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I muted him about a week ago. I’ll tune back in once he’s

Posted on: April 4, 2022 at 11:19:14 CT
ImpalaSS MU
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16.38 yrs
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done fellating the criminal enterprise to the west.
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     I muted him about a week ago. I’ll tune back in once he’s - ImpalaSS MU - 4/4 11:19:14
     Gregorian is a fraud and a coward - Big Casino MU - 4/4 10:59:46
     What the hell do you expect in KC....nm - tigertix MU - 4/4 10:09:18
     He is a piece of shlt and has always hated MU. - alwaysright MU - 4/4 09:32:45
          WTF are you babbling about? - sfprman MU - 4/4 11:36:23
          I didn’t see the OP ask for your sympathy - redngray MU - 4/4 09:13:42
               He probably read it online - Genco98 MU - 4/4 11:52:08
                    Small plane with banner: Ku cheats - sfprman MU - 4/4 13:24:14
               well since i'm a paying subscriber apparently i do have to - phrejd KC - 4/4 10:04:43
          Word (nm) - Hickeytime MU - 4/4 09:03:54
          Amen, phrejd - Mormad MU - 4/4 08:51:17
     Cheating is in kU's DNA. Its just part of their culture - Nohawks KC - 4/4 08:08:19
          Doesn't really matter anymore - TigerMook MU - 4/4 08:52:05
               You are being sarcastic, right? - sfprman MU - 4/4 11:18:48
               It does matter. This is from the NCAA still pending response - FIJItiger MU - 4/4 09:15:39
                    What date is that from? This is taking way longer than is - Lt. J. Dangle MU - 4/4 11:04:23
                         May 7th, 2020 (nm) - FIJItiger MU - 4/4 11:07:02
                              2 years or more seems like a long time when "very few facts - Lt. J. Dangle MU - 4/4 11:15:08
                    That gives me some hope. I'm amazed - Nohawks KC - 4/4 09:34:55
                         Its just working its way through the IARP process, but their - FIJItiger MU - 4/4 09:39:08
                              Any idea on the final ruling ? - Nohawks KC - 4/4 09:49:28
                                   They just vaguely said before end of 2022 (nm) - FIJItiger MU - 4/4 09:53:49
                                        Does it seem to you that this is just as much - Nohawks KC - 4/4 09:59:20
                                             I'm sure they NCAA will drop the ball and fail - FIJItiger MU - 4/4 11:06:17
                                                  Take a guess. What do you think sanctions will be - Nohawks KC - 4/4 12:07:23
                                                       Washburn U. Is fvcked - tigerfans3 MSSU - 4/4 18:16:50
                                                       Self gets a 5 year Show Cause, they vacate the results of - FIJItiger MU - 4/4 12:17:56
                                                            Damn. What bothers me is the 1 yr postseason ban - Nohawks KC - 4/4 12:30:04
                                             Somehow I'm not buying it - Genco98 MU - 4/4 10:45:00
                                                  So far in most of the cases the sacrificial lambs have been - Lt. J. Dangle MU - 4/4 11:07:09
                                                  I'm with you - tigerfans3 MSSU - 4/4 10:48:46
          Its not really part of their culture - FIJItiger MU - 4/4 08:37:30
          Part of the difference is the local media - Genco98 MU - 4/4 08:26:49
               There does seem to be a pretty wide gap in how local - playhard NWMSU - 4/4 09:09:17
               Haley's were from S. Carolina (nm) - FIJItiger MU - 4/4 08:36:07
                    But they went to Connors State in Oklahoma - Genco98 MU - 4/4 13:21:18
                         Ah, good point. Makes sense (nm) - FIJItiger MU - 4/4 13:23:41
                    RE: Haley's were from S. Carolina (nm) - FIJItiger MU - 4/4 09:18:55
               Good post. That was enlightening. I'd forgotten or - Nohawks KC - 4/4 08:32:48
                    Yes it's amazing the length the Post has gone to - Genco98 MU - 4/4 10:28:47
     To cheat is simply to not play fair - raskolnikov MU - 4/4 07:28:39
     RE: Vahe Gregorian writing fluff pieces about ku disgusts me - slamduncan KC - 4/4 07:19:08
          Herein lies our problem - sfprman MU - 4/4 11:44:30
          If Quin Snyder had been protected from scrutiny the same way - doughboy MU - 4/4 10:23:17

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