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RE: I don't think we win 5 conference games

Posted on: December 29, 2024 at 13:38:55 CT
BruceInLA MU
Member For:
25.36 yrs
M.O.B. Votes:
Are you stating your opinion or do you know as fact that our coaching staff is "a laughing stock of WBB in the power conferences" and that "Pringeton carries no respect among her peers".
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Current numbers for WBB… - bluetiger_ MU - 12/25 00:05:47
     RE: Current numbers for WBB… - GreatScott MU - 12/31 10:50:00
     I was calling for 4-5 win's, but after Oral Roberts. I'm - thytiger MU - 12/28 19:07:52
          What would shock you more… - bluetiger_ MU - 12/28 19:48:13
     RE: Current numbers for WBB… - MIZISHOME MU - 12/25 21:53:32
          RE: Current numbers for WBB… - GreatScott MU - 12/31 10:51:30
          As it stands right now… - bluetiger_ MU - 12/26 14:43:31
               RE: As it stands right now… - GreatScott MU - 12/31 10:52:29
               RE: I don't think we win 5 conference games - Achmed MU - 12/29 10:22:01
                    RE: I don't think we win 5 conference games - BruceInLA MU - 12/29 13:38:55
                         RE: I don't think we win 5 conference games - GreatScott MU - 12/31 10:53:59
     It is bad but - TigerFan92 STL - 12/25 09:20:13
          RE: It is bad but - Achmed MU - 12/26 16:52:55
               RE: It is bad but - GreatScott MU - 12/31 10:59:12
               No she needs to suck up her losses and we need to announce - TigerFan92 STL - 12/26 19:30:45
               This is the last year of her contract - wu-tangtiger MU - 12/26 16:59:45

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