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Posted on: September 1, 2016 at 14:14:46 CT
Rabbit Test MU
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10.69 yrs
M.O.B. Votes:
calls those air strips.

There isn't an actual road network left now.

Here are all the details for you.

They actually had to get international aid to build a tiny 5.4 km road to the only port left open for humanitarian to enter that lawless sheethole.

Somalia's network of roads is 21,830 km long. As of 2010, 2,757 km (12%) of streets are paved, 844 km (3.9%) are gravel, and 18,229 km (83.5%) are earth. 2,559 km are primary roads, 4,850 km are secondary roads, and 14,421 km are rural/feeder roads.[1] As of May 2015, over 70,000 vehicles are registered with the Puntland Ministry of Works and Transport.[2]
Roadside view of a neighborhood in Garowe.

A 750 km highway connects major cities in the northern part of the country, such as Bosaso, Galkayo and Garowe, with towns in the south.[3] In 2012, the Puntland Highway Authority (PHA) completed rehabilitation work on the central artery linking Garowe with Galkayo.[4] The transportation body also began an upgrade and repair project in June 2012 on the large Garowe–Bosaso Highway.[5] Additionally, renovations were initiated in October 2012 on the central artery linking Bosaso with Qardho.[4] Plans are also in the works to construct new roads connecting littoral towns in the region to the main thoroughfare.[5]

In September 2013, the Somali federal government signed an official cooperation agreement with its Chinese counterpart in Mogadishu as part of a five-year national recovery plan. The pact will see the Chinese authorities reconstruct several major infrastructural landmarks in the Somalian capital and elsewhere, as well as the road between Galkayo and Burao in the northern part of the country.[6]

In June 2014, the Puntland administration inaugurated a new 5.9 km paved road in the city. The construction project leads to the Bosaso seaport, and was completed in conjunction with UNHABITAT. The Puntland government plans to invest at least 23 million Euros in contributions from international partners in similar road infrastructure development initiatives.[7]

In October 2014, the Puntland Highway Authority began construction on a new highway connecting the presidential palace in Garowe with various other parts of the administrative capital. Financing for the project was provided by the Puntland government. According to the Head of the PHA Mohamud Abdinur Adan, the new thoroughfare aims to facilitate local transportation and movement. Puntland Minister of Public Works Mohamed Hersi also indicated that the Puntland authorities plan to build and repair other roads linking to the regional urban centers.[8] In December 2014, Galkayo District Mayor Yacqub Mohamed Abdalla and other Puntland officials likewise laid the foundation for a new tarmac road in western Galkayo. The project was funded by the Puntland administration, with other roads in the broader district also slated to be paved with bitumen in 2015.[9] Among the latter streets, a tar construction project began on the Durdur road in the Garsor suburb in February 2015. The main road in the Central Business District as well as the airport road are concurrently scheduled to be paved.[10]

In November 2014, the Ministry of Interior and Federalism reached an agreement with the government of Qatar to assist in the renovation of existing roads in Somalia and the construction of new streets.[11]
Newly constructed roads and buildings in Mogadishu.

In January 2015, the Interim Juba Administration launched a beautification and cleaning campaign in Kismayo's transportation system. Part of a broader urbanization drive, the initiative includes the clearing of clogged streets and lanes, razing of illegal buildings therein, and further development of the municipal road network.[12]

