSU - 7/26/24 14:54:25
     I don’t get a lot of the engagement - meatiger MU - 7/26/24 14:47:31
     9. Arkansas Senator introduced legislation to deport any - JeffB MU - 7/26/24 14:47:08
          No. 3 is another reason I'm not voting DT. That - GA Tiger MU - 7/26/24 18:27:05
     to be fair, 16 years between pictures will show a huge - Spanky KU - 7/26/24 14:32:48
          That was #10 on the list. Did you scroll down thru others? (nm) - JeffB MU - 7/26/24 14:34:29
               Not a subscriber.. could only see #10 - Spanky KU - 7/26/24 14:40:12
                    I added a description & links in a post below the OP: - JeffB MU - 7/26/24 14:48:34
                         Thanks! - Spanky KU - 7/26/24 14:55:54
                              You ought to go ahead and sign up for a free X account. - JeffB MU - 7/26/24 14:57:26
     They took your license away from you - TGR84 MU - 7/26/24 18:09:50
     Oh for ****s sake, anyone with a brain can see with their - tigerNkc KC - 7/26/24 16:26:22
          You may of course be correct - JG MU - 7/26/24 16:34:05
     Did he have a ketchup packet?(nm) - Iron DUKE - 7/26/24 15:15:25
     Were traces of thermite found on the stage or rooftop? - Fourth and Long MU - 7/26/24 14:51:57
     Don't let the picture of the bullet deter you - Spanky KU - 7/26/24 14:24:44
          That's what I don't understand - Sal CMSU - 7/26/24 14:32:32
               Its clear that facts mean nothing to you - JG MU - 7/26/24 16:18:49
               and the teleprompters are fully in tact (nm) - 90Tiger STL - 7/26/24 14:59:35
               Odd that the one who never lies and only deals with facts is - MIZ45 MU - 7/26/24 14:47:59
               It takes the most severe case of TDS + NPD - Wildcat KSU - 7/26/24 14:34:50
                    It's pretty insane for Wray to come out and say what - Sal CMSU - 7/26/24 14:36:34
                         IKR completely insane to want to see and review evidence - JG MU - 7/26/24 16:07:51
                         listen VERY carefully to what he said...something - 90Tiger STL - 7/26/24 15:00:41
                              Their politics is showing again. (nm) - JeffB MU - 7/26/24 15:21:37
                              It was really weird (nm) - Sal CMSU - 7/26/24 15:01:37
                         Especially since the teleprompters weren't hit by a bullet - Spanky KU - 7/26/24 14:41:58
                              I'm not sure - Sal CMSU - 7/26/24 14:46:40
                                   Maybe from one of the SS/FBI drones they used to secure - Spanky KU - 7/26/24 15:00:15
     So the mods allow this crap...wow...........nm - tigertix MU - 7/26/24 14:10:01
          To be fair, we allow your crap too. (nm) - haeffb MU - 7/26/24 15:02:23
     So if he was hit by fragment, how does that change the - tman MU - 7/26/24 13:56:56
          It only changes the heroic bravery of the God annointed - JG MU - 7/26/24 14:01:35
               How would it change that? (nm) - Sal CMSU - 7/26/24 14:05:09
     Was it an assassination attempt and, if not, what was it? - Reagan STL - 7/26/24 13:55:19
          The concensus of the intelligent honest, not you, - JG MU - 7/26/24 13:59:39
               This notion that the SS detail was all Trump people is a - Lt. J. Dangle MU - 7/26/24 14:13:13
               What does Project 2025 have to do with the SS detail? - Sal CMSU - 7/26/24 14:06:11
                    its the prototype where blind devotion - JG MU - 7/26/24 14:09:09
                         The Heritage Foundation has done this since 1981 and - Lt. J. Dangle MU - 7/26/24 14:16:55
                         Project 2025 is nothing new for the Heritage Foundation - Sal CMSU - 7/26/24 14:11:16
               The fact that they had Brenda and Karen on SS detail - Carlos Rossi KC - 7/26/24 14:03:45
                    and yet your type wants every - JG MU - 7/26/24 14:10:06
                         Where did I say that? You and the rest of the DEMS are - Carlos Rossi KC - 7/26/24 14:24:53
                         Nobody has ever made that argument - Sal CMSU - 7/26/24 14:15:30
     You're straight up tarded(nm) - AWOLTiger KC - 7/26/24 13:48:10
