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You love to talk about the offenses inefficiency,

Posted on: September 16, 2016 at 15:42:46 CT
nerdmachine KC
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14.29 yrs
M.O.B. Votes:
If you were to go back and watch the games in conference you will notice that any time the ball was in Wes Clark, Namon Wright, or Tramaine Isabell's hands it would stick. They would stand there for like 5 or 6 seconds and jab step or hold the ball looking for their shot. This is why the offense did not look good. This is not on the coaching staff, no coaching staff tells a player to hold the ball. Either pass it, attack right away, or shoot.
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     Wright and Clark led the team in minutes per game - quicksand MU - 9/16 19:55:01
          Theres a difference between being - wu-tangtiger MU - 9/17 15:16:26
     Some need recruiting rankings to tell them who can play - Mr. Orange SU - 9/16 16:00:17
          Or you can look at the facts that the best teams have the - StaleyTiger MU - 9/16 21:08:00
               You think CMA is a hall of fame coach - Mr. Orange SU - 9/16 23:35:37
               Teams with Final 4 aspirations recruit the best players - wu-tangtiger MU - 9/16 21:33:21
                    Most major conference teams that are perennial tourney teams - StaleyTiger MU - 9/16 21:39:30
                         either better recruiting or better development - wu-tangtiger MU - 9/16 21:53:18
          KA must be one of them - quicksand MU - 9/16 19:59:08
          For example... - Mr. Orange SU - 9/16 16:00:37
          Agree, feefee and his minions should stop worrying about the - MidMoBaller4Life MU - 9/16 14:18:38
               RE: Agree, feefee and his minions should stop worrying about the - StlWeir MU - 9/17 09:50:32
               Fiji didn't make that OP, check your premise (nm) - 90Tiger MU - 9/16 14:22:09
                    It wasn't about the OP, just a general statement old chap!(nm) - MidMoBaller4Life MU - 9/16 14:23:05
                         I know, which means it wasn't topical but typical (nm) - 90Tiger MU - 9/16 14:23:25
                              You should be a rapper(nm) - MidMoBaller4Life MU - 9/16 14:24:14
                                   90 cent (nm) - Uncle John MU - 9/16 14:47:09
                                        Nitty cent - Mr. Orange SU - 9/16 16:01:33
                                        lol(nm) - MidMoBaller4Life MU - 9/16 14:51:38
                                   A KA poster posts about the past and you blame - 90Tiger MU - 9/16 14:26:11
                                        Let's be manly men and push forward through this storm!(nm) - MidMoBaller4Life MU - 9/16 14:27:55
          I look forward to seeing the new guys and the returners. I - Uncle John MU - 9/16 14:03:26
          feej leads the board in that category and you worship him - Jeff85 MU - 9/16 13:45:20
     they weren't good enough so we have new players - Jeff85 MU - 9/16 13:36:58
     Again, 5 of the top 7 scorers from last yrs 10 win team - FIJItiger MU - 9/16 12:58:09
          RE: Again, 5 of the top 7 scorers from last yrs 10 win team - StlWeir MU - 9/17 10:00:55
          You love to talk about the offenses inefficiency, - nerdmachine KC - 9/16 15:42:46
               Then I wonder why Wright and Clark - quicksand MU - 9/16 20:08:27
                    RE: Then I wonder why Wright and Clark - StlWeir MU - 9/17 10:02:56
                         Normally the best players play the most minutes - quicksand MU - 9/17 14:44:33
                    Does it matter if there are basically no efficient - wu-tangtiger MU - 9/16 21:15:21
          9 of the 1op 13 scorers from the 2014 team - haeffb MU - 9/16 14:05:42
               And we went from 23 wins to 9. - quicksand MU - 9/16 20:13:46
                    I am betting that this is KAs team with the most wins - wu-tangtiger MU - 9/16 20:45:49
          This is a lie. - zodiac6 JC - 9/16 13:51:39
               Our top 5 scorers in SEC play, in order, were: - FIJItiger MU - 9/16 13:54:38
                    Top scorers and top scorers in SEC play are not the same - MizzouTigerz MU - 9/16 20:29:16
