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To be fair initially we were dealing with something unknown

Posted on: March 3, 2023 at 13:55:12 CT
hokie VT
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9.23 yrs
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and deadly.

Errors were made, mostly government erred on the side of caution. That was the prudent thing to do.

But then people in charge realize they could increase their own power and their own wealth by imposing crippling requirements and mandates on businesses and individuals.

Power increased, money rolled in.

An election for president, senators and congressman was tipped mostly in the favor of incumbents in power. Lies were told in the name of science intended to increase wealth and power. Truth tellers were canceled or worse.

I'm not sure where the line of demarcation was that distinguishes well intended efforts with mistakes… And corruption for the sake of greed and power.

I think it was somewhere around January, 2021.

Edited by hokie at 14:00:04 on 03/03/23
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     To be fair initially we were dealing with something unknown - hokie VT - 3/3 13:55:12
          It was never the prudent thing to do. Force on the - Bulldog Bob Brown STL - 3/3 14:47:30
          Why should the default response to an "unknown" ever - ummmm MU - 3/3 14:17:05
               So, we didn't know whether Covid was accidentally released - hokie VT - 3/3 14:32:06
                    They knew what it was within 10 days of the outbreak - Bulldog Bob Brown STL - 3/3 14:49:13
                    My solution was for people to make their own decisions - ummmm MU - 3/3 14:34:35
               Good question and great point - mizzouSECedes STL - 3/3 14:27:18
                    govt didn't err on the side of caution (nm) - SwampTiger MU - 3/3 14:32:42
                         Excessive response = excessive caution - mizzouSECedes STL - 3/3 14:39:46
                              excessive response = excessive harm (nm) - SwampTiger MU - 3/3 14:43:42
                                   Without a doubt - mizzouSECedes STL - 3/3 14:49:55
                         the first thing I would do if confronted about that was - dangertim MU - 3/3 14:35:04
                              That's very cute, timmy. Stupid mistakes, deadly ones were - hokie VT - 3/3 14:42:30
                                   I would inform the citizens. I would warn the ones at high - dangertim MU - 3/3 14:45:14
                                        You would INFORM THE CITIZENS, really? What would you tell - hokie VT - 3/3 14:51:22
                                             hokie, listen to me without being irrationally emotional. - dangertim MU - 3/3 15:00:25
                                                  impossible (nm) - ashtray UF - 3/3 15:27:26
                              how did those people get reelected - SwampTiger MU - 3/3 14:39:14
                    I disagree with the "to be fair" and "That was the prudent - ummmm MU - 3/3 14:28:59
               because hokie's a nanny-stater (nm) - SwampTiger MU - 3/3 14:20:00
          It was something unknown, so the proper instruction - dangertim MU - 3/3 14:14:22
          It's funny how much was known early on - Tigerfish MU - 3/3 14:14:02
          The prudent thing to do is not to implement the - Sal CMSU - 3/3 14:05:39
               hokie - SwampTiger MU - 3/3 14:11:32
                    lol (nm) - Sal CMSU - 3/3 14:19:00
                    lol. didn't click - dangertim MU - 3/3 14:15:16
                         edited - SwampTiger MU - 3/3 14:19:11
          They simply lied.... they lied about masks being effective - Spanky KU - 3/3 14:04:03
               RE: They simply lied.... they lied about masks being effective - sarasotatiger MU - 3/3 14:30:12
               I don't disagree. But they didn't know that on the first - hokie VT - 3/3 14:07:35
                    Yes.. They absolutely did. There was study after study that - Spanky KU - 3/3 14:18:05
          Hear Hear (nm) - mizzouSECedes STL - 3/3 14:00:20
          if govt erred on the side of caution - SwampTiger MU - 3/3 13:57:30
               Not sure how you adequately plan for a novel virus - mizzouSECedes STL - 3/3 14:00:09
                    but to be fair - SwampTiger MU - 3/3 14:07:48
                         Fair enough (nm) - mizzouSECedes STL - 3/3 14:16:55
                    See the crap response he posted? That's what happens when - hokie VT - 3/3 14:04:06
                         more lies - SwampTiger MU - 3/3 14:09:36
                    your ignorance is your own problem (nm) - SwampTiger MU - 3/3 14:00:57
                         So, the response shouldn't be an equal reaction - mizzouSECedes STL - 3/3 14:03:02
                              see, this post shows your ignroance - SwampTiger MU - 3/3 14:04:08
                                   Your words - mizzouSECedes STL - 3/3 14:06:21
                                        you think planning = only a single blanket response? - SwampTiger MU - 3/3 14:08:37
                                             I'm talking about the type of response - mizzouSECedes STL - 3/3 14:13:52
                                                  When's the last time you looked up - mizzouSECedes STL - 3/3 14:33:38
                                                       lol, well done (nm) - SwampTiger MU - 3/3 14:34:17
                                                            I'm an idiot - mizzouSECedes STL - 3/3 14:36:37
                                                                 I reported it for being off topic (nm) - SwampTiger MU - 3/3 14:41:24
                                                                      lol (nm) - mizzouSECedes STL - 3/3 14:41:42
     Marty laying the hammer down - Sal CMSU - 3/3 13:52:53
          Trump Trump Trump thats all you guys talk about - JG A - 3/3 14:32:22

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