On defense
Posted on: September 13, 2016 at 08:31:44 CT
Rabbit Test MU
Member For:
11.15 yrs
M.O.B. Votes:
you have to learn basic individual skills before you can put a reasonably good team defense together.
Freshman historically have trouble adjusting to the speed of the college game in this area. Lot's of reaching and hacking and very little court awareness of where the ball and their man is.
couple that with the fact that as a team we were terrible on defense last year and you have a problem that certainly will be difficult to solve.
The fact we don't have a strong upper class for these younger kids to model after is a killer.
Takes leadership to make people (especially offensively minded high school kids) want to play hard nosed defense.
Based on the last two seasons it appears our coaching staff doesn't value that end of the floor at all. They also may just be incompetent in this area like many others.