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IRANIAN COLLUSION! - hefeweizen MU - 9/18/24 19:53:53
     Pathetic. Iran is a victim of predatory sanctions aimed - Floyd Turbo 99 - 9/18/24 20:04:20
          RE: Pathetic. Iran is a victim of predatory sanctions aimed - patriot MU - 9/18/24 20:11:40
               Lol. So you're one of those(nm) - hefeweizen MU - 9/18/24 20:13:47
     Interesting, thanks. (nm) - JeffB MU - 9/18/24 20:02:14
     If they did any Facebook antics - Wildcat KSU - 9/18/24 19:56:23
          Impeach now!(nm) - hefeweizen MU - 9/18/24 19:58:45
               Also let's look for a few misdemeanors - Wildcat KSU - 9/18/24 20:03:13
                    We will see major movement regarding the statue of - JeffB MU - 9/18/24 20:07:49
Speaking of price controls - ummmm MU - 9/18/24 19:35:38
     The idea that the Fed is independent is farcical - Bulldog Bob Brown STL - 9/18/24 19:57:17
     'Of course, let there be no doubt that if inflation - JeffB MU - 9/18/24 19:48:40
          Inflation will reaccelerate, as the Fed will have to print - ummmm MU - 9/18/24 19:51:07
               Exactly. More heroin for the addict ought to fix things. (nm) - JeffB MU - 9/18/24 19:52:25
     lol, yeah, the economy is so amazing we need a massive - 90Tiger STL - 9/18/24 19:42:08
     'So a crisis-level 50bps rate-cut at record highs for stocks - JeffB MU - 9/18/24 19:39:13
          One of the biggest failures of the Trump presidency - ummmm MU - 9/18/24 19:40:44
               I'm pretty sure Trump took a masters class 2017-2020 - 90Tiger STL - 9/18/24 19:43:02
5 hours apart - Fire Marshall Bill MU - 9/18/24 19:32:13
     Is that Rask?(nm) - TigerMatt MISS - 9/18/24 20:03:44
     social studies? - tman MU - 9/18/24 20:01:05
     Dude - Wildcat KSU - 9/18/24 19:53:09
          God dammit. I should have opened your post first (nm) - TigerMatt MISS - 9/18/24 20:04:15
WAPO's Ignatius: Ukraine is bleeding out... - MUTGR MU - 9/18/24 19:15:57
     RE: WAPO's Ignatius: Deep State mouthpiece. His sources - BH O'bonga MU - 9/18/24 19:16:38
          Exactly. They are finally admitting Ukraine is hopelessly - MUTGR MU - 9/18/24 19:21:35
Last pager text message to Hezbollah.... - Tigrrrr! MU - 9/18/24 18:17:40
     Israel, for whatever reason, have decided to out - RayKinsella1922 SEC - 9/18/24 19:22:23
     Last pager: The exploxives were planted in the supply chain. - BH O'bonga MU - 9/18/24 19:15:55
          Another reason to boycott Israel - El-ahrairah BAMA - 9/18/24 19:31:21
     Israel sent a letter bomb to kill Harry Truman - El-ahrairah BAMA - 9/18/24 18:30:03
          Israel didn’t send it. The stern gang did. (nm) - noodle MU - 9/18/24 18:43:12
               Same thing - El-ahrairah BAMA - 9/18/24 19:12:50
     58008 is the message I got the most on my pager - Columbian Gold MU - 9/18/24 18:23:46
          had to search for it: - JeffB MU - 9/18/24 19:33:44
          55378008 was the play back in the day (nm) - 90Tiger STL - 9/18/24 18:58:11
               RE: 55378008 was the play back in the day (nm) - JeffB MU - 9/18/24 19:35:23
     That's simply seriously stupid comment(nm) - raskolnikov MU - 9/18/24 19:36:57
          Iranian Collusion! - Wildcat KSU - 9/18/24 19:55:12
               Takes two to Tango bud(nm) - raskolnikov MU - 9/18/24 20:07:53
          RE: That's simply seriously stupid comment(nm) - hefeweizen MU - 9/18/24 19:53:18
     Harris will lie and Joe will confirm anything she says - mu7176grad MU - 9/18/24 18:14:21
     IRANIAN COLLUSION! (nm) - 90Tiger STL - 9/18/24 18:00:21
     Biden & Harris are colluding with Iran - Spanky KU - 9/18/24 17:48:13
          Collusion was a slam dunk(nm) - Wildcat KSU - 9/18/24 19:55:44
     "Amateurs" - Barack H. Obama (nm) - MIZ45 KC - 9/18/24 17:45:52
     Thanks, that is great! (nm) - JeffB MU - 9/18/24 19:55:38
Probably know some within that 25% - RayKinsella1922 SEC - 9/18/24 17:18:34
     I sure don't(nm) - raskolnikov MU - 9/18/24 17:39:50