          thanks from the POV of someone like you - JG MU - 7/26/24 13:50:50
               Not just him, the general consensus of TB is that you are a - DHighlander NWMSU - 7/26/24 13:53:32
                    thanks when people think 10 yr olds can toss tons - JG MU - 7/26/24 13:55:42
                         Go put your helmet back on. The short bus is waiting(nm) - AWOLTiger KC - 7/26/24 14:03:48
Whoa. This absolutely nails JG - MIZ45 MU - 7/26/24 13:31:57
     lol poor jg(nm) - Th8tnTiger MU - 7/26/24 13:36:00
          LOL not only does that nail trumplicans - JG MU - 7/26/24 13:43:08
               Why are you on the thread of someone you vowed to not reply - MIZ45 MU - 7/26/24 13:53:04
               If you aren't a democrat it's only because their platform - Th8tnTiger MU - 7/26/24 13:44:17
                    LOL thats the lying - JG MU - 7/26/24 13:46:55
                         Why did you say you never wished violence on Trump after - MIZ45 MU - 7/26/24 13:54:26
This is so embarrassing - Th8tnTiger MU - 7/26/24 12:59:38
     I'm confused, what is a dude? - BigDave MU - 7/26/24 13:40:13
     I can't imagine our country voting in a San Fran Marxist - El Zorro MU - 7/26/24 13:14:45
     Why is every single thing from the left about race - AWOLTiger KC - 7/26/24 13:11:34
          It’s all they have going for them - El-ahrairah BAMA - 7/26/24 13:12:48
     Organized by a guy named Skolnik lol - ChinaTiger KC - 7/26/24 13:02:30
          Sign up for your own destruction(nm) - El-ahrairah BAMA - 7/26/24 13:21:52
          lol(nm) - Th8tnTiger MU - 7/26/24 13:04:40
     no doubt that guy likes pegging - Sal CMSU - 7/26/24 13:01:04
          Being the pegger or the peggee? (nm) - Tigrrrr! MU - 7/26/24 13:22:57
Have we talked about climate change yet today? - Achmed MU - 7/26/24 12:13:44
     The honeymoon will never be over in the MSM. Most - Sarazen KC - 7/26/24 13:26:16
     But she did pass the Cal Bar on second try - mu7176grad MU - 7/26/24 12:33:26
          RE: But she did pass the Cal Bar on second try - namres MU - 7/26/24 13:32:42
               Trump has never had "a rape charge" - Th8tnTiger MU - 7/26/24 13:35:24
          Did they lower the standards for DEI? (nm) - Tigrrrr! MU - 7/26/24 13:02:18
     Wow! So with her great work, only 10 million - Outsider MU - 7/26/24 12:23:18
     good lord (nm) - Sal CMSU - 7/26/24 12:10:30
     I dunno, Biden had a four year honeymoon. It didn't end - hokie VT - 7/26/24 12:08:31
     Let's hope Ronny wasn't pounding Wild Turkey... - Gyro STL - 7/26/24 11:59:02
          So does your Nancy Pelosi - MIZ45 MU - 7/26/24 12:34:52
          lol the left never had a problem with him - Sal CMSU - 7/26/24 12:09:51
               Lol, oops (nm) - MIZ45 MU - 7/26/24 12:35:12
               Well when he said Obama weighed 150, it seemed reasonable... - Gyro STL - 7/26/24 12:13:00
                    Probably b/c nobody gave a sh*t what Obama weighed - Sal CMSU - 7/26/24 12:16:21
                         I think Jackson was like a basketball referee... - Gyro STL - 7/26/24 12:49:45
                              Oh but he was on the take with Trump? - Sal CMSU - 7/26/24 12:54:15
                                   LOL - JG MU - 7/26/24 13:54:26
                         Obese people have myriad related health issues, and it’s - FIJItiger MU - 7/26/24 12:26:34
                              Obama loves his cigs - Sal CMSU - 7/26/24 12:28:33
                                   Obama plays full court baskeball... - Gyro STL - 7/26/24 12:48:07
                                        take the black cock out of your mouth bro (nm) - Sal CMSU - 7/26/24 12:53:51
                                             lol.(nm) - Carlos Rossi KC - 7/26/24 13:07:32
                                             Like I said, off the deep end... - Gyro STL - 7/26/24 12:56:21
                                                  speaking of going off the deep end - Sal CMSU - 7/26/24 12:58:33
                                                       Hey you didn't talk about black cock... - Gyro STL - 7/26/24 13:03:37
                                   I think that is a relevant health risk to discuss (nm) - FIJItiger MU - 7/26/24 12:29:27
