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New AD hired, Jim Sterk from SDSU...

Posted on: August 8, 2016 at 14:11:14 CT
bluetiger_ MU
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12.74 yrs
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At this point won't have a thing to do with EE staying or going. But hopefully is a sign that things here will start to stabilize finally.

He seems like a good hire, very well respected, was the AD at Washington State for 10 years, then left in 2010 in an interesting move to San Diego State U.,where he has been for the last 6 years. 21 total years experience as an AD. Don't see moving from a Power 5 conference to a school outside that group very often. Now he's back in.

Why Mizzou? I have no idea, but being the AD at an SEC school is hopefully his final destination and not a stopping point for anyplace else. He has no ties whatsoever to Mizzou, although when he left Wazzou 5 years ago he was rumored to not have a very good relationship with the late Elson Floyd, who was president at WSU at that time, and was a former president here at Mizzou.

Money wise Sterk just got a huge increase. He was earning 315k at SDSU, and Mack was earning 600k here, I believe, when he slunk out of town to preside atop the cesspool that is Baylor athletics. So he has at least doubled his salary probably.

Edited by bluetiger_ at 15:19:03 on 08/08/16
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New AD hired, Jim Sterk from SDSU... - bluetiger_ MU - 8/8 14:11:14
     RE: New AD hired, Jim Sterk from SDSU... - Scubapath MU - 8/8 18:14:57
          Weird(nm) - TXStiger MU - 8/8 22:16:00
          I really disagree... - bluetiger_ MU - 8/8 20:52:43
               RE: I really disagree... - CPA MU - 8/9 13:12:06
                    He was the AD at a P5 school for 10 years - bolivartiger MU - 8/9 14:33:48
                         RE: He was the AD at a P5 school for 10 years - CPA MU - 8/10 15:18:22
               RE: I really disagree... - Scubapath MU - 8/9 05:24:41
                    Well, I'm just guessing... - bluetiger_ MU - 8/9 06:32:11
                         RE: Well, I'm just guessing... - Scubapath MU - 8/9 08:59:43
                              Mike Owens would not have been a good AD.(nm) - ROLLATIGER MU - 8/9 12:52:39
                              Foley wanted someone with AD experience - bolivartiger MU - 8/9 10:34:17
                                   RE: Foley wanted someone with AD experience - Scubapath MU - 8/9 13:15:27
                                        Geographic fit is a minor concern for me - bolivartiger MU - 8/9 14:37:19
          It is a bit of a head scratcher. nm - MATO MU - 8/8 20:17:57
               It is? Why? (nm) - bolivartiger MU - 8/8 20:30:02
                    Just assumed we would get someone with ties to the - MATO MU - 8/8 21:17:09
                         Sundvold wasn't eligible - doughboy MU - 8/9 11:41:21
                         Jon will be important on the Board of Curators - bolivartiger MU - 8/9 10:35:41
          dumb post of the week(nm) - MizzouAstro MU - 8/8 19:29:52
     Whew, I thought it was South Dakota State U. nm - greendoor MU - 8/8 17:45:37

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