Of course it is. We do not currently have penalties, but
Posted on: August 19, 2016 at 10:56:42 CT
Member For:
22.17 yrs
M.O.B. Votes:
will almost certainly inherit some for the next staff.
The APR is calculated as follows: Each student-athlete receiving athletically related financial aid earns one point for staying in school and one point for being academically eligible. Those who do well in the classroom and stay in school earn two points. Those who pass but do not return to school earn one point. If a student-athlete fails academically and leaves school, their team loses two points. If a student-athlete returns to school later and graduates, the school earns one bonus point. A team’s total points are divided by points possible and then multiplied by 1,000 to equal the team’s Academic Progress Rate. The NCAA annually calculates an APR for every team at every Division I school, using data collected over a rolling four-year period.
So each semester, every single player on scholarship has 2 potential points available for them. 1 point for remaining eligible, 1 point for retention. Via a waiver process you have the possibility to earn back that lost retention point. If the player leaves with at least a 2.6 GPA and goes to another 4 year school and remain eligible, MU can earn back that lost point. Not so if they didn't leave with at least a 2.6, or if they go to a JUCO like Shane Rector or Torren Jones did.
MU has the following 3 years already tabulated for a its 4 year rolling window calculation:
2015 -- 976
2014 -- 851
2013 -- 960
In 2015-16 MU had 12 scholarship players, 2 semesters each (Payne in semester 1, Barnett in semester 2). That is 48 APR points possible. Getting 44 of those 48 would result in a score of 916. Would give a 4 year score of:
2016 -- 916
2015 -- 976
2014 -- 851
2013 -- 960
Depending on weighting, that is most likely not going to surpass 930, simply dividing the sum by 4 gives an avg of 925.7. To avoid penalties a program is required to keep its 4 year total above 930.
Even assuming everyone does fine academically Martavian Payne, D'Angelo Allen, and Wes Clark at the moment have no basis for even requesting a waiver much less being granted one. A player must enroll before the next semester in another 4 year institution in addition to having at least a 2.6 outgoing GPA. We will have to request ones for Gant, Wright and Isabell and hope for the best.
We don't have issues right now but we aren't trying to compete now, when we include our 2015-16 numbers in our 4 year calculation unless we fudge our numbers we most likely will. And that will be problematic both in terms of trying to attract a suitable candidate and in that candidates efforts to rebuild and turn over part of the roster.
Edited by FIJItiger at 11:06:57 on 08/19/16