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Posted on: July 27, 2016 at 18:01:29 CT
corbyandkellen MU
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25.43 yrs
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You valued his game more than I did. He averaged 10 and 14 in his two years here. Haith may have let him try to score 22 a game with this current group of players, but that wouldn't be a good approach to establishing a winning basketball program.
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Missouri hoops identity - corbyandkellen MU - 7/27 16:44:54
     RE: Missouri hoops identity - kcsportsnut MU - 7/28 07:47:02
     Well-stated. I agree with your assessment. (nm) - go tigers MU - 7/27 21:13:17
     I attended 87-91, saw some damn good teams - Diamond Dave MU - 7/27 17:15:01
          Agreed. (nm) - go tigers MU - 7/27 21:14:13
          yes if he can get the team to play decent and stop the - DevilsAdvocate MU - 7/27 18:46:58
          agree - corbyandkellen MU - 7/27 17:33:44
               It was brutal, as a bigger football than basketball fan - Diamond Dave MU - 7/27 17:34:33
                    '84 - '90 for me. football basically didn't exist for me at - 90Tiger MU - 7/27 19:52:44
     They'll be fine here when he leaves. - Evenflow MU - 7/27 17:12:23
     RE: Missouri hoops identity - FIJItiger MU - 7/27 17:07:55
          RE: Missouri hoops identity - Tgrweir MU - 7/27 18:56:39
          2013-2014 - corbyandkellen MU - 7/27 17:26:38
               Well Ross would be our best player by a huge - FIJItiger MU - 7/27 17:44:33
                    Hard to say - Diamond Dave MU - 7/27 17:47:20
                         Which part? You don't think Ross would easily be - FIJItiger MU - 7/27 17:49:31
                              Ross wouldn't be top 3 - Mr. Orange SU - 7/27 19:32:18
                              That part and the 22+ PPG part. - haeffb MU - 7/27 18:21:08
                                   Ross was a Sr that year(nm) - FIJItiger MU - 7/27 18:22:37
                                        Yes, and I just explained - haeffb MU - 7/27 18:24:06
                                             think Ron Coleman in 1966(nm) - FIJItiger MU - 7/27 18:27:30
                                                  I didn't watch Ron Coleman play in 1966. - haeffb MU - 7/27 18:38:01
                                                       Neither did feefee, but he thinks he did and that's all - Uncle John MU - 7/28 07:15:48
                              22+ - corbyandkellen MU - 7/27 18:01:29
                                   Talking about on this team, as a senior. - FIJItiger MU - 7/27 18:11:43
                                   Ross was a junkyard dog type that could get hot from 3 - Diamond Dave MU - 7/27 18:02:25
                              Probably would be as a Sr., but I think Walton's our best - Diamond Dave MU - 7/27 18:01:15
               Feldman. Lol. Bizarro Kramer - Diamond Dave MU - 7/27 17:27:59
     The quality of the base is what's being questioned. Is - 90Tiger MU - 7/27 16:52:10
          Of course that's the question . . . - corbyandkellen MU - 7/27 17:02:03
               They 100% could be Coward and Buntin. Those 2 were good - Diamond Dave MU - 7/27 17:18:01
                    RE: They 100% could be Coward and Buntin. Those 2 were good - Tgrweir MU - 7/27 19:04:58
     RE: Missouri hoops identity - Tigerfem MU - 7/27 16:51:31
          The faif left wif haif - Mr. Orange SU - 7/27 16:52:42
     Great post. We need more mods with your intellect - Mr. Orange SU - 7/27 16:48:34
     Good post. Thank you for it(nm) - LimerNick MU - 7/27 16:46:42

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