     JG and playhard already set their response up for - Sal CMSU - 7/26/24 11:27:53
          Jackson is a proven liar - JG MU - 7/26/24 13:50:06
          RE: JG and playhard already set their response up for - Frank Poncherello MU - 7/26/24 12:05:40
               and yet you make me appear to be a - JG MU - 7/26/24 14:03:33
          Lol, good lord (nm) - MIZ45 MU - 7/26/24 11:48:48
               enjoy this wild thread - Sal CMSU - 7/26/24 11:49:15
     Wray is a lefty and ws denegrtating DJT becuse he knows he's - tigertix MU - 7/26/24 11:26:22
Bill Eigel stands on bidniz! - AllThingsKC KC - 7/26/24 11:16:49
     I don’t see how someone that dumb can be a real person - FIJItiger MU - 7/26/24 12:40:16
     I like Valentina Gomez - Columbian Gold MU - 7/26/24 11:36:41
     THat and ending personal property tax, he's the anti swamp.. - tigertix MU - 7/26/24 11:27:52
     Gyro is freaking out. If he gets elected then Gyro’s wife - Carlos Rossi KC - 7/26/24 11:26:30
          Yes, I'm terrified. - Gyro STL - 7/26/24 11:41:52
     I saw the local news this morning - Wildcat KSU - 7/26/24 11:22:12
          They take Show me state seriously...nm - bcoop199 KC - 7/26/24 11:51:10
          I think it’s awesome. Don’t be weak and gay is one of my - Carlos Rossi KC - 7/26/24 11:30:43
          I saw three dem adds - tman MU - 7/26/24 11:24:32
     It is funny...but Kehoe is better for Gov. Imo - Logan BAMA - 7/26/24 11:21:38
          We need more laws like a hole in the head.....nm - tigertix MU - 7/26/24 11:29:26
The job's open.... - Tigrrrr! MU - 7/26/24 11:04:29
Sounding like Kelly is the front runner for VP - Th8tnTiger MU - 7/26/24 10:53:54
     White privilege, duh. Nm - hokie VT - 7/26/24 12:11:30
     WI, PA, MI not helped (nm) - 90Tiger STL - 7/26/24 11:00:32
Ireland - El-ahrairah BAMA - 7/26/24 10:25:22
     Probably some country boys that have had enough(nm) - redngray MU - 7/26/24 10:51:34
          They fought for centuries over religion - El-ahrairah BAMA - 7/26/24 10:53:43
               i say no (nm) - 90Tiger STL - 7/26/24 11:00:54
               How many generations before they - redngray MU - 7/26/24 11:00:17
     RE: Ireland - Spanky KU - 7/26/24 10:40:22
     Don't they understand the splendor of diversity? The crime, - hokie VT - 7/26/24 10:35:02
     there are still people in Ireland who have fought for what - 90Tiger STL - 7/26/24 10:28:31
     skankapottamus alert (nm) - Tigrrrr! MU - 7/26/24 10:42:32
     I think her weirdness has little to do with Kamala - El-ahrairah BAMA - 7/26/24 10:32:06
Appeals court smacks down Jack Smith - ZouMiz STL - 7/26/24 09:41:12
     RE: Appeals court smacks down Jack Smith - sarasotatiger MU - 7/26/24 10:21:28
          lol (nm) - 90Tiger STL - 7/26/24 10:24:19
               You may have to create a few double handles. Ace is keeping - Tigrrrr! MU - 7/26/24 10:43:41
                    how creepy, ironic, and stupid is that? (nm) - 90Tiger STL - 7/26/24 10:53:14
                         It's D O C. What do you expect? (nm) - Tigrrrr! MU - 7/26/24 10:56:08
     Darn it, first time in history a court has asked for briefs(nm) - raskolnikov MU - 7/26/24 09:50:21
          First time in history a judge ruled a special prosecutor was - Spanky KU - 7/26/24 10:21:25
               Rask must enjoy stepping on a rake daily. (nm) - Tigrrrr! MU - 7/26/24 10:44:32
                    "That's him" - Wildcat KSU - 7/26/24 10:47:13
          lol rask (nm) - Sal CMSU - 7/26/24 10:10:24
          how is it possible for you to be ignorant and wrong so - 90Tiger STL - 7/26/24 09:57:30
               Wait are you saying courts ask for briefs as a matter of - raskolnikov MU - 7/26/24 10:00:22
                    RE: Wait are you saying courts ask for briefs as a matter of - 90Tiger STL - 7/26/24 10:11:10
                         Darn it, 1st time attorney has asked for expedited ruling - raskolnikov MU - 7/26/24 10:42:12
                              From who? The Smith case was dismissed - Spanky KU - 7/26/24 10:48:06
                                   We will see how that all pans out freind(nm) - raskolnikov MU - 7/26/24 10:52:03
