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I guess it depends on what you believe...

Posted on: August 9, 2016 at 21:15:02 CT
bluetiger_ MU
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12.74 yrs
M.O.B. Votes:
Do you think any of the players making complaints had the intention of seeing EE fired? Or not. Knowing human nature, I think some of them did. Not all, but some. And the Unity Council letter said the same thing. I believe what they said. You may disagree. And I think those players and their parents could certainly press their cases should EE be retained.

I respect your support for the program, and the thoughtful responses and opinions you have expressed here. I just couldn't disagree with you more. If EE returns, it does not mean the allegations were "minor/non-existent", or that the university thinks they were. It means the allegations and the findings of fact did not rise to a firing situation. Period. There could be significant concerns about EEs past behavior, but the powers that be could conclude that it does not rise to a firing offense level, and could conclude that EE has already made changes and will continue to make changes and deserves to continue here. It is sad how many people seem to look at this as a simple black and white situation, and not understand that very little in life is black and white, good and bad, and most everything in life is shades of grey.

And please stop with this horrible vitriol crap against Lowary and Finucane. I've seen absolutely nothing of the sort against Tori. Absolutely nothing. You are just making that up. And the 'vitriol' with Lowary is maybe 2-3 people. Out of everyone here.

Edited by bluetiger_ at 21:17:47 on 08/09/16
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Lots of speculation about what EE.... - bluetiger_ MU - 8/9 19:14:49
     there are privacy laws that the university could not - restore the roar MU - 8/10 13:53:24
     RE: Lots of speculation about what EE.... - sYsTiger MU - 8/10 11:01:40
          drum roll please..... nm - bluetiger_ MU - 8/10 11:24:08
               RE: drum roll please..... nm - sYsTiger MU - 8/10 11:25:22
                    Lol, ok, just checking.... - bluetiger_ MU - 8/10 11:39:58
                         RE: Lol, ok, just checking.... - sYsTiger MU - 8/10 11:42:16
     Actually, the university would have to NOT provide details - trripleplay MU - 8/10 07:35:55
          yes. the only way it comes out is a wrongful termination - MizzouAstro MU - 8/10 09:00:59
               Well there is one thing I would like... - bluetiger_ MU - 8/10 10:20:41
                    Maybe Mr Putin will provide that for you(nm) - trripleplay MU - 8/10 15:45:33
          RE: Actually, the university would have to NOT provide details - Brock9 MU - 8/10 08:55:12
          I guess it depends on what you believe... - bluetiger_ MU - 8/9 21:15:02
               I believe you misread part of my post. - El_Tigre MU - 8/10 06:32:00
                    I didn't misread anything you said... - bluetiger_ MU - 8/10 10:07:03
                         Okay, allow me to clear this up a bit: - El_Tigre MU - 8/10 17:34:04
                              You know what.... - bluetiger_ MU - 8/10 19:57:54
                                   As I posted in another thread... - El_Tigre MU - 8/10 20:36:17
                                        So just to be sure... - bluetiger_ MU - 8/11 09:30:51
                                        You speak as if abuse is this undefinable, invisible, - RayKinsella1922 SEC - 8/10 21:46:42
                                             This ^^^^^ but - TigerFan92 MU - 8/14 05:00:26
                              Aw, snowflake.(nm) - RayKinsella1922 SEC - 8/10 17:50:41
                    You're so right - it's a 'cover up'. Also alien craft buried - RayKinsella1922 SEC - 8/10 07:53:38
                    RE: I believe you misread part of my post. - DCDevilDog USMC - 8/10 07:47:53
                         softball parents are some of the worst. They think because - TigerFan92 MU - 8/14 04:54:29
                         Once a Princess Snowflake, always a Princess Snowflake. - RayKinsella1922 SEC - 8/10 07:52:16
               Oh let him have his fun. He convicted EE before he started - RayKinsella1922 SEC - 8/9 21:47:29
                    Some people live in a dream world where they imagine - samclemens MU - 8/10 03:35:46
          Depends. If EE is retained and no details are officially - RayKinsella1922 SEC - 8/9 20:25:26
     The professional bureaucrats have 20 more days to continue - RayKinsella1922 SEC - 8/9 19:17:30
          The new AD should make the decision and should have - alstl MU - 8/10 08:58:49
               I agree - but if it's a firing I can see Sterk agreeing - RayKinsella1922 SEC - 8/10 09:21:26
          EE must really love this University to put up with this crap - samclemens MU - 8/10 03:38:09
               RE: EE must really love this University to put up with this crap - sYsTiger MU - 8/10 11:23:05
                    Good point, he's a JC native.... - bluetiger_ MU - 8/10 16:01:10
                         RE: Good point, he's a JC native.... - sYsTiger MU - 8/10 16:23:30

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