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RE: All good poin

Posted on: February 3, 2025 at 20:22:05 CT
Member For:
3.70 yrs
M.O.B. Votes:
I agree about kroenke. I want to like her but she her absolute inability to score means it’s essentially 5 on 4. Other teams know she won’t shoot the ball which makes it so much harder for others to get open which we struggle with anyway. Her game is very immature exampled by the numerous times she dribbled into a trap and picked up her dribble resulting in many of the 10s count turnovers yesterday. We need a point guard that’s at least half of Georgia from KY. Someone that can pass and score
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What's Going On? - GreatScott MU - 2/2 16:32:59
     Players are performing better - tigerden MU - 2/3 13:49:06
          All good points… - bluetiger_ MU - 2/3 15:49:53
               still young team - fatrat MU - 2/3 18:27:52
               RE: All good poin - Mizzhope MU - 2/3 17:04:39
                    RE: All good poin - MIZISHOME MU - 2/3 20:22:05
                    RE: All good poin - Achmed MU - 2/3 17:42:06
                    RE: All good poin - tigerden MU - 2/3 17:22:08
                         RE: All good poin - BruceInLA MU - 2/3 17:39:16
                              RE: All good poin - tigerden MU - 2/3 20:04:48
     Good questions. My take… - bluetiger_ MU - 2/3 12:05:00
          RE: Good questions. My take… - GreatScott MU - 2/4 15:45:21
          RE: Good questions. My take… - Achmed MU - 2/3 13:05:25
     Did you watch the game?(nm) - DollarSigns MU - 2/2 16:47:36
          RE: Did you watch the game?(nm) - GreatScott MU - 2/2 18:17:44
     RE: What's Going On? - Achmed MU - 2/2 16:40:53
          And she decides to play a few more bench players that - DollarSigns MU - 2/2 16:56:43
               RE: And she decides to play a few more bench players that - GreatScott MU - 2/2 18:18:36
                    She's been a LAME DUCK coach for 2 1/2 years now - MOKE MU - 2/2 19:02:10

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