                                        How do you think he was constitutionally appointed? - Spanky KU - 7/26/24 12:17:09
                                        Bookmarket(nm) - Wildcat KSU - 7/26/24 11:23:15
                    It didn't get expedited (nm) - Sal CMSU - 7/26/24 10:10:42
          He was trying to get an expedited ruling dude - ZouMiz STL - 7/26/24 09:52:16
               Love the cocky attitude dude. And one question, do you think - raskolnikov MU - 7/26/24 09:59:12
                    Better than a VP doing it - Wildcat KSU - 7/26/24 10:33:32
                         Do you know what documents Biden took? - raskolnikov MU - 7/26/24 10:43:38
                              How'd he sprinkle them over multiple locations? - Wildcat KSU - 7/26/24 10:45:27
                                   My favorite was penn think tank funded by china - RHAYWORTH MU - 7/26/24 10:58:45
                                        somehow, with all his researching of Trump - Wildcat KSU - 7/26/24 11:06:30
                                   Uh huh, sure, he "sprinkled them over several locations".(nm) - raskolnikov MU - 7/26/24 10:50:00
                                        Wait, you didn't know that? - Wildcat KSU - 7/26/24 10:54:59
                    As long as they store them in their garage, in the vette - TGR84 MU - 7/26/24 10:12:32
                    nice laydown. Biden absconded with documents several - 90Tiger STL - 7/26/24 10:12:11
                         " ??"several times in several roles"? - raskolnikov MU - 7/26/24 10:48:53
                              You sir remain an eager gullible idiot - RHAYWORTH MU - 7/26/24 10:59:57
                    RE: Love the cocky attitude dude. And one question, do you think - Achmed MU - 7/26/24 10:11:14
                    I think that if you charge Trump, then you have to charge - ZouMiz STL - 7/26/24 10:05:59
                    the president can declassify anything he wants - tman MU - 7/26/24 10:05:53
     When the "media" openly lies about something - BigDave MU - 7/26/24 10:09:00
     Not sure why they are running from this… - Outsider MU - 7/26/24 09:41:39
          Remind me again why AOC was crying in her white pants - Wildcat KSU - 7/26/24 09:42:56
               In an empty parking lot nonetheless - Sal CMSU - 7/26/24 09:50:40
                    "We need a photo op. Find me a chain link fence." (nm) - Tigrrrr! MU - 7/26/24 10:57:55
     You'll be seeing a lot of this in the coming months - Eggs MU - 7/26/24 09:38:42
          The group that labeled her the most liberal senator - Sal CMSU - 7/26/24 09:40:17
               anyone who doesn't acknowledge the pilling of america - 90Tiger STL - 7/26/24 09:49:20
               And all of a sudden California wants to deal with the - Eggs MU - 7/26/24 09:43:01
     None of that is being handled well - raskolnikov MU - 7/26/24 09:38:05
          Good post. Unfortunately they are trying to walk back - OntheMark MU - 7/26/24 11:49:54
          Biden called her the Czar, not anyone else(nm) - ZouMiz STL - 7/26/24 09:55:53
               Why do Leftist Scumbag Progs - Wildcat KSU - 7/26/24 09:58:32
          she didn't think it was a problem, still doesn't, and did - 90Tiger STL - 7/26/24 09:49:50
               Harris did not think WHAT was a problem?(nm) - raskolnikov MU - 7/26/24 09:51:23
                    the border. 3+ years the white house said "there - 90Tiger STL - 7/26/24 09:53:33
                         Why appoint a Border Czar - haeffb MU - 7/26/24 10:23:48
                              they were politically forced to, it was purely cosmetic - 90Tiger STL - 7/26/24 15:10:38
          She didn't do a single thing that was "hands on" or act - Wildcat KSU - 7/26/24 09:45:30
     The counterpoint is so simple for pubs. If the border is so - Th8tnTiger MU - 7/26/24 09:35:38
     I'm sure a few posters here will defend this - Sal CMSU - 7/26/24 09:25:02
          Ras, JG and Ace being the biggest liberal dupes on TB - mu7176grad MU - 7/26/24 09:43:18
This man has paid for every sin he's ever committed - Th8tnTiger MU - 7/26/24 09:05:20
     he looks murderous, and rightfully so (nm) - 90Tiger STL - 7/26/24 10:29:23