          You blamed him for it earlier - GODZILLA MU - 9/18/24 18:24:42
               Blamed who for what? My comment was that I do not wish - raskolnikov MU - 9/18/24 19:38:19
               Imagine a Manchurian Candidate so MK Ultra'd that they - RayKinsella1922 SEC - 9/18/24 19:20:45
     Probably know some within that 25%: Nice people. Saw that - BH O'bonga MU - 9/18/24 17:30:21
     The Networks are sewage (nm) - 90Tiger STL - 9/18/24 18:06:26
Now might actually be the best time to buy stock in DJT - KCT-BoneTiger MU - 9/18/24 16:26:40
     That is a stock on its way to $2.(nm) - DC Jayhawk KU - 9/18/24 17:55:03
          Gotta suck....he owns about 115M shares - Mormad MU - 9/18/24 18:08:52
               He also can't sell them. - DC Jayhawk KU - 9/18/24 18:44:42
          $0.00...talk about something no value. (nm) - tigerdb MU - 9/18/24 17:59:03
     good idea unless you want to stay a poor liberal - TigerJackSwartz MU - 9/18/24 17:08:31
     There is not really a product, and everyone involved - FIJItiger MU - 9/18/24 16:35:12
          Did Twitter have a product in 2016 when they dropped - Spanky KU - 9/18/24 17:11:46
          ^^^Billionaire.(nm) - RayKinsella1922 SEC - 9/18/24 17:01:56
     Take it to the Titanic Board(nm) - Gyro STL - 9/18/24 16:32:44
          Haha. (nm) - DC Jayhawk KU - 9/18/24 17:55:25
          Certainly a good description for liberals that come - RayKinsella1922 SEC - 9/18/24 17:14:15
               RE: Certainly a good description for liberals that come - Gyro STL - 9/18/24 17:57:40
                    Stings like a bytch don't it? - RayKinsella1922 SEC - 9/18/24 19:18:55
          LOL..................nm - tigertix MU - 9/18/24 16:47:37
1988 the teamsters endorsed george bush ... - tmcats KSU - 9/18/24 15:34:54
     At least they released the results. Fair enough. (nm) - JeffB MU - 9/18/24 15:38:35
     They hate their own members - the working class (nm) - North co-co champs MU - 9/18/24 15:35:38
          not endorsing harris is helpful to trump though(nm) - tmcats KSU - 9/18/24 15:38:36
               What’s the point of Union if their collective voice is…. - North co-co champs MU - 9/18/24 15:46:21
                    The point of a union is not to have one collective - kmawv8 KC - 9/18/24 15:54:21
                         Having 1 strong unified voice was the entire point of a…. - North co-co champs MU - 9/18/24 16:10:14
                              ....in labor negotiations. (nm) - DC Jayhawk KU - 9/18/24 17:56:52
                              Deciding not to endorse a candidate doesn't mean - kmawv8 KC - 9/18/24 16:23:30
                         Agreed. (nm) - JeffB MU - 9/18/24 15:56:35
                    so you're for one man one vote, right?(nm) - tmcats KSU - 9/18/24 15:47:00
                         is a union the US constitutional republic? why are you - 90Tiger STL - 9/18/24 16:01:04
                              because, setting aside your little ad hominum b.s. ... - tmcats KSU - 9/18/24 16:03:23
                                   why are you creating a strawman now? (nm) - 90Tiger STL - 9/18/24 18:07:26
                                   Did anyone claim it was not within their authority - 4TigersinMichigan MU - 9/18/24 16:28:16
                                        yes(nm) - tmcats KSU - 9/18/24 16:46:28
                                             Who? - 4TigersinMichigan MU - 9/18/24 16:52:38
                                                  they did it because they could(nm) - tmcats KSU - 9/18/24 17:02:52
                                                       You conveniently avoided the question, again. (nm) - kmawv8 KC - 9/18/24 17:13:17
                                   That wasn't an ad hominum. It was an insult AFTER - kmawv8 KC - 9/18/24 16:26:30
                                        he doesn't understand any logical fallacies - literally none - 90Tiger STL - 9/18/24 18:07:56
