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RE: C’mon Bruce, look at WHEN she played…

Posted on: January 6, 2025 at 09:10:13 CT
BruceInLA MU
Member For:
25.45 yrs
M.O.B. Votes:
Disappointed in you blue that you couldn't admit you were wrong.
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     RE: In a game where we are struggling offensively… - Mizzhope MU - 1/6 12:07:11
          RE: could not disagree more with your assessment - Achmed MU - 1/6 13:18:35
               RE: could not disagree more with your assessment - Mizzhope MU - 1/6 13:42:50
                    RE: could not disagree more with your assessment - Achmed MU - 1/6 14:30:41
     RE: In a game where we are struggling offensively… - BruceInLA MU - 1/5 22:44:17
          C’mon Bruce, look at WHEN she played… - bluetiger_ MU - 1/6 08:46:03
               RE: C’mon Bruce, look at WHEN she played… - BruceInLA MU - 1/6 09:10:13
                    Oh I’ll admit when I’m wrong… - bluetiger_ MU - 1/6 11:31:04
                         RE: Oh I’ll admit when I’m wrong… - BruceInLA MU - 1/6 14:47:39
               RE: C’mon Bruce, look at WHEN she played… - Achmed MU - 1/6 09:09:46
          RE: In a game where we are struggling offensively… - slamduncan KC - 1/6 06:56:29
               RE: In a game where we are struggling offensively… - Achmed MU - 1/6 09:10:27
               Love your last sentence… - bluetiger_ MU - 1/6 09:01:43
                    RE: Love your last sentence… - Achmed MU - 1/6 09:14:27
                         Not saying it would be an ideal solution… - bluetiger_ MU - 1/6 11:50:06
                         She doesnt have to be fired. Her contract is up at - DollarSigns MU - 1/6 09:31:03
                              RE: She doesnt have to be fired. Her contract is up at - Achmed MU - 1/6 11:30:47
     Heck of an offense. D is playing man and - DollarSigns MU - 1/5 16:39:14
     RE: In a game where we are struggling offensively… - MIZISHOME MU - 1/5 16:24:22
     RE: In a game where we are struggling offensively… - slamduncan KC - 1/5 15:14:12
          RE: In a game where we are struggling offensively… - BruceInLA MU - 1/5 15:18:38

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