     I don't know about that, but that is a funny clip. (nm) - JeffB MU - 7/26/24 10:24:08
     I feel bad for him, I don't agree polically but he seems - ZouMiz STL - 7/26/24 09:08:57
          RE: I feel bad for him, I don't agree polically but he seems - meatiger MU - 7/26/24 09:45:34
               I bet he'd be a good wingman though and help land some - ZouMiz STL - 7/26/24 09:47:45
          RE: I feel bad for him, I don't agree polically but he seems - sarasotatiger MU - 7/26/24 09:14:05
     Bill thinking how in the hell did I end up on house arrest - Iron DUKE - 7/26/24 09:07:13
     I for one never imagined bronco and largebottom endorsing a - hokie VT - 7/26/24 09:38:49
     LOL, you guys are all flailing since Sunday... - Gyro STL - 7/26/24 09:20:12
          This is another Avenatti moment for you - Wildcat KSU - 7/26/24 09:59:55
          i don't care about the phone. I'm laughing at Barack talking - 90Tiger STL - 7/26/24 09:52:31
          I think a lot of people notice how awkward she is and - ZouMiz STL - 7/26/24 09:36:41
               stop flailing bro lol (nm) - Sal CMSU - 7/26/24 09:37:02
          says the guy who just posted a false story - Sal CMSU - 7/26/24 09:23:23
               Says the guy who just posted a false story about JD Vance - BH O'bonga MU - 7/26/24 09:26:00
                    LOL... - Gyro STL - 7/26/24 09:34:13
                         Your TBIM was 100% focused on the portion of the inheritance - Carlos Rossi KC - 7/26/24 10:10:30
                              Prior to 2016 he was a pretty cool poster - Sal CMSU - 7/26/24 10:14:02
                         RE: LOL...: Did you think he wouldn't share your messages to - BH O'bonga MU - 7/26/24 09:37:55
               Changing the subject = more flailing(nm) - Gyro STL - 7/26/24 09:25:13
                    My post was about flailing (nm) - Sal CMSU - 7/26/24 09:25:40
                         You are flailing so congrats(nm) - Gyro STL - 7/26/24 09:31:42
                              What am I flailing about? (nm) - Sal CMSU - 7/26/24 09:32:16
                                   I know you always get ****ed off when I point it out... - Gyro STL - 7/26/24 09:37:50
                                        lol yep there's the insecurity already coming out - Sal CMSU - 7/26/24 09:39:12
                                             How is it insecurity that I point out... - Gyro STL - 7/26/24 09:41:59
                                                  It's obvious to everybody you feel very little about - Sal CMSU - 7/26/24 09:42:49
                                                       LOL... - Gyro STL - 7/26/24 09:44:26
                                                            lol dude your post count attacks on me don't - Sal CMSU - 7/26/24 09:48:12
     Does a normal person sell herself to gain an advantage over - BH O'bonga MU - 7/26/24 09:20:11
     Seems authentic and not staged(nm) - Iron DUKE - 7/26/24 09:05:29
     RE: First DOD renames ships, forts and bases bowing to DEI goals - sarasotatiger MU - 7/26/24 09:12:00
          What occurred at Wounded Knee doesn't hold a candle to what - BH O'bonga MU - 7/26/24 09:18:09
               RE: What occurred at Wounded Knee doesn't hold a candle to what - sarasotatiger MU - 7/26/24 09:23:12
                    Pretty sure a lot of Dems want tens of millions of - 90Tiger STL - 7/26/24 09:55:15
                    RE: What occurred at Wounded Knee doesn't hold a candle to what - BH O'bonga MU - 7/26/24 09:31:02
     RE: How much will the Biden administration pay Hamas to release - sarasotatiger MU - 7/26/24 09:18:23
          The Muzz best interest is served by another Democrat - hokie VT - 7/26/24 09:33:41
El chapo son arrested - JangoFett MU - 7/26/24 08:41:12
     Hope Hunter's drug source not impacted - mu7176grad MU - 7/26/24 08:51:28
          RE: Hope Hunter's drug source not impacted - JangoFett MU - 7/26/24 09:03:53
     He's gonna get extra long probation. Nm - hokie VT - 7/26/24 08:44:16
     Yep....political move. (nm) - Logan BAMA - 7/26/24 08:42:51
          RE: Yep....political move. (nm) - JangoFett MU - 7/26/24 09:04:17



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