Frank was declining. Kim, under your scenario, will be
Posted on: October 31, 2016 at 16:35:05 CT
alwaysright MU
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17.82 yrs
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improving. Frank was not on the hotseat because he won 23 games in year 3. That idea is ludicrous. Expectations are that this is a 25-win program. Reality is that 25-wins with this type of situation is not possible under our situation if you want to keep winning 25 games.
Frank had to rebuild but he never did. He held it together with bailing twine and it fell apart on that scenario ALWAYS eventually does.
Kim is actually rebuilding. That is what we needed. It's painful. It always is painful to legitimately rebuild.
We shouldn't have hired Kim, but he is doing it the right way. This program will be MUCH more stable in 2 and 5 years from now because of it.