                                        a distinction without a difference(nm) - tmcats KSU - 9/18/24 16:49:03
                                             no, one is a logical fallacy, one is just an insult. you re - 90Tiger STL - 9/18/24 18:08:34
                                             Words (and phrases) have meanings. - kmawv8 KC - 9/18/24 17:12:46
                                                  Don't jump to any conclusions - Wildcat KSU - 9/18/24 17:26:47
                         You can’t answer the question? (nm) - North co-co champs MU - 9/18/24 15:47:39
                              because the executive committee doesn't trust trump ... - tmcats KSU - 9/18/24 15:48:58
                                   That’s why they have Union? To ignore the members’ wishes? - North co-co champs MU - 9/18/24 16:11:34
                                        i believe i do know what i'm saying here ... - tmcats KSU - 9/18/24 16:13:02
                                             lol what a retard (nm) - Columbian Gold MU - 9/18/24 16:35:23
                                                  nice, someone suggest you as poster child for the ... - tmcats KSU - 9/18/24 16:47:13
                                             😂😂😂😂 The elite know best. Of course you would say that(nm) - North co-co champs MU - 9/18/24 16:20:30
                                                  i'm not sure an executive committee is considered elite(nm) - tmcats KSU - 9/18/24 16:51:44
                                                  it is the reason they elect an executive committee(nm) - tmcats KSU - 9/18/24 16:48:23
               That's how far the GOP has fallen. - JayHoaxH8r MU - 9/18/24 15:39:31
                    That's how far the Teamster "leadership" has fallen - Spanky KU - 9/18/24 16:58:06
                    It's now the party of workers and employers - Columbian Gold MU - 9/18/24 15:40:45
                         GOP run by the rich elite - JayHoaxH8r MU - 9/18/24 16:11:56
                              you really need to check the dem leadership, bro (nm) - 90Tiger STL - 9/18/24 18:09:29
                              That's awesome - Wildcat KSU - 9/18/24 16:47:13
                         mega is the party of populism ... - tmcats KSU - 9/18/24 15:43:35
                         Where will they stand - meatiger MU - 9/18/24 15:43:29
               This non-endorsement is very much an endorsement - 4TigersinMichigan MU - 9/18/24 15:39:15
                    no, it is what it is ... - tmcats KSU - 9/18/24 15:41:16
                         Had there been 60% support for Kamala, they - 4TigersinMichigan MU - 9/18/24 15:43:15
                              Had it been 50.1-49.9, they would have endorsed Kamala(nm) - North co-co champs MU - 9/18/24 15:47:09
                                   probably(nm) - tmcats KSU - 9/18/24 15:49:20
                              so you're for one man one vote, right?(nm) - tmcats KSU - 9/18/24 15:45:01
                                   I am often a big fan - 4TigersinMichigan MU - 9/18/24 15:50:06
                                        when it fits our interests we all are(nm) - tmcats KSU - 9/18/24 15:51:37
                                             Actually, when it is the correct process I am in favor of it - 4TigersinMichigan MU - 9/18/24 15:54:27
                                                  i don't believe a union is a democracy(nm) - tmcats KSU - 9/18/24 15:55:27
                                                       I am not sure anyone does(nm) - 4TigersinMichigan MU - 9/18/24 15:59:37
                                                            oh there are lots of examples ... - tmcats KSU - 9/18/24 16:01:01
                                                                 What? - 4TigersinMichigan MU - 9/18/24 16:08:44
                                                                      unions are not purely democratic if they elect ... - tmcats KSU - 9/18/24 16:10:34
