If that's what he saw, he doesn't know basketball
Posted on: October 28, 2016 at 22:38:35 CT
HissingPrigs77 MU
Member For:
13.31 yrs
M.O.B. Votes:
I'll agree with some of it. Walton looked good. CVL looked confident. Puryear had 10 boards, but he was going against Smith, Nikko and Kemp, so not sure what to make of that.
Nikko is a project, period. I've never seen such a slow post player, and I watched Rosburg for four years. I expect maybe a few minutes a game from him this year. If your friend thinks he's the best looking freshman, your friend has cataracts.
Hughes and Jackson looked nervous, athletic, and raw.
Geist sat out with a finger injury.
He's right about Kemp. Kemp is a great redshirt candidate. Smith was not completely lost, but he was completely physically overmatched. He looks skilled and seems like he'll pay dividends down the road.