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Reality: Football isn't all that important in Missouri

Posted on: September 25, 2018 at 11:39:45 CT
ScottsdaleTiger MU
Member For:
25.44 yrs
M.O.B. Votes:
Reality is football, with perhaps the exception of the Chiefs, just isn't as important a part of the State of Missouri's culture as it is in the cultures of most other SEC states. That was the case in the Big XII, i.e. the state of Missouri versus the states of Texas, Oklahoma and Nebraska. And its certainly true in the SEC.

The impact of this cultural difference can be seen in virtually every aspect of the Tiger program from the number of football prospects produced by Missouri high schools to support and interest in the Tiger program. Mizzou is at a disadvantage to virtually every other SEC school in this regard.

And that is why visiting fans from SEC blue blood programs will likely make similar statements after every game in Columbia for the foreseeable future.
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     Yes, w/ 40k fewer seats - Tigerfish MU - 9/25 20:48:13
     BO brings no juice to the scene. - ERB KC - 9/25 12:22:41
     RE: A friend of mine from Georgia came to the came and said - sarasotatiger MU - 9/25 12:15:00
     Ask your Georgia friend about Georgia basketball - meansonny UGA - 9/25 12:01:38
     Reality: Football isn't all that important in Missouri - ScottsdaleTiger MU - 9/25 11:39:45
     No one thought we were going to win - Beakerbasher KC - 9/25 08:10:09
     There were maybe 6 people in the stands that questioned - Mizzou Lou KC - 9/25 07:41:59
     Sadly I think he is right - CaptBob MU - 9/24 21:51:43
          "Ring the bell on your walker on 3rd down." LOL - Tigerborn MU - 9/25 10:44:12
          I like the West stands. - RayKinsella1922 SEC - 9/25 07:14:53
     I think it’s great that Mizzou folks aren’t all consumed by - Emoji Man MSU - 9/24 20:12:09
          Are you the guy that posted recently that - CaptBob MU - 9/24 21:57:53
          Hard to believe this is the - MizzouGunner MU - 9/24 