                                                                           Who claimed they were pure democracies? - 4TigersinMichigan MU - 9/18/24 16:28:51
                                                                                the debate is over whether a union membership vote ... - tmcats KSU - 9/18/24 16:50:51
                                                                                     That was never the issue - 4TigersinMichigan MU - 9/18/24 16:53:52
                                                                                          okay, this is a dog chase tail debate and no longer ... - tmcats KSU - 9/18/24 17:03:48
     They've had to step up and be more vocal - Wildcat KSU - 9/18/24 16:48:22
     Do not even pay attention to him - meatiger MU - 9/18/24 15:26:11
     donald might take a weight losing lesson from sarah(nm) - tmcats KSU - 9/18/24 15:58:06
     I wish Denmark would have sold nm - MU-TULSA MU - 9/18/24 15:30:35
     Too bad Biden bought Ukraine instead. nm. - MUTGR MU - 9/18/24 15:21:38
          And is paying Iran under the table nm - pinkman MU - 9/18/24 15:59:09
     Same nonsense poll that said florida was a lean dem - AWOLTiger KC - 9/18/24 18:13:11
     that is why i find it so odd he refuses a second debate(nm) - tmcats KSU - 9/18/24 15:36:20
          He is incapable of defeating her in a debate - raskolnikov MU - 9/18/24 16:52:20
               After the ABC underhanded cheating to help her was exposed?(nm) - JeffB MU - 9/18/24 20:12:40
          It’s an impossibility he would look even adequate in debate - FIJItiger MU - 9/18/24 15:41:17
          dude knows he got beatdown - JayHoaxH8r MU - 9/18/24 15:37:10
               Keep dreaming. And telling yourself the Marxist drunk - hangman MU - 9/18/24 15:41:56
                    harris on a glide path to victory after that first debate(nm) - tmcats KSU - 9/18/24 15:46:25
                         She's on a path allright but it's not to victory. - hangman MU - 9/18/24 16:32:36
     RCP has a link showing how inaccurate they've been - Reagan STL - 9/18/24 15:26:16
          Dude polling opps are not equal. Quinipiac = gold standard(nm) - raskolnikov MU - 9/18/24 16:54:53
               Lol. Because they say so? Ok(nm) - AWOLTiger KC - 9/18/24 18:07:40
                    No, b/c professionals say so - raskolnikov MU - 9/18/24 19:48:20
                         Professional Deep State liars, for sure. (nm) - JeffB MU - 9/18/24 20:13:48
          They're l ike 17th - JayHoaxH8r MU - 9/18/24 15:30:59
     HILLARY IN A LANDSLIDE!!!!!!(nm) - Tigrrrr! MU - 9/18/24 15:15:42
     lol(nm) - Th8tnTiger MU - 9/18/24 15:12:55
     Q-Pac oversampled Dems by 3 points in WI, - Spanky KU - 9/18/24 15:07:52
     The only thing left to ponder is - JayHoaxH8r MU - 9/18/24 15:06:17
     Still an eternity to go(nm) - Mormad MU - 9/18/24 14:49:41
          Nearly 60% of the Teamsters are with Trump - 4TigersinMichigan MU - 9/18/24 14:52:46
               Union trash - JayHoaxH8r MU - 9/18/24 15:08:02
                    Your words - 4TigersinMichigan MU - 9/18/24 15:11:15
                         They prefer biden - JayHoaxH8r MU - 9/18/24 15:11:59
               RE: Nearly 60% of the Teamsters are with Trump - MUTGR MU - 9/18/24 15:01:21
     Any poll showing PA to be a 5 point race for either - 4TigersinMichigan MU - 9/18/24 14:49:36
          RE: Any poll showing PA to be a 5 point race for either - *M* KC - 9/18/24 14:52:02
               The day you don't rush to post a pro-Kalama piece of - 4TigersinMichigan MU - 9/18/24 14:54:56
                    RE: The day you don't rush to post a pro-Kalama piece of - *M* KC - 9/18/24 14:58:42
                         No need to post anything pro-Trump - 4TigersinMichigan MU - 9/18/24 14:59:50
                              RE: No need to post anything pro-Trump - *M* KC - 9/18/24 15:03:15
                                   I get it - can get personal and dicey - 4TigersinMichigan MU - 9/18/24 15:04:58
