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And she decides to play a few more bench players that

Posted on: February 2, 2025 at 16:56:43 CT
DollarSigns MU
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18.94 yrs
M.O.B. Votes:
Shouldn’t see the floor in a competitive game. It is clear she couldn’t care less as to whether or not this team wins. A lame duck coach is a terrible situation. Francois gave the University a big middle finger on the way out just like Alden

Edited by DollarSigns at 17:01:00 on 02/02/25
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What's Going On? - GreatScott MU - 2/2 16:32:59
     Players are performing better - tigerden MU - 2/3 13:49:06
          All good points… - bluetiger_ MU - 2/3 15:49:53
               still young team - fatrat MU - 2/3 18:27:52
               RE: All good poin - Mizzhope MU - 2/3 17:04:39
                    RE: All good poin - MIZISHOME MU - 2/3 20:22:05
                    RE: All good poin - Achmed MU - 2/3 17:42:06
                    RE: All good poin - tigerden MU - 2/3 17:22:08
                         RE: All good poin - BruceInLA MU - 2/3 17:39:16
                              RE: All good poin - tigerden MU - 2/3 20:04:48
     Good questions. My take… - bluetiger_ MU - 2/3 12:05:00
          RE: Good questions. My take… - GreatScott MU - 2/4 15:45:21
          RE: Good questions. My take… - Achmed MU - 2/3 13:05:25
     Did you watch the game?(nm) - DollarSigns MU - 2/2 16:47:36
          RE: Did you watch the game?(nm) - GreatScott MU - 2/2 18:17:44
     RE: What's Going On? - Achmed MU - 2/2 16:40:53
          And she decides to play a few more bench players that - DollarSigns MU - 2/2 16:56:43
               RE: And she decides to play a few more bench players that - GreatScott MU - 2/2 18:18:36
                    She's been a LAME DUCK coach for 2 1/2 years now - MOKE MU - 2/2 19:02:10

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