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Do you not recall Monte?

Posted on: October 29, 2016 at 21:09:49 CT
alwaysright MU
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Word from the scrimmage - MUIntensity USA - 10/28 20:52:20
     RE: Word from the scrimmage - Tigerfem MU - 10/29 15:15:20
     I liked Nikko better than I thought I might. The first - thytiger MU - 10/29 14:54:17
     time to start cheating(nm) - Iam4Mizzou MU - 10/29 04:09:22
          Dumb. Patience is what is needed - MUIntensity USA - 10/29 09:56:20
               Good coaching and recruiting is what's needed. You get - 90Tiger MU - 10/29 12:50:15
                    Very true. - zodiac6 JC - 10/29 18:48:49
                         Very plausible scenario. - alwaysright MU - 10/29 21:19:31
                              your scenario will require the new coach to bring in some - 90Tiger MU - 10/29 23:43:35
                                   What the hell are you rambling about clean? - alwaysright MU - 10/30 10:18:44
                                   Talent needs to be brought in every year - wu-tangtiger MU - 10/30 08:41:44
                                        Even if the wings turn out to be very averag guys, - alwaysright MU - 10/30 10:22:03
                                             This team does not even have duct tape. - sharpwp UNC - 10/30 10:45:01
                                                  One guy is in the NBA and he left noboby behind. - alwaysright MU - 10/30 14:13:03
                              That's more or less been my hope the whole time. - zodiac6 JC - 10/29 21:31:26
                                   I'll disagree on that. Norm didn't leave a whole lot. - alwaysright MU - 10/30 10:13:34
                                   17 wins probably means KA is back - wu-tangtiger MU - 10/29 21:43:04
                                        It shouldn't - sharpwp UNC - 10/30 10:42:36
                                             Norm Stewart should have been fired - haeffb MU - 10/30 10:53:57
                                        yep - alwaysright MU - 10/30 10:13:52
                         It will be an interesting decision in the spring - wu-tangtiger MU - 10/29 19:21:01
               I am just not seeing the talent you are - MakeShift MU - 10/29 10:33:14
          Long past time(nm) - Fred G. Sanford USA - 10/29 09:01:26
               I'm starting a gofundme slush fund(nm) - Iam4Mizzou MU - 10/29 09:25:02
                    I have an old suitcase we can use to stuff the money in - Fred G. Sanford USA - 10/29 15:12:05
                         I would donate - haeffb MU - 10/29 16:03:42
     Geist did not play. He has what looks like a hand or wrist - SabertoothTiger MU - 10/28 23:43:01
     If that's what he saw, he doesn't know basketball - HissingPrigs77 MU - 10/28 22:38:35
          Do you not recall Monte? - alwaysright MU - 10/29 21:09:49
               touché - HissingPrigs77 MU - 10/30 11:25:46
          by best, he means "whitest" - tigerdb MU - 10/29 06:21:34
     RE: Word from the scrimmage - Tigerfem MU - 10/28 22:10:16
     RE: Word from the scrimmage - go tigers MU - 10/28 21:28:32
          RE: Word from the scrimmage - StlWeir MU - 10/29 10:07:30
          Get him in there - Uncle John MU - 10/28 22:08:33
     RE: Word from the scrimmage - go tigers MU - 10/28 21:27:06
          RE: Word from the scrimmage - Ragarm MU - 10/29 08:44:05
     With Geist hurt Hughes played PG the first 8 minutes - wu-tangtiger MU - 10/28 21:21:16
          By Illinois, that should be the lineup and if - alwaysright MU - 10/29 21:21:40
          Geist is hurt? nm - AlleyCat KC - 10/28 23:31:18
               Right pinky injury - wu-tangtiger MU - 10/29 07:38:50
          Good - Uncle John MU - 10/28 22:10:44
          RE: With Geist hurt Hughes played PG the first 8 minutes - Tigerfem MU - 10/28 22:04:42
               I would keep in mind that when CVL switched - wu-tangtiger MU - 10/28 22:49:45
          Thats the lineup I predicted too - Bump834 MU - 10/28 21:36:40
     Scrimmages don't tell you much - MakeShift MU - 10/28 21:19:31
          RE: Scrimmages don't tell you much - StlWeir MU - 10/30 08:45:22
               if Barnett and Walton step up as scorers - wu-tangtiger MU - 10/30 09:57:17
     Geist has an injured finger and didn't play - Bump834 MU - 10/28 21:08:24
     Upperclassmen are just Woods and Barnett, right? - tiger4real MU - 10/28 21:05:01
          Upperclassmen = non-freshmen (mm) - MUIntensity USA - 10/28 22:06:02
               Upperclassmen = Juniors or Seniors. (nm) - Lovely Rita STL - 10/28 23:43:17
                    Not on this team, bud (nm) - haeffb MU - 10/29 06:30:01

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