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I think the trust issue had more to do with other issues.

Posted on: June 25, 2019 at 11:27:39 CT
Grrr MU
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25.08 yrs
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To me the trust comment is more related to fan attendance. Attendance has nothing to do with the NCAA situation as it's too recent. The boycott impacted fan trust more than anything. Odom has done a good job of bringing stability to the program - but it took a while. If trust was impacted by the NCAA issue, it was mitigated by players staying and recruiting picking up.
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     Another PC doosher. Need new leadership(nm) - TigerFan92 MU - 6/25 21:43:32
          his firing of EE *might* have been political, but what else - zounami MU - 6/25 22:10:41
     He lost the trust of fans over the panic firing - Ragnar Danneskjold MU - 6/25 12:34:33
          well played(nm) - DevilsAdvocate KC - 6/25 15:01:22
     I think the trust issue had more to do with other issues. - Grrr MU - 6/25 11:27:39
     Go back to the beaker board, d-bag. (nm) - go tigers MU - 6/25 10:35:23
          always such insightful commentary from you... - zounami MU - 6/25 18:44:58
     What kind of p*ssy sh*t is that? - glue MU - 6/25 07:56:06
          Pretty sure he's a male - Cosmo MU - 6/25 10:09:48
     We had legal counsel the entire time we were - Yosa125 TAMU - 6/25 07:51:56
          How many lawyers you know recommend you plead guilty - samclemens MU - 6/25 10:14:26
               NCAA Probe, not criminal trial & slam dunk case against MU - ScottsdaleTiger MU - 6/25 18:32:32
                    Wrong. The tutor wasn't a credible witness.... - zounami MU - 6/25 18:56:54
                         Wishful thinking - ScottsdaleTiger MU - 6/26 08:53:13
                              Wrong. The tutor had an agenda and criminal background... - zounami MU - 6/26 15:37:43
               exactly (nm) - zounami MU - 6/25 14:00:21
     Even a Negative Nancy gets it right sometimes - MKrip MU - 6/25 06:49:44
          good points (nm) - zounami MU - 6/25 14:07:37
          How the NCAA probe ends will decide for him...nm - tigertix MU - 6/25 07:11:26
               agreed... if his appeal fails, he should be fired (nm) - zounami MU - 6/25 14:05:34
          WHO PLEADS GUILTY WITHOUT A PLEA DEAL?.... - zounami MU - 6/25 14:49:38
          That wasn't naive; that was dumb (nm) - samclemens MU - 6/24 23:03:02
               Naive. Dumb. Foolish. Gullible... Sterk is all of the above. - zounami MU - 6/25 14:50:04
     give it up and stop being a vag(nm) - Mizzmi27 MU - 6/24 20:22:49
     I disagree completely. - muwinn MU - 6/24 20:19:04
          I think Sterk has succeeded in deflecting the mistrust - justwinbaby KC - 6/25 07:46:16
          I'd rather hire a great lawyer, stall, plead the 5th ... - samclemens MU - 6/24 22:53:31
               That's what every P5 athletic director would have done.... - zounami MU - 6/25 15:39:07
               Principals maybe. Sometimes they don't work.(nm) - GA Tiger MU - 6/25 07:23:18
     Kill Shot! - El Zorro MU - 6/24 19:51:40
          Look at the dozens of posters who fell for another - Genco98 MU - 6/24 19:54:14
               RE: Look at the dozens of posters who fell for another - Momaninil MU - 6/24 19:56:56
                    RE: Look at the dozens of posters who fell for another - Genco98 MU - 6/25 10:57:28
     How about we have posters boycott posting on - dangertim MU - 6/24 18:42:39
          more than anyone else, "we" includes Sterk (nm) - zounami MU - 6/24 18:35:03
               Can you tell me what trust he lost and when? - Momaninil MU - 6/24 18:51:07
                    He threw MU at the mercy of the NCAA by pleading guilty to - zounami MU - 6/24 18:54:57
                         But he never said he regained trust over the - Momaninil MU - 6/24 19:06:00
                              "we" includes him.... - zounami MU - 6/24 19:09:24
                                   OK, so I think it's just a pronoun problem in your post. I - Momaninil MU - 6/24 19:16:56
                                        Not at all. When someone says "we" or "us" it includes that - zounami MU - 6/24 19:20:59
                                             But we can't agree w/Sterk on something he never said. - Momaninil MU - 6/24 19:23:22
                                                  definition of "we"... - zounami MU - 6/24 19:25:53
                                                       ... and here's the definition of "we" according to Webster: - zounami MU - 6/24 19:28:19
                                                            You need to rephrase your OP question. - Momaninil MU - 6/24 19:44:23
                                                                 he didn't say "mizzou", he said "we" which includes himself - zounami MU - 6/24 19:45:27
                                                                      I don’t even know if we’re looking at the same article - Momaninil MU - 6/24 19:49:09
                                                  Oh, and we can't disagree with it either......because.. - Momaninil MU - 6/24 19:25:25
                                                       wrong - see the definitions above (nm) - zounami MU - 6/24 19:33:52
     Some fans are never coming back - wu-tangtiger MU - 6/24 18:17:52
          Then they aren’t really fans - MoGold MU - 6/25 01:24:11
          Yeah. **** those guys. (nm) - Hickeytime MU - 6/24 19:09:50
          Yes, a small percentage will remain dissociated as long as - zounami MU - 6/24 18:32:03
               Porter injuries were self-inflicted. - WildCard MU - 6/24 19:28:46
     tl;dr (nm) - phrejd MU - 6/24 17:40:36
          it's 7 sentences... how reading deficient are you? (nm) - zounami MU - 6/24 18:04:02
          LOL(nm) - ToTheFinishLine MU - 6/24 17:50:08
               reading disabilities aren't funny.... - zounami MU - 6/24 18:07:16
     RE: Do you agree w/ Sterk that he's regained the trust of fans? - Hickeytime MU - 6/24 17:39:42
          Agreed. Can you post the email you sent him, along with - zounami MU - 6/24 18:14:03

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