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Why I believe you are mistaken:

Posted on: August 12, 2016 at 13:55:02 CT
MUIntensity USA
Member For:
22.01 yrs
M.O.B. Votes:
You don't seem to grasp that most of us recognize that there is UNCERTAINTY as to how things will play out. You and a couple other posters are so in love with your own delusions that you think all questions have been answered and the outcomes of the games are already determined.

No one is a fan of a concept that doesn't result in Missouri basketball winning games, over the long term. Some of us just have the patience and humility to recognize that we can't answer the viability of the KA approach at this time.

"Expectations and benchmarks for success" is a hollow phrase, as hollow as Gant and Wright's 4 star recruit rankings. Accept the reality of the situation, and have the patience and open mind to let the kids play the games.
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I get the feeling - o'lineydisciple MU - 8/12 09:00:26
     Those people exist, but they're a small minority.(nm) - zodiac6 JC - 8/12 12:27:23
     Possibly. Would like to see 15 or more wins, but - MUIntensity USA - 8/12 11:22:31
          Anderson's old boss said - o'lineydisciple MU - 8/12 12:37:02
          So we're in the same spot that we were in when KA was hired. - Da_Haze KC - 8/12 11:27:18
               I'm pretty sure some old lady will make you move if you - Uncle John MU - 8/12 13:22:23
               Certainly time is a factor by which to measure progress - MUIntensity USA - 8/12 11:46:52
                    What circumstances did Kim inherit that was any different - StaleyTiger MU - 8/12 12:06:34
                         Penn St has had much better talent than Missouri had when - Uncle John MU - 8/12 12:16:15
                              And you know what the sad thing is? There are actually some - StaleyTiger MU - 8/12 12:21:38
                                   And that's not nearly as sad as some of you - Mormad MU - 8/12 13:09:52
                                        You know what's absurd? The notion that those players - StaleyTiger MU - 8/12 13:34:09
                                             I agree, in general, that I'd like to have upperclassmen - Mormad MU - 8/12 13:59:03
                                        They also think he should have just ignored the fact that - Uncle John MU - 8/12 13:15:58
               No, we're not... - Mormad MU - 8/12 11:46:15
     NIT or bust - Da_Haze KC - 8/12 11:12:33
     If can at least be in the top 100 of D1 teams and make the - catbirdseat MU - 8/12 10:39:37
     I'm rooting for Anderson to turn things around, but there - bornoncampus MU - 8/12 10:11:55
          Well you see the history of Missouri AD's making the next - Uncle John MU - 8/12 10:20:06
     That tonight's gonna be a good night - John Murdoch MU - 8/12 10:04:43
     he has to go .500 in he SEC or better. If he doesnt do that - NWMizzouFan MU - 8/12 09:42:56
     There is a subset who are fans of the - FIJItiger MU - 8/12 09:34:11
          Why I believe you are mistaken: - MUIntensity USA - 8/12 13:55:02
               Yes, I don't agree that uncertainty still remains(nm) - FIJItiger MU - 8/12 14:02:38
          You are mistaken - MidMoBaller4Life MU - 8/12 10:04:04
               I'll add that I am, once again, looking forward to MU Bball - bornoncampus MU - 8/12 10:19:35
                    Yes indeed. They will have to work their a$$es off this year - MidMoBaller4Life MU - 8/12 10:21:50
                    Can't wait!(nm) - Uncle John MU - 8/12 10:20:42
               Well then you aren't in that subset, which is fine - FIJItiger MU - 8/12 10:09:06
                    I really don't know anyone like that.(nm) - Uncle John MU - 8/12 10:10:08
                         Me either, I support whoever our coach is(nm) - MidMoBaller4Life MU - 8/12 10:12:12
                              Well our coach has been a failure and has cratered our - FIJItiger MU - 8/12 10:14:28
                                   Definitionin of insantiy - catbirdseat MU - 8/12 10:40:40
                                        You are a good example of that. - Uncle John MU - 8/12 10:52:22
                                        Feefee does post the same stuff over and over, good call(nm) - MidMoBaller4Life MU - 8/12 10:43:44
                                   That's where you are wrong. What time is the meeting at - Uncle John MU - 8/12 10:21:34
                                   I don't make coaching changes - MidMoBaller4Life MU - 8/12 10:20:12
                                        Didn't say you did, just that puts you in that subset (nm) - FIJItiger MU - 8/12 10:21:11
                                             IDGAF about some stupid subset, I'm a fan and that's it(nm) - MidMoBaller4Life MU - 8/12 10:22:24
                                                  Well that is a larger subset, encompassing basically - FIJItiger MU - 8/12 10:24:10
                                                       The original lie you mean to say.(nm) - Uncle John MU - 8/12 10:29:11
