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That's the spin that was put on it immediately

Posted on: July 20, 2016 at 18:27:07 CT
McMuffin MU
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23.75 yrs
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by Uber and Lyft, and they floated it through conservative channels because Austin is a blue city. They knew they could exploit that perception, so the result is that people like you ate it up without thinking. Never mind that other cities like San Antonio and Houston - cities with much more red in them - have also tried to install fingerprint requirements.

But it's laughable to me that the simple act of asking someone driving for hire to be fingerprinted is a "big government shakedown." Sure seems to me like fingerprinting is a good way for Trump and company to help crack down on incidents like Nice, France, like they say they want to, no? Aren't conservatives supposed to be making things more secure for our citizens these days, not less?

That's the silly thing about partisan politics. You are just told by one side "ok this is the policy that's on our platform, so its your bible." But upon closer examination, that policy probably is gonna conflict in some ways with something else that is on their same platform. This is a classic example of that.

Edited by McMuffin at 18:31:10 on 07/20/16
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Austin doesn't have Uber, it has Fasten - TigerNuts KC - 7/20 17:45:03
     Magnolia Cafe!! - MidwestLittleTiger USA - 7/20 20:34:07
     Do you know the backstory? (nm) - pickle MU - 7/20 18:15:22
          Fingerprints (nm) - TigerNuts KC - 7/20 18:16:04
     We also have Get Me which is backed by Michael Irvin - McMuffin MU - 7/20 17:48:16
          Yes, but if Aqib Al Salam Mulabi killed Ed Jones after Ed - zodiac6 JC - 7/20 19:38:12
          And a ton a cocaine! (nm) - HandBanana MU - 7/20 18:02:17
          I didn't realize the fingerprint thing. I just used Uber - Diamond Dave MU - 7/20 17:53:56
               yeah its not gonna be an issue with 99% of drivers - McMuffin MU - 7/20 17:56:27
                    I honestly didn't know they were other companies - Diamond Dave MU - 7/20 17:57:44
                         The other companies emerged in Austin b/c the City - McMuffin MU - 7/20 18:02:35
     Never heard of it. Only Uber and Lyft - Diamond Dave MU - 7/20 17:46:52
          That's the problem. They quickly became Coke & Pepsi - McMuffin MU - 7/20 17:50:53
               No (nm) - pickle MU - 7/20 18:15:47
                    The people of Austin voted on the ordinance - McMuffin MU - 7/20 18:40:47
               Every bit of that sounds like something I don't want to do.(nm) - Evenflow MU - 7/20 17:52:42
                    Its the same principal as Airbnb instead of hotels - McMuffin MU - 7/20 18:07:14
                         Most people don't care, obviously (nm) - TigerNuts KC - 7/20 18:20:19
                              People who choose to use those services don't care - McMuffin MU - 7/20 18:30:18
                         It was a typical big gvmt shakedown - pickle MU - 7/20 18:17:57
                              That's the spin that was put on it immediately - McMuffin MU - 7/20 18:27:07

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