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It is? Why? (nm)

Posted on: August 8, 2016 at 20:30:02 CT
bolivartiger MU
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New AD hired, Jim Sterk from SDSU... - bluetiger_ MU - 8/8 14:11:14
     RE: New AD hired, Jim Sterk from SDSU... - Scubapath MU - 8/8 18:14:57
          Weird(nm) - TXStiger MU - 8/8 22:16:00
          I really disagree... - bluetiger_ MU - 8/8 20:52:43
               RE: I really disagree... - CPA MU - 8/9 13:12:06
                    He was the AD at a P5 school for 10 years - bolivartiger MU - 8/9 14:33:48
                         RE: He was the AD at a P5 school for 10 years - CPA MU - 8/10 15:18:22
               RE: I really disagree... - Scubapath MU - 8/9 05:24:41
                    Well, I'm just guessing... - bluetiger_ MU - 8/9 06:32:11
                         RE: Well, I'm just guessing... - Scubapath MU - 8/9 08:59:43
                              Mike Owens would not have been a good AD.(nm) - ROLLATIGER MU - 8/9 12:52:39
                              Foley wanted someone with AD experience - bolivartiger MU - 8/9 10:34:17
                                   RE: Foley wanted someone with AD experience - Scubapath MU - 8/9 13:15:27
                                        Geographic fit is a minor concern for me - bolivartiger MU - 8/9 14:37:19
          It is a bit of a head scratcher. nm - MATO MU - 8/8 20:17:57
               It is? Why? (nm) - bolivartiger MU - 8/8 20:30:02
                    Just assumed we would get someone with ties to the - MATO MU - 8/8 21:17:09
                         Sundvold wasn't eligible - doughboy MU - 8/9 11:41:21
                         Jon will be important on the Board of Curators - bolivartiger MU - 8/9 10:35:41
          dumb post of the week(nm) - MizzouAstro MU - 8/8 19:29:52
     Whew, I thought it was South Dakota State U. nm - greendoor MU - 8/8 17:45:37

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