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nothing "typical" about Cruz, Autistic with a history of

Posted on: February 26, 2018 at 11:09:36 CT
tigerinhogtown STL
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23.60 yrs
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violence, and threats and assults as an adult I would hope would result in a felony conviction and in FL that means NO GUNS without an appeal.

Felony Conviction
If you have been convicted of a felony as described in Section 790.23, Florida Statutes, and the felony conviction occurred within the State of Florida, your civil rights and firearm rights must be restored by the Florida Office of Executive Clemency. Felony convictions occurring in another state require restoration of civil and firearm rights by the state in which the conviction occurred. If you were convicted of a felony under federal law, you must have a presidential pardon or have been granted federal relief from disabilities. If your civil rights and firearms rights have not been restored as described above, or if you cannot provide proof of restoration of civil rights and firearms rights, you are not eligible for a Concealed Weapon or Firearm License.

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You gun nuts crack me up... - Gyro MU - 2/26 10:07:46
     I use my AR-15 for lots of things - Roberts MU - 2/26 11:10:18
          I bet it gets you to the front of the line a lot too(nm) - tigerinhogtown STL - 2/26 11:26:00
          Haven't you ever watched an episode of NYPD Blue? - Tigrrrr! MU - 2/26 11:23:05
               My AR15 isn't touching the door - Roberts MU - 2/26 11:30:35
     RE: You gun nuts crack me up... - MOCO SON MU - 2/26 10:37:37
     The AR-15 is used for target practice almost exclusively - Spanky KU - 2/26 10:31:43
          Good. Get a nintendo - Rabbit Test MU - 2/26 10:37:39
               Why? - Spanky KU - 2/26 10:41:40
               RE: Good. Get a nintendo - MOCO SON MU - 2/26 10:41:14
     Automatic Weapons are highly regulated. - Rabbit Test MU - 2/26 10:30:04
          nm - Spanky KU - 2/26 10:46:07
          RE: Automatic Weapons are highly regulated. - MOCO SON MU - 2/26 10:41:42
          As recently as 14 years ago they were illlegal... - Gyro MU - 2/26 10:31:42
               No.. you actually don't have proof that it works - Spanky KU - 2/26 10:49:00
     do you really believe if AR15 weren't available that - tigerinhogtown STL - 2/26 10:20:53
          He could have become a bus driver and - Rabbit Test MU - 2/26 10:31:29
               yeah, that banning AR15 would NOT have stopped him - tigerinhogtown STL - 2/26 10:51:23
          Okay, so he brings a shotgun and kills 5 people... - Gyro MU - 2/26 10:27:51
               or he builds bombs and kills 117(nm) - tigerinhogtown STL - 2/26 10:50:47
                    Is that a current problem? - Gyro MU - 2/26 10:52:07
                         I've made my point, the gun wasn't the problem - tigerinhogtown STL - 2/26 10:55:44
                              Rest assured, you've struggled to make any points... - Gyro MU - 2/26 11:03:56
               so ban shotguns and get it down to 1 or 2, right? (nm) - 90Tiger MU - 2/26 10:48:13
                    and ban knives to get that to zero! See, problem - 90Tiger MU - 2/26 10:48:43
               and you laugh at calls for banning knives??? (nm) - 90Tiger MU - 2/26 10:47:54
               but I guess those 5 (or maybe 10) he would have killed - tigerinhogtown STL - 2/26 10:33:56
                    How's that exactly?(nm) - Gyro MU - 2/26 10:35:06
                         you just said 5 deaths would have been ok(nm) - tigerinhogtown STL - 2/26 10:36:27
                              5 dead is better than 17. - Rabbit Test MU - 2/26 10:38:17
                                   LOL, yes(nm) - Gyro MU - 2/26 10:39:12
                                        so ban shotguns to get it to 1 or 2 and then ban knives - 90Tiger MU - 2/26 10:49:18
                                             Who said that? If there's a rash of school shootings... - Gyro MU - 2/26 10:50:51
                                                  I'm using your logic, gyro. We should ban anything to reduc - 90Tiger MU - 2/26 10:53:00
                                                       I'm following current and past laws and regulations... - Gyro MU - 2/26 10:54:24
                                                            LOL, is the constitution/BOR not current and past law??? - 90Tiger MU - 2/26 11:07:57
          He should not have been able to legally buy a gun - MrBlueSky MU - 2/26 10:23:46
