It's two separate prohibitions under one article in the bylaws - one for employment, the other for service provider.
Here's where the argument can be made - I found the official definition of "member of the Board of Curators" - Section 10.030 #3 -
"The term "Board of Curators of the University of Missouri," "Board of Curators," or "Board" shall refer to the governing board of The Curators of the University of Missouri, and shall be composed of the Curators
duly appointed and qualified as provided by law."
The argument that can be made is that by not being confirmed by the Senate JS isn't "qualified as provided by law". However, a big hole in this strategy is that Jon has voted on at least one major matter - approving tuition rates for the upcoming year.
Edited by doughboy at 08:12:38 on 07/28/16