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RE: C’mon Bruce, look at WHEN she played…

Posted on: January 6, 2025 at 09:09:46 CT
Achmed MU
Member For:
23.59 yrs
M.O.B. Votes:
Pingeton puts the ball in the hands of her 4’s and 5’s at the top of the key and expects them to create their own shot. Does that answer your question?
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     RE: In a game where we are struggling offensively… - Mizzhope MU - 1/6 12:07:11
          RE: could not disagree more with your assessment - Achmed MU - 1/6 13:18:35
               RE: could not disagree more with your assessment - Mizzhope MU - 1/6 13:42:50
                    RE: could not disagree more with your assessment - Achmed MU - 1/6 14:30:41
     RE: In a game where we are struggling offensively… - BruceInLA MU - 1/5 22:44:17
          C’mon Bruce, look at WHEN she played… - bluetiger_ MU - 1/6 08:46:03
               RE: C’mon Bruce, look at WHEN she played… - BruceInLA MU - 1/6 09:10:13
                    Oh I’ll admit when I’m wrong… - bluetiger_ MU - 1/6 11:31:04
                         RE: Oh I’ll admit when I’m wrong… - BruceInLA MU - 1/6 14:47:39
               RE: C’mon Bruce, look at WHEN she played… - Achmed MU - 1/6 09:09:46
          RE: In a game where we are struggling offensively… - slamduncan KC - 1/6 06:56:29
               RE: In a game where we are struggling offensively… - Achmed MU - 1/6 09:10:27
               Love your last sentence… - bluetiger_ MU - 1/6 09:01:43
                    RE: Love your last sentence… - Achmed MU - 1/6 09:14:27
                         Not saying it would be an ideal solution… - bluetiger_ MU - 1/6 11:50:06
                         She doesnt have to be fired. Her contract is up at - DollarSigns MU - 1/6 09:31:03
                              RE: She doesnt have to be fired. Her contract is up at - Achmed MU - 1/6 11:30:47
     Heck of an offense. D is playing man and - DollarSigns MU - 1/5 16:39:14
     RE: In a game where we are struggling offensively… - MIZISHOME MU - 1/5 16:24:22
     RE: In a game where we are struggling offensively… - slamduncan KC - 1/5 15:14:12
          RE: In a game where we are struggling offensively… - BruceInLA MU - 1/5 15:18:38

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