Unfortunately I have to agree with a lot of what you have
Posted on: August 18, 2016 at 14:44:45 CT
Member For:
21.61 yrs
M.O.B. Votes:
said. I won't say that Coach Anderson won't make any inroads, and I think you are naive to think we will have a new coach for 2017. Put your biases against Coach Anderson aside and look at the reality on the ground.
This year's performance by the team will determine what the new AD will do. We don't have the results yet. Until we have them, there is no way to say what is going to be done. You may think, like FIJI, that no matter what happens we should get a new coach, but that's not real world thinking. That's ego speaking.
And Tate is gone for his own reasons. He clearly didn't want to be part of the community in Columbia, or he would have moved there and embraced the surroundings.
Still, to an important segment of St. Louis, Mizzou stinks of Norm, and it is a constant reminder of the disrespect he had for the St. Louis community. For all of the dumb things Alden did, one of the smart things he tried to do was to try to separate the present basketball program from that bad legacy.