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What's Going On?

Posted on: February 2, 2025 at 16:32:59 CT
GreatScott MU
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2.84 yrs
M.O.B. Votes:
The WBB team lost by five points at #18 TN.

This is the third straight game we've played a good SEC opponent close. Why is it happening now, this late in the season? Some of the posters here say that the other games were a fluke, that a good team can sometimes not play well against an inferior team, and vice versa.

But this is three straight games now, and you have to wonder where this level of play was earlier in the season.

Did the coaches change their strategy? Are the players suddenly reaching their potential?

It's hard for me to look at the last three games and say that all of our opponents took MU lightly.

Having said that, turnovers continue to kill our team. 24 today. Cut those in half and maybe we win. But 15+ turnovers give you no chance to win.
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What's Going On? - GreatScott MU - 2/2 16:32:59
     Players are performing better - tigerden MU - 2/3 13:49:06
          All good points… - bluetiger_ MU - 2/3 15:49:53
               still young team - fatrat MU - 2/3 18:27:52
               RE: All good poin - Mizzhope MU - 2/3 17:04:39
                    RE: All good poin - MIZISHOME MU - 2/3 20:22:05
                    RE: All good poin - Achmed MU - 2/3 17:42:06
                    RE: All good poin - tigerden MU - 2/3 17:22:08
                         RE: All good poin - BruceInLA MU - 2/3 17:39:16
                              RE: All good poin - tigerden MU - 2/3 20:04:48
     Good questions. My take… - bluetiger_ MU - 2/3 12:05:00
          RE: Good questions. My take… - GreatScott MU - 2/4 15:45:21
          RE: Good questions. My take… - Achmed MU - 2/3 13:05:25
     Did you watch the game?(nm) - DollarSigns MU - 2/2 16:47:36
          RE: Did you watch the game?(nm) - GreatScott MU - 2/2 18:17:44
     RE: What's Going On? - Achmed MU - 2/2 16:40:53
          And she decides to play a few more bench players that - DollarSigns MU - 2/2 16:56:43
               RE: And she decides to play a few more bench players that - GreatScott MU - 2/2 18:18:36
                    She's been a LAME DUCK coach for 2 1/2 years now - MOKE MU - 2/2 19:02:10

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