                                                       Apparently you can't read then - MidMoBaller4Life MU - 8/12 10:25:01
                                                            Cool, apologies if that revelation was hurtful (nm) - FIJItiger MU - 8/12 10:27:27
                                                                 You didn't make any revelations, apology not accepted(nm) - MidMoBaller4Life MU - 8/12 10:28:06
                                                                      Ok - FIJItiger MU - 8/12 10:30:13
                         Well that is who the original post is talking about(nm) - FIJItiger MU - 8/12 10:11:06
                              He should be more specific then. Not sure who he is talking - Uncle John MU - 8/12 10:12:59
               sometimes reality has to set in though - NWMizzouFan MU - 8/12 10:04:50
                    He has, but he wasn't fired so we will do what MidMo - Uncle John MU - 8/12 10:07:36
                         He shouldn't have to be fired, he needed to quit/retire(nm) - FIJItiger MU - 8/12 10:10:31
                              Another fantasy post - Uncle John MU - 8/12 10:16:52
                              That is unrealistic. No person would every quit a million - NWMizzouFan MU - 8/12 10:11:27
                                   I guess I overestimated Kim then (nm) - FIJItiger MU - 8/12 10:15:19
                                        You wouldn't walk away from $1 million would you? - nerdmachine KC - 8/12 11:02:58
                                             In his situation, of course I would (nm) - FIJItiger MU - 8/12 13:11:17
                    And thinking we should be MUCH better doesn't make a person - StaleyTiger MU - 8/12 10:06:21
                         Except some have made it personal and really don't want - Uncle John MU - 8/12 10:08:31
                              Who has made it personal? Saying Kim can't do this job - StaleyTiger MU - 8/12 10:10:51
                                   Whatever, I read the board and many only ***** or come - Uncle John MU - 8/12 10:18:33
                                        So who is making it personal? Saying Kim can't do this job - StaleyTiger MU - 8/12 10:22:50
                                             Looks like his bosses are giving him another year to see. I - Uncle John MU - 8/12 10:32:14
                              I think some people take message board messages way too - NWMizzouFan MU - 8/12 10:09:49
                                   Some just want to lose and move on. That's okay, but just - Uncle John MU - 8/12 10:11:22
                                        I don't think there is a MIzzou fan out there that wouldn't - StaleyTiger MU - 8/12 10:12:46
                                             I hope so, I will go with that then.(nm) - Uncle John MU - 8/12 10:47:19
          Who? His wife? That's just stupid. But your views of - bornoncampus MU - 8/12 10:01:59
          Or MU football in the 80's, expect mediocre, - MU-TULSA MU - 8/12 09:45:59
     I'm not for or against Kim Anderson, really. - GeorgiaTiger76 MU - 8/12 09:28:16
          RE: I'm not for or against Kim Anderson, really. - kcsportsnut MU - 8/12 09:48:12
               Kim is responsible for the state of the program. A big part - StaleyTiger MU - 8/12 10:03:23
                    How much of player retainment really is on the coach? - nerdmachine KC - 8/12 11:08:26
                    Players live all the time after coaching changes. We didn't - Uncle John MU - 8/12 10:09:29
                         There has never been a coach in P5 history that has - StaleyTiger MU - 8/12 10:15:19
                              J3 and Teki and that's it.(nm) - Uncle John MU - 8/12 10:49:42
               Wisc had arguably the best coach in the nation - FIJItiger MU - 8/12 09:55:37
               And if we do look for a new coach go after someone like - Uncle John MU - 8/12 09:49:49
          I agree. I don't think Kim can do it but will be glad if he - StaleyTiger MU - 8/12 09:35:28
          same here(nm) - Lt. J. Dangle NWMSU - 8/12 09:31:53
     Top 100 KenPom and a couple recruiting wins - wu-tangtiger MU - 8/12 09:21:16
     Agreed (nm) - TheWildcat STL - 8/12 09:14:04
     I think they are few and far between. I can only think - StaleyTiger MU - 8/12 09:09:46
     Well then you are very wrong.(nm) - Uncle John MU - 8/12 09:09:20
     that would be progress and i'd be happy for the team b/c - ajpe53 MU - 8/12 09:03:17
          18+ he will be back....and deserves to be - Bump834 MU - 8/12 09:07:00
               Question then: - o'lineydisciple MU - 8/12 10:09:05
                    Way different circumstances.... - Bump834 MU - 8/12 12:02:59
               As soft as our schedule is, 18 wins would be a minuscule - GeorgiaTiger76 MU - 8/12 09:30:21
                    There's only 12 noncon games - wu-tangtiger MU - 8/12 09:47:07
               which will never happen. he isn't coming back(nm) - ajpe53 MU - 8/12 09:19:05
                    How the eff do you know that? - chokingmychickenhawk MU - 8/12 09:29:56
                         just my opinion(nm) - ajpe53 MU - 8/12 09:31:29

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