                                        RE: I get it - can get personal and dicey - *M* KC - 9/18/24 15:19:54
                                             Sometimes our paths meander - 4TigersinMichigan MU - 9/18/24 15:21:56
     Yeah she's not ahead by 5 points in PA (nm) - Bosalphus KC - 9/18/24 14:49:06
          I truly like M - 4TigersinMichigan MU - 9/18/24 14:50:05
               He's a cuckservative hoping the Marxist wins (nm) - Columbian Gold MU - 9/18/24 15:03:05
                    He is a good person - 4TigersinMichigan MU - 9/18/24 15:05:34
                         Nobody supporting Marxism is a good person - Columbian Gold MU - 9/18/24 15:13:40
                              He doesn't like Kamala - 4TigersinMichigan MU - 9/18/24 15:20:05
               Thank you, but - *M* KC - 9/18/24 14:52:39
                    Why did you feel the need to post that twice in one thread?(nm) - Bosalphus KC - 9/18/24 14:53:29
                         RE: Why did you feel the need to post that twice in one thread?(nm) - *M* KC - 9/18/24 14:54:38
     Approaching 50K, poster says "this is great"(nm) - raskolnikov MU - 9/18/24 16:55:47
     RE: When will the mooslims realize they don't stand a ......LINK - sarasotatiger MU - 9/18/24 14:58:52
          You mean 1M dead mooslims in Gaza, why don't you move to - tigertix MU - 9/18/24 16:51:29
     So what should they do?(nm) - meatiger MU - 9/18/24 14:41:11
          Stop attacking Israel(nm) - Spanky KU - 9/18/24 14:44:16
               so when they are oppressed by Israel - meatiger MU - 9/18/24 14:47:23
                    Explain that - GA Tiger MU - 9/18/24 16:00:23
                         RE: Explain that - meatiger MU - 9/18/24 17:36:14
                    They are "oppressed" by Israel because they attack Israel - Spanky KU - 9/18/24 14:59:03
                         Not true at all - meatiger MU - 9/18/24 15:02:18
                              You're far too brainwashed to understand reality.(nm) - GA Tiger MU - 9/18/24 16:02:36
                                   He is intellectually lazy - Spanky KU - 9/18/24 16:48:42
                              100% true. The Arabs have a pathway to citizenship that - Spanky KU - 9/18/24 15:53:52
               Or at least stop purposfully targeting women and children - 4TigersinMichigan MU - 9/18/24 14:45:24
                    You talking about israel? - JayHoaxH8r MU - 9/18/24 15:09:52
                         Remarkable retort - 4TigersinMichigan MU - 9/18/24 15:23:13
                              RE: Remarkable retort - meatiger MU - 9/18/24 15:25:23
                                   Things were not pefect to be sure - 4TigersinMichigan MU - 9/18/24 15:27:30
                                        It has been escalated for decades - meatiger MU - 9/18/24 15:32:08
                                             I have no sympathy for terrorists who target women and - 4TigersinMichigan MU - 9/18/24 15:38:43
                                                  neither do you for the innocent bystanders(nm) - meatiger MU - 9/18/24 15:39:36
                                                       Innocent bystanders ARE the target for Hamas. At least the - pinkman MU - 9/18/24 16:16:01
                                        israel killed many israelis that day in the name of bibi - JayHoaxH8r MU - 9/18/24 15:28:39
          dance off (nm) - Bosalphus KC - 9/18/24 14:42:04
               Wow! You can really dance! (nm) - pickle MU - 9/18/24 14:54:47
               Freak Off - Diddy style(nm) - Mormad MU - 9/18/24 14:45:22
Have you fellas heard this? - Ace A - 9/18/24 14:13:32
     Lebanon is rocked again by exploding devices as Israel - JeffB MU - 9/18/24 15:54:09
     Doubtful report(nm) - Spanky KU - 9/18/24 14:21:25
     Let's just be honest - the Teamsters failing to give an - 4TigersinMichigan MU - 9/18/24 14:38:56
          Their own poll seems like something of an endorsement: - JeffB MU - 9/18/24 15:45:51