                    So like I said, a lie. - zodiac6 JC - 9/16 13:59:33
                         We aren't trying to compete against Wofford, Lipscomb, - FIJItiger MU - 9/16 14:07:50
                              RE: We aren't trying to compete against Wofford, Lipscomb, - StlWeir MU - 9/17 10:05:07
                              If you meant top scorers in SEC play why didn't you say it? - MizzouTigerz MU - 9/16 20:34:05
                              Mizzou couldn't compete because they players - wu-tangtiger MU - 9/16 14:20:18
                                   It was most importantly, until this season, the least - FIJItiger MU - 9/16 14:24:15
                                        we actually don't know that this years team - wu-tangtiger MU - 9/16 14:38:52
                                        Some teams can simply will themselves to be better - Rabbit Test MU - 9/16 14:29:31
                                             Ya, his junior season was the opposite of that - FIJItiger MU - 9/16 14:30:40
                                                  Imagine how bad we would still be - Rabbit Test MU - 9/16 14:34:50
                                   Bad defense is Kim Anderson's fault. - Rabbit Test MU - 9/16 14:23:37
                                        Team defense yes - wu-tangtiger MU - 9/16 14:36:56
                                             Do you think Gant's shoulder injury might have impacted - tigerdb MU - 9/16 15:24:28
                                                  RE: Do you think Gant's shoulder injury might have impacted - StlWeir MU - 9/17 10:09:02
                                                  As I said below Gant's defense was much better last year - wu-tangtiger MU - 9/16 15:46:18
                                             Well, not exactly - Rabbit Test MU - 9/16 14:40:15
                                                  Gant actually made huge defensive improvement - wu-tangtiger MU - 9/16 14:44:52
                              I am afraid - Rabbit Test MU - 9/16 14:09:56
                    Different argument - "in SEC play" - haeffb MU - 9/16 13:58:36
                         Walton and Gant also played half the minutes - wu-tangtiger MU - 9/16 14:40:55
                         I'd be curious to see who actually did the scoring - zodiac6 JC - 9/16 14:01:40
                              Limit it to the three SEC wins, to be consistent - haeffb MU - 9/16 14:04:22
                                   Scoring in our 10 wins - zodiac6 JC - 9/16 15:51:51
                                        The formula in those wins is repeatable - wu-tangtiger MU - 9/16 16:59:09
                                   For just those three games - zodiac6 JC - 9/16 14:13:44
          advanced stats had only 4 above average players - wu-tangtiger MU - 9/16 13:41:49
               Advanced stats measure performance - FIJItiger MU - 9/16 13:43:39
                    wins and losses measures performance as well - wu-tangtiger MU - 9/16 14:12:01
                         But all of our players for 2 years have - FIJItiger MU - 9/16 14:16:20
                              Wrong. - haeffb MU - 9/16 14:44:58
                              The results are result of bad play or bad coaching. - Rabbit Test MU - 9/16 14:25:43
                                   It's both - wu-tangtiger MU - 9/16 14:47:49
                              The players weren't good enough - wu-tangtiger MU - 9/16 14:21:40
                                   Right. Bad coaching, bad effort, and bad talent is - FIJItiger MU - 9/16 14:26:23
          2 players left out of top 10 scorers and neither one - Rabbit Test MU - 9/16 13:02:03
     The guys that left are missed because they never became - StaleyTiger MU - 9/16 12:56:25
          Exactly. Losing J3, Teki, Namon, Gant, Isabell, and Allen - tgr MU - 9/16 13:45:58
               you had me, until you mentioned the last 2 guys - wu-tangtiger MU - 9/16 14:14:49
     They weren't used correctly or put in the position to - SabertoothTiger MU - 9/16 12:54:53
          JW3 was badly mis-utilized his sophomore year (nm) - FIJItiger MU - 9/16 12:58:59