               he was able to because existing laws weren't enforced - tigerinhogtown STL - 2/26 10:24:50
                    Which laws were not enforced? - MrBlueSky MU - 2/26 10:34:38
                         assult - terroristic threatening(nm) - tigerinhogtown STL - 2/26 10:35:58
                              As a minor? - MrBlueSky MU - 2/26 10:36:47
                                   he made threats as an adult(nm) - tigerinhogtown STL - 2/26 10:49:08
                    Existing laws? Which ones?(nm) - Gyro MU - 2/26 10:28:08
                         if he had been properly charged with assult for - tigerinhogtown STL - 2/26 10:30:49
                              Oh really? So young kid recently dealing with the death... - Gyro MU - 2/26 10:33:12
                                   I'm sure he would have, but still guilty of a felony - tigerinhogtown STL - 2/26 10:34:53
                                        No, not at his age and not based... - Gyro MU - 2/26 10:36:27
                                             you don't know that, recent events included over a dozen - tigerinhogtown STL - 2/26 10:54:03
                                                  Yeah, again, since you don't really know how things... - Gyro MU - 2/26 10:56:27
                                                       nothing "typical" about Cruz, Autistic with a history of - tigerinhogtown STL - 2/26 11:09:36
                                                            You did all that for nothing... - Gyro MU - 2/26 11:11:53
                                                                 so you have represented a 19 yo autistic adult who had made - tigerinhogtown STL - 2/26 11:18:20
                                                                      You guys love the absolutes...no I've represented people... - Gyro MU - 2/26 11:20:06
                                                                           knowing what you know about Cruz, IF he had been charged - tigerinhogtown STL - 2/26 11:24:12
                                                                                His case in reality would not stick out at all... - Gyro MU - 2/26 11:30:29
                                                                                     I would hope that one of those people that had reported - tigerinhogtown STL - 2/26 11:46:48
                              Not if it occurred when he was a minor (nm) - MrBlueSky MU - 2/26 10:32:24
                                   he wasn't(nm) - tigerinhogtown STL - 2/26 11:18:32
               that's a different argument - blake1771 KC - 2/26 10:24:14
                    It's not. That has been my argument all along - MrBlueSky MU - 2/26 10:30:29
     Well regulated militia - Silas MU - 2/26 10:18:01
          Does not mean what you think it does.(nm) - TigerMatt MU - 2/26 10:28:00
          I'm a dictator by calling for the ban of an AR-15? - Gyro MU - 2/26 10:17:05
               any response other than agreement will result in - 90Tiger MU - 2/26 10:41:05
                    Or you could be clearly wrong... - Gyro MU - 2/26 10:53:00
               if Trump did it, you'd call him a fascist, without question. - 90Tiger MU - 2/26 10:25:29
                    I'd invite Trump to do it and would support him... - Gyro MU - 2/26 10:27:12
                         which proves you are without principle and a hypocrite - 90Tiger MU - 2/26 10:50:32
                              Ha, yeah there's not a wit of logic there... - Gyro MU - 2/26 10:51:39
                                   of course there is, you support gvmt infringing on - 90Tiger MU - 2/26 10:53:56
                                        No, and I'll pretend you don't know this but you do... - Gyro MU - 2/26 10:58:31
                                             i've brought up a single concept - Rights and the gvmt's - 90Tiger MU - 2/26 11:39:51
                                                  You're a fool...if you think that rights are unlimited... - Gyro MU - 2/26 11:56:47
                                                       rights are unlimited (nm) - pickle MU - 2/26 13:21:00
               you're a totalitarian - pickle MU - 2/26 10:18:20
                    LOL, what a Nancy you are... - Gyro MU - 2/26 10:19:33
                         You're the one scared of black plastic.(nm) - TigerMatt MU - 2/26 10:21:31
                              You're confusing fear with empathy for people... - Gyro MU - 2/26 10:26:53
                                   you have no empathy or sympathy - pickle MU - 2/26 10:32:29
                                        Any reasonable person (so you're not included there)... - Gyro MU - 2/26 10:37:57