          I expect kumala to buy off the leadership...but big deal...n - tigertix MU - 9/18/24 14:40:08
               You spelled suck wrong(nm) - 4TigersinMichigan MU - 9/18/24 14:40:30
                    So very christian^ - JayHoaxH8r MU - 9/18/24 15:11:35
                         I am not a Christian because I am perfect - 4TigersinMichigan MU - 9/18/24 15:13:00
                              lol - JayHoaxH8r MU - 9/18/24 15:14:01
                                   I try every day - 4TigersinMichigan MU - 9/18/24 15:28:16
                                        what's necessary is repentance - Macgrantt MU - 9/18/24 17:42:06
                                        nah nobody that posts what you do - JayHoaxH8r MU - 9/18/24 15:32:12
     my bet, they endorse neither ... - tmcats KSU - 9/18/24 14:20:26
          You posted that after they announced No endorsements (nm) - ZouMiz STL - 9/18/24 14:24:43
               Teamsters not endorsing KamalaTow is devastating to Dems - Spanky KU - 9/18/24 14:32:44
               link? i have seen nothing(nm) - tmcats KSU - 9/18/24 14:25:05
                    RE: link? i have seen nothing(nm) - ZouMiz STL - 9/18/24 14:28:45
     He is union friendly on his politices - meatiger MU - 9/18/24 14:11:49
Former Spy on How Trump CHANGED The CIA - JeffB MU - 9/18/24 13:35:10
dem eet are petz - JayHoaxH8r MU - 9/18/24 13:27:01
     RE: dem eet are petz - Columbian Gold MU - 9/18/24 13:41:42
Some people need killing, right? - Ace A - 9/18/24 13:25:57
     do you think this is a good thing for you to post? - RHAYWORTH MU - 9/18/24 16:11:31
     Dont know about that, but we have become too soft - MU-TULSA MU - 9/18/24 13:34:11
     The rate cut won't drop prices .......nm - tigertix MU - 9/18/24 14:42:16
     Why do we need a Crisis-Level rate cut if the economy is so - North co-co champs MU - 9/18/24 13:43:36
          For the exact same reason we needed an - GODZILLA MU - 9/18/24 13:55:31
     The Fed isn't as independent as they pretend. (nm) - JeffB MU - 9/18/24 13:21:15
          is that why they raised rates over the past 4 years? - Ace A - 9/18/24 13:23:45
               They had to to control the inflation that was killing Biden - JeffB MU - 9/18/24 13:30:29
                    So the rate rise was not political, it was to actually - Ace A - 9/18/24 14:01:30
                         That is not an either/or proposition. It can be & usually is - JeffB MU - 9/18/24 14:04:12
                              Is this speculation on your part? The governance structure - Ace A - 9/18/24 14:09:13
                                   What about the part where the president appoints the - JeffB MU - 9/18/24 15:27:48
               If you listen to the analysis - 4TigersinMichigan MU - 9/18/24 13:25:45
                    is that the smoking gun you rely upon? - Ace A - 9/18/24 13:26:38
                         I am not relying on anything - 4TigersinMichigan MU - 9/18/24 13:30:41
                              Some hold but not held by you? I'm confused by your - Ace A - 9/18/24 14:02:12
                                   I never gave my opinion - 4TigersinMichigan MU - 9/18/24 14:41:37
                                        the Fed is an apolitical organization - Ace A - 9/18/24 15:05:57
Israel is humiliating its enemies - Spanky KU - 9/18/24 13:14:17
     gonna be interesting what your take is - JayHoaxH8r MU - 9/18/24 13:27:39
          Didn't Hezbollah send rockets into Israel - Bosalphus KC - 9/18/24 14:14:58
               who said anything approaching what you posted? - JayHoaxH8r MU - 9/18/24 15:33:47
     Think of how deeply frustrated and unsatisfied those poor - 4TigersinMichigan MU - 9/18/24 13:16:01
     I am sure they will make an exception for humor - 4TigersinMichigan MU - 9/18/24 13:17:38
     How did Newsom do that?(nm) - Spanky KU - 9/18/24 13:10:17
          Newsom signs bills to combat deepfake election content - JeffB MU - 9/18/24 13:12:29
