Fair points but the hitler example does not work imo. In
Posted on: October 11, 2017 at 15:28:20 CT
hokie VT
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9.07 yrs
M.O.B. Votes:
that case he was a tyrant, not a (small d) democrat.
His was not a code by the people, for the people....
And the aztec example makes a different one of my points. AT THAT TIME, ripping the heart of of an enemy or sacrificing children to the god of corn, were societal norms. Not just theirs, but their enemies and others as well.
Human kind has evolved past that.
At that time, that was moral behavior.
I am certainly no scholar, but doesn't the bible have some rather harsh punishments for vanquished foes, notwithstanding the "turn the other cheek" thing?
I suggest that morality evolves. Even the written part, like our constitution is subject to some interpretation.
Thou shalt not kill. Ever? Self defense? Death penalty?
The right to free speech. Always? Yelling FIRE in a crowded theatre?
But the government must have a moral basis for its laws and rules. If those come from god, fine. Hammurabi's code in 1754 BC was not iiuc, divinely inspired. It had the "eye for an eye" thing, but it was subject to exceptions depending on the social status (slave or free or noble) of the "eyes."