Philosophical question, the NFL evidently has a rule about
Posted on: December 18, 2017 at 09:51:15 CT
hokie VT
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9.07 yrs
M.O.B. Votes:
"completing the catch" and according highlights of the pgh game it looked clearly like a catch that was bobbled when the receiver hit the ground AFTER CROSSING the end zone.
The refs enforced the rule.
Should the refs, acting as supreme court justices have enforced an idiotic rule, or should they have awarded a touchdown to pittsburgh because despite the rule, the receiver had control of the ball when the ball crossed the end zone?
The pickle will say, "wrong board," "GD idiot" or "moron."
Or some combination of the three.
But to thinking participants on the board should the supreme court, i mean referees, enforce the laws as written, or should they use their experience as a wise latina to interpret (and make) rules that make more sense?