               It should clearly state that the video is a parody of her - Spanky KU - 9/18/24 13:35:11
                    It is pretty blatantly obvious that it's a parody, but I - JeffB MU - 9/18/24 13:38:23
                         I agree it's obvious... but there are a lot of stupid - Spanky KU - 9/18/24 13:49:26
               Fascist a$$hole (nm) - 90Tiger STL - 9/18/24 13:15:09
Think they have gotten way better at methodology? - 4TigersinMichigan MU - 9/18/24 12:45:55
     The poster doesn't understand margin of error. (nm) - DC Jayhawk KU - 9/18/24 17:54:12
          I think he was giving the total error in actual results vs - JeffB MU - 9/18/24 19:17:14
     Easier than ever to block, identify a pollster call - RHAYWORTH MU - 9/18/24 12:51:19
          If people really knew how many assumptions - BigDave MU - 9/18/24 13:45:49
More communist revolution speak from Kamala - MIZ45 KC - 9/18/24 12:38:42
     RE: More communist revolution speak from Kamala - sarasotatiger MU - 9/18/24 13:16:52
          She's talking about her understanding of children being the - MIZ45 KC - 9/18/24 13:46:54
          The Democrats make the Marxist part come into play when - JeffB MU - 9/18/24 13:41:32
the ends justify the means - pickle MU - 9/18/24 10:58:07
     how were 2800 wounded by explosions occupying a 5 ft - Ace A - 9/18/24 13:17:10
     you spend a lot of time pointing out the immorarity of - 90Tiger STL - 9/18/24 13:00:50
          Look at the board. No one here justifies what Hamas or - TigerMatt MISS - 9/18/24 13:20:21
               Trying to take out the terrorists who target and work to - 4TigersinMichigan MU - 9/18/24 13:23:21
                    you justify murder as “collateral damage” - pickle MU - 9/18/24 13:40:05
                    When you kill people with known collateral damage - meatiger MU - 9/18/24 13:38:46
          i’m pointing out the immorality of supporting murder - pickle MU - 9/18/24 13:10:22
               I know what you're pointing out and you want a badge for - 90Tiger STL - 9/18/24 13:15:45
                    it doesn’t seem you did - pickle MU - 9/18/24 13:39:19
                    play nice, 90T, play nice - Ace A - 9/18/24 13:22:54
                         pound sand, doc (nm) - 90Tiger STL - 9/18/24 13:37:43
                    Lol(nm) - meatiger MU - 9/18/24 13:20:36
     Your moral preening is so tiresome - *M* KC - 9/18/24 12:54:44
          take a nap if you’re tired (nm) - pickle MU - 9/18/24 13:10:58
          But your outrage over Trump isnt(nm) - hefeweizen MU - 9/18/24 13:01:25
               not mutually exclusive (nm) - 90Tiger STL - 9/18/24 13:08:54
     It’s a brilliant plan and good for them. (nm) - Outsider MU - 9/18/24 12:25:36
          Sounds like the dead terrorists may get their olives - 4TigersinMichigan MU - 9/18/24 12:52:38
          sure, if you’re a psychopath with no regard for life - pickle MU - 9/18/24 12:36:24
     The West first uses new tactics on “terrorists” like… - North co-co champs MU - 9/18/24 12:01:16
          'Dissidents' is a socialist/communist term that does not - RayKinsella1922 SEC - 9/18/24 12:19:37
               Correct. As I understand it… - North co-co champs MU - 9/18/24 12:31:47
     That sounds like terrorism to me. - ummmm MU - 9/18/24 11:28:01
          Yes, the entire region is a cesspool (nm) - 90Tiger STL - 9/18/24 13:38:46
          Yes, Israel has no idea who had the pagers - Columbian Gold MU - 9/18/24 11:31:02
               The pagers were in the hands of Hezbollah - Spanky KU - 9/18/24 12:09:12
                    you have no idea if they were or weren’t - pickle MU - 9/18/24 12:37:25
                         The video in the OP clearly shows a person 1 foot away - Spanky KU - 9/18/24 12:39:17
                    Even if you're to assume that's true, the second part of - kmawv8 KC - 9/18/24 12:23:43
                         You believe the story that they did - Spanky KU - 9/18/24 12:26:44