In March 2015, Puntland President Abdiweli Mohamed Ali in conjunction with EU Ambassador to Somalia Michele Cervone d’Urso and German Ambassador to Somalia Andreas Peschke launched the Sustainable Road Maintenance Project. Part of the New Deal Compact for Somalia, the initiative's implementation is facilitated by 17.75 million Euros and 3 million Euros provided by the EU and Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), respectively. Among other objectives, the project aims to renovate the highway between Galkayo and Garowe, including funding refurbishments on the damaged segments of the road and construction of check dams and flood control structures. The initiative also involves a routine annual maintenance program, which focuses on side brushing, clearing bridges after floods, drainage and culvert clearance, and pothole filling. Additionally, the project will offer policy support to the Puntland Ministry of Public Works and the Puntland Highway Authority, and local contractors will receive on-the-job training to upgrade their skills.[13]
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     Corporations, a group of private citizens - MIZZOUowns SEC - 9/1 18:37:02
     My roads are already private, and they are awesome. - Coors4bob MU - 9/1 17:46:46
     Actually, private enterprise already builds them. - Alferd Packer MU - 9/1 15:47:47
     Not as concerned about who builds them, but rather - Mizzou Lou KC - 9/1 15:03:32
          you don't like the idea of never knowing how much - Ragnar Danneskjold MU - 9/1 15:16:14
               "Pot Hole fee 2016" - Mizzou Lou KC - 9/1 15:24:26
                    or the guy who owns the road to the private hospital - Ragnar Danneskjold MU - 9/1 15:27:21
                    I addressed this above. (nm) - pickle MU - 9/1 15:26:28
                         You addressed it poorly - Mizzou Lou KC - 9/1 15:33:38
                              I addressed it directly - pickle MU - 9/1 15:39:19
                                   Courts? Isn't that "government?" - Alferd Packer MU - 9/1 15:58:40
                                        No, it's not government. - pickle MU - 9/1 16:11:54
                                   You fail badly here - Mizzou Lou KC - 9/1 15:43:37
                                        I've made no mention of HOAs or HOA fees - pickle MU - 9/1 15:45:07
                                             You don't even try anymore. You're little more than a - Mizzou Lou KC - 9/1 15:48:59
                                                  "You're right, pickle. You didn't mention HOAs or their fees - pickle MU - 9/1 15:52:40
                                                       "First you started out with the handwringing over a "phony - Mizzou Lou KC - 9/1 15:56:47
                                                            No, you were talking about the hypothetical road owner - pickle MU - 9/1 16:09:52
                              This sums up his position nicely. - Rabbit Test MU - 9/1 15:37:03
                                   No, that sums up your straw man nicely - pickle MU - 9/1 15:40:36
                                   We should also assume that private roads would have private - Mizzou Lou KC - 9/1 15:40:08
                                        We should we assume that? - pickle MU - 9/1 16:19:26
                                        State of Missouri had to pass a law about just that issue - Rabbit Test MU - 9/1 15:47:34
               I doubt it all be a per-use fee - pickle MU - 9/1 15:23:49
          Private enterprise - pickle MU - 9/1 15:10:10
               What does competition look like in road usage? - Alferd Packer MU - 9/1 15:44:43
                    free enterprise does not imply competition (nm) - pickle MU - 9/1 18:23:44
               A "phony surcharge" is a surcharge imposed on the members - Mizzou Lou KC - 9/1 15:14:01
                    who shoudl have paid for the - meatiger MU - 9/1 15:19:47
                         Well, gee, that's the whole point - Mizzou Lou KC - 9/1 15:26:56
                    Unfounded? - pickle MU - 9/1 15:17:12
                         "If you have an issue with it, raise it with the business o - Mizzou Lou KC - 9/1 15:30:34
                              i'm not talking about your HOA, Lou - pickle MU - 9/1 18:24:58
                         take it to court doesn't exist in your world Pickle. - Rabbit Test MU - 9/1 15:19:03
                              Wrong (nm) - pickle MU - 9/1 15:24:18
                              arbitration - Ragnar Danneskjold MU - 9/1 15:22:04
                                   larger personal security force - Rabbit Test MU - 9/1 15:59:20
                                   Courts, arbitration, mediation.... - pickle MU - 9/1 15:25:09
                                        with no means of enforcement(nm) - Ragnar Danneskjold MU - 9/1 15:26:13
                                             Incorrect (nm) - pickle MU - 9/1 15:26:41
                                                  sorry, you would have private security forces to try - Ragnar Danneskjold MU - 9/1 15:28:26
                                                       Also incorrect (nm) - pickle MU - 9/1 15:31:14
                                                            how would you enforce it?(nm) - Ragnar Danneskjold MU - 9/1 15:34:04
     Without pickle, who will make dumb posts? - RHAYWORTH MU - 9/1 14:59:17
          RE: Without pickle, who will make dumb posts? - Tigrrrr! MU - 9/1 16:01:57
          Base human nature for 60000 years has no - Rabbit Test MU - 9/1 15:03:21
          It's a question of efficiency - Mizzou Lou KC - 9/1 15:10:13
               Lou, you act like government has created something - ummmm MU - 9/1 15:32:25
                    Lou loves central planning - pickle MU - 9/1 15:41:27
                         Bad hyperbole fail. You love central planning when you - Mizzou Lou KC - 9/1 15:46:13
                              There was no hyperbole - pickle MU - 9/1 16:20:22
                    "There is no secret to road building" - Mizzou Lou KC - 9/1 15:37:32
                         If there is no profit potential, then it needs to be avoided - ummmm MU - 9/1 15:59:47
                              That's all I've ever said. If any government has rejected - Mizzou Lou KC - 9/1 16:07:00
                                   well that's not true (nm) - pickle MU - 9/1 18:20:19
               how efficient has government been? - Butcher of Bakersfield STL - 9/1 15:14:22
                    Not terribly efficient, however when it cones to certain - Mizzou Lou KC - 9/1 15:21:21
     Irrelevant. There will always be government. - GODZILLA MU - 9/1 14:39:13
     master blaster(nm) - Ragnar Danneskjold MU - 9/1 14:15:37
          I was thinking more of a Water World scenrio - Rabbit Test MU - 9/1 14:33:49
               because he doesn't comprehend them at all - FootballRefugee MU - 9/1 14:35:21
     Somalia - Rabbit Test MU - 9/1 14:14:46
          Why keep hiding behind double handles? (nm) - pickle MU - 9/1 14:16:07
               I don't have a double but - Rabbit Test MU - 9/1 14:30:16
                    interestingly - pickle MU - 9/1 14:48:04
                         Now - Rabbit Test MU - 9/1 14:48:49
                              An answer to what? - pickle MU - 9/1 14:54:42
                    You say "continue" as if we've talked before - pickle MU - 9/1 14:34:03
                         Hillary Clinton continues to deflect questions about - Spanky KU - 9/1 14:38:44
               Odd question Sluggo - Ferg STL - 9/1 14:20:42
     An illegal knife - Spanky KU - 9/1 14:12:17

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