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Will be interesting to see how the replacements do

Posted on: June 30, 2024 at 13:23:23 CT
meatiger MU
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25.44 yrs
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And could be very much a momentum year, so early success breeds later success. Early struggles could fall apart.

Then will have to see how the handle being favorites with early success.
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     We have a seasoned & very experienced O line, we can run on - TampaTiger87 MU - 6/30 15:10:34
          yessir (nm) - 90Tiger STL - 6/30 20:00:44
          This^^^ - JayHoaxH8r MU - 6/30 16:13:00
     Agree. But it’s great when I predict 9-3 and it feels like - coolbean MU - 6/30 15:07:18
     Other things to consider - alwaysright MU - 6/30 13:46:53
     Will be interesting to see how the replacements do - meatiger MU - 6/30 13:23:23
     RE: Sorry I'd have to take the under 9.5 wins for us this year - sarasotatiger MU - 6/30 13:23:00
     RE: Sorry I'd have to take the under 9.5 wins for us this year - sarasotatiger MU - 6/30 13:19:07
     Ohio State *did* have their second string QB - FootballRefugee MU - 6/30 13:03:55
          We were missing key players as well. (nm) - zounami MU - 6/30 18:24:28
          maybe they are relating to his being knocked out of the game - tigersailor MU - 6/30 13:32:26
               Yes, this is the point being made. MU injured - alwaysright MU - 6/30 14:03:12
     We have a weird SEC schedule this year - XRob MU - 6/30 13:00:45
     also consider...Mizzou could have won LSU and GA(nm) - tigerinhogtown STL - 6/30 12:29:27
     this is an overly negative view..... - catdaddy MU - 6/30 12:22:38
          your points are good - hope you are right nm - gamagrass01 MU - 6/30 15:00:18
          Also an experienced QB is worth huge intangibles - Genco98 MU - 6/30 13:04:26
               All we needed last year was Cook to be maybe 10% - alwaysright MU - 6/30 13:54:01
                    On the other hand we have been lucky at how healthy - JeffB MU - 6/30 14:19:33
                         If Cook gets 5-10% better through the air, he should run - alwaysright MU - 6/30 15:54:39
     Reasonable post. Agree. I too hope I’m wrong. - MATO MU - 6/30 11:57:39
     i agree, till drink can prove he can beat OU, MU - ADelpiero10 MU - 6/30 11:34:32
          Fun fact: Drink has never lost to Oklahoma(nm) - SB in KC MU - 6/30 13:54:25
               lol (nm) - 90Tiger STL - 6/30 20:02:58

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