                              So does Israel. Most recently 10/7 when they killed their - TigerMatt MISS - 9/18/24 12:27:59
                         Spanky thinks all dead Arab children are terrorists (nm) - Columbian Gold MU - 9/18/24 12:25:19
                              The EVIDENCE is that no-one other than the - Spanky KU - 9/18/24 12:28:39
                                   You don't have to plead your case to me - Columbian Gold MU - 9/18/24 12:30:22
                                        Hamas will burn in hell for hiding among civilians - Spanky KU - 9/18/24 12:35:50
                                             You are no better than Hamas(nm) - TigerMatt MISS - 9/18/24 12:37:35
                                                  You is dumb - Spanky KU - 9/18/24 12:40:21
                                                       You have murder in your heart which Jesus says “ you will be - TigerMatt MISS - 9/18/24 13:18:50
                                                            You are the one who follows heretics.... not Jesus.(nm) - Spanky KU - 9/18/24 13:36:01
                    Man you're sick (nm) - Columbian Gold MU - 9/18/24 12:17:59
                         Nope... the sick ones are in Hamas and Hezbollah - Spanky KU - 9/18/24 12:19:50
                    You're such a kosher swallower - JayHoaxH8r MU - 9/18/24 12:16:24
                         You are such an anti-Semite that you are incapable of - Spanky KU - 9/18/24 12:18:47
                              You just prove my point - JayHoaxH8r MU - 9/18/24 13:23:36
                                   I prove you have a point on top of your pinhead - Spanky KU - 9/18/24 14:22:07
                                        nah you just prove you're - JayHoaxH8r MU - 9/18/24 15:37:40
                    In the video in the OP, are those all members of - ummmm MU - 9/18/24 12:11:13
                         In the OP video, the only person harmed was Hezbollah - Spanky KU - 9/18/24 12:17:02
                              what in the video identified him as Hezbollah? - pickle MU - 9/18/24 12:38:20
                                   What evidence is that he was NOT Hezbollah? - Spanky KU - 9/18/24 12:44:18
                                        you don’t know if he is or isn’t - pickle MU - 9/18/24 12:53:19
                                             The pagers were in the hands of Hezbollah - Spanky KU - 9/18/24 12:55:20
               sounds like israel - JayHoaxH8r MU - 9/18/24 11:36:32
                    He should move back to Philadelphia where he grew up - El-ahrairah BAMA - 9/18/24 11:42:24
     brutal reality of war these days(nm) - tmcats KSU - 9/18/24 11:21:25
          yes, war is murder - pickle MU - 9/18/24 11:40:16
          Israel is at war with Lebanon?(nm) - El-ahrairah BAMA - 9/18/24 11:37:55
               Hezbollah* - tmcats KSU - 9/18/24 11:46:52
                    Well they killed Lebanese children - El-ahrairah BAMA - 9/18/24 11:47:22
                         yeah, kids die in war, get your head out of your arse(nm) - tmcats KSU - 9/18/24 11:47:59
                              not a very moral stance, bob - pickle MU - 9/18/24 11:57:09
                              You can excuse evil if you like - El-ahrairah BAMA - 9/18/24 11:49:28
     just wait until Hezbollah moves to walkie talkies… - Bosalphus KC - 9/18/24 11:09:44
     however, we need to consider the time-honored moral position - CulturedDan KC - 9/18/24 11:04:45
Dollar Store Obama about to get arrested in CA - Bosalphus KC - 9/18/24 10:56:07
     RE: Dollar Store Obama about to get arrested in CA - sarasotatiger MU - 9/18/24 11:03:50
          Of course not because Newsom only wants to tamp down - Bosalphus KC - 9/18/24 11:17:04
               That will only make the exodus from Cali faster and bigger. - RHAYWORTH MU - 9/18/24 11:28:43
          States establish taxes for whatever reason they wish. - Bulldog Bob Brown STL - 9/18/24 11:10:51



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