               No, he was to weak to operated where he should have played - Uncle John MU - 9/16 13:46:39
                    So running the point was the proper way to utilize him? - FIJItiger MU - 9/16 13:48:32
                         Pretty sure J3 wasn't utilized incorrectly, - nerdmachine KC - 9/16 16:38:07
                         I think he let him do what he wanted, its called getting a - Uncle John MU - 9/16 14:06:20
                              Ok, got it - FIJItiger MU - 9/16 14:09:12
                                   It is when it doesn't matter(nm) - Uncle John MU - 9/16 14:10:03
                                        So using him properly couldn't have resulted in things like - FIJItiger MU - 9/16 14:13:31
                                             J3 wanted to prove he could shoot and be a stretch 4 - nerdmachine KC - 9/16 16:40:12
                                                  RE: J3 wanted to prove he could shoot and be a stretch 4 - StlWeir MU - 9/18 00:09:58
               no, he was and always will be a role player - Jeff85 MU - 9/16 13:40:17
                    I guess we'll see how much of a role player he is, starting - tigerdb MU - 9/16 13:47:00
                         I predict he will never be much more that a 10ppg type and - Jeff85 MU - 9/16 13:50:48
                              11.9 points and 7.9 rebounds a game with MARK FEW coaching - Rabbit Test MU - 9/16 14:05:58
                                   they won't need him to score much - Jeff85 MU - 9/16 14:13:19
                                        You are saying he won't look to score, won't - Rabbit Test MU - 9/16 14:20:29
                                             if you think he recruited him to be one of the primary - Jeff85 MU - 9/16 14:26:11
                                                  He averages 9 rebounds a game he - Rabbit Test MU - 9/16 14:41:28
                    Well, as a sophomore he was our go to player and - FIJItiger MU - 9/16 13:44:39
                         he was asked to step up and be the man and couldn't - Jeff85 MU - 9/16 13:48:27
                              Which sophomores will average 11.9 points and 7.9 - Rabbit Test MU - 9/16 14:07:58
                                   so you are saying he played well and wasn't used improperly - Jeff85 MU - 9/16 14:14:38
                                        I said he played well for an underclassman and I probably - Rabbit Test MU - 9/16 14:21:31
                                             agree, never said otherwise - Jeff85 MU - 9/16 14:35:05
                              Being asked to do something you can't is the very - FIJItiger MU - 9/16 13:50:30
                                   RE: Being asked to do something you can't is the very - StlWeir MU - 9/18 00:16:41
                                   Then what else was KA supposed to do? - nerdmachine KC - 9/16 16:43:02
                                   the roster was a disaster on the offensive end, think it - Jeff85 MU - 9/16 13:52:06
                                        So JW3 was put in a position to succeed that he was - FIJItiger MU - 9/16 13:56:03
                                             what is the best way to use a roster full of guys with - Jeff85 MU - 9/16 14:09:40
                                                  I don't know, I'm talking specifically about JW3 - FIJItiger MU - 9/16 14:18:16
               blah blah blah. I've heard it a thousand times. He wasn't - SabertoothTiger MU - 9/16 13:06:34
                    It's on Haith that J3 didn't develop from a frosh to a soph? - tigerdb MU - 9/16 13:32:35
                         yes, zero offensive skills - Jeff85 MU - 9/16 13:38:55
                    Seems like you are agreeing - FIJItiger MU - 9/16 13:16:32
                         Hold on a second here, - nerdmachine KC - 9/16 16:47:36
                              Point of order - haeffb MU - 9/16 19:02:02
                         it seems like I agree that - SabertoothTiger MU - 9/16 13:33:03
                              Thanks, that explains why if we hold the - FIJItiger MU - 9/16 13:46:31

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