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Exellent post...

Posted on: July 22, 2016 at 15:18:14 CT
bluetiger_ MU
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The slander that EE is getting from a few people here is awful. I doubt any of them have any personal knowledge at all about the interactions between EE and his players in practice.

Talking about him "going psycho" and comparing him to Hayes is just slanderous.
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We do not know if EE is an A-hole or not - sarasotatiger MU - 7/21 08:30:44
     RE: I can see EE has many enablers..... - missinglink MU - 7/22 13:44:36
          Very strange post... - bluetiger_ MU - 7/22 15:40:37
          Yes, it's all very sad. The mentally ill coach fighting the - RayKinsella1922 SEC - 7/22 14:21:40
     He is seeing a psychologist - alstl MU - 7/22 09:59:53
          No, you're absolutely wrong, couldn't be more wrong. - RayKinsella1922 SEC - 7/22 11:39:50
               Sounds to me like Woody Hayes syndrome - alstl MU - 7/22 12:28:38
                    Different era. Woody Hayes wouldn't make it a year - Erwin Fletcher STL - 7/25 15:17:58
                    RE: Sounds to me like Woody Hayes syndrome - sYsTiger MU - 7/22 13:10:40
                         Exellent post... - bluetiger_ MU - 7/22 15:18:14
                              LOL - Billy Martin would probably be more appropriate - alstl MU - 7/25 10:44:31
                                   the reprimand came from a coaches association whose executiv - Bobk MU - 7/26 09:47:20
                                   EE is EE. Any comparison with other sports figgers will cast - RayKinsella1922 SEC - 7/25 11:29:47
                                        I'm simply basing what I'm seeing on what has been widely - alstl MU - 7/25 12:32:33
                                             Yes, because the girls are warned coming in that - RayKinsella1922 SEC - 7/25 13:13:40
                    Clueless in STL(nm) - ROLLATIGER MU - 7/22 12:46:57
     His job is to push them and make them better players and - Erwin Fletcher STL - 7/21 18:15:35
     Here's a list of highly successful D-I coaches who never - MNTIGER MU - 7/21 09:51:01
          RE: Here's a list of highly successful D-I coaches who never - sYsTiger MU - 7/21 09:54:04

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