                                             I defend the individual and his rights and his life - pickle MU - 2/26 10:43:22
                                   Your faux sympathy is noted since you wish to disarm - TigerMatt MU - 2/26 10:28:54
                                        In his OP, he talks up the success of "speeding free zones" - ummmm MU - 2/26 10:47:47
                                        The defend themselves argument.... - Gyro MU - 2/26 10:30:13
                         You supposedly dislike guns - pickle MU - 2/26 10:21:26
                              It's actually quite a simple concept even for someone... - Gyro MU - 2/26 10:25:45
                                   There is nothing reasonable about your proposal (nm) - pickle MU - 2/26 10:31:42
                                        You're not really suited for weighing reasonableness though(nm) - Gyro MU - 2/26 11:23:05
     well said(nm) - TheShoe STL - 2/26 10:14:51
          No, we are a nation of laws and we have rule of law... - Gyro MU - 2/26 10:13:32
               If there are limits on freedom, then it isn't freedom - pickle MU - 2/26 10:17:20
                    Only an American could make such a ridiculous... - Gyro MU - 2/26 10:21:03
                         you simply don't think - pickle MU - 2/26 10:24:46
                         So, your mission to ban a piece of property is imaginary?(nm) - ummmm MU - 2/26 10:23:01
                              This is what happens when you have no principles - pickle MU - 2/26 10:28:13
                                   You're the most emotional guy here... - Gyro MU - 2/26 10:29:24
                                        Who owns your life, body, and mind? (nm) - pickle MU - 2/26 10:34:23
               why did the BoR specify rights the feds couldn't infring - 90Tiger MU - 2/26 10:16:13
                    You didn't accompish anything in your post... - Gyro MU - 2/26 10:22:31
                         where did the rights originate that the BoR is referring to? - 90Tiger MU - 2/26 10:55:04
                    Boom! (nm) - JeffB MU - 2/26 10:17:19
     You're the gun nut...Us gun owners are sensible people... - DoltfromSTL MU - 2/26 10:10:18
          Was Nikolas Cruz a sensible, legal gun owner? - MrBlueSky MU - 2/26 10:19:46
               Those were all just nuts... - DoltfromSTL MU - 2/26 10:28:21
                    Nuts? Why was it so easy for them to all purchase - MrBlueSky MU - 2/26 10:33:21
               legal only because existing laws were not enforced(nm) - tigerinhogtown STL - 2/26 10:26:01
                    Which laws? There are no laws that prevent people - MrBlueSky MU - 2/26 10:32:06
                         the ones against assult and terroristic threatening - tigerinhogtown STL - 2/26 11:57:53
          bad arguement - CRUZ was "sensible"?(nm) - tigerinhogtown STL - 2/26 10:18:23
               For every person like Cruz I can show you 10,000,000... - DoltfromSTL MU - 2/26 10:30:38
          I'll give that reply an F- ....LOL weak(nm) - Gyro MU - 2/26 10:11:23
               Of course you would...An F- from you means I nailed it! (nm) - DoltfromSTL MU - 2/26 10:31:09
     Wrong.. AR-15 is used for hunting.(nm) - TigerMatt MU - 2/26 10:09:31
          hunting people is illegal(nm) - TheShoe STL - 2/26 10:14:21
          What does the man who invented - MrBlueSky MU - 2/26 10:11:41
               Stoner is dead (nm) - Tigrrrr! MU - 2/26 11:22:00
               irrelevant (nm) - pickle MU - 2/26 10:12:08
                    Yes you are...but we still let you hang out(nm) - Gyro MU - 2/26 10:14:02
                    So says you - MrBlueSky MU - 2/26 10:13:59
                         what he says and thinks are irrelevant - pickle MU - 2/26 10:19:51
                              Ha, only in your world pimple... - Gyro MU - 2/26 10:34:10
                                   Gyro: "An AR-15, for non-military use, has one utility... - pickle MU - 2/26 10:47:38
                                        what a thinker he is! (nm) - 90Tiger MU - 2/26 11:41:16
                                             Tee Tee 90 IQ...nuff said(nm) - Gyro MU - 2/26 11:57:26
          So we all know that's BS, but for the sake of argument... - Gyro MU - 2/26 10:10:52
               At least 5 million Americans own AR-15s. What percentage - TigerMatt MU - 2/26 10:15:07
                    You're looking at the wrong percentage - TheShoe STL - 2/26 10:16:52
                         well 68% use handguns. so not most. - blake1771 KC - 2/26 10:23:12
                         Far smaller than handguns.(nm) - TigerMatt MU - 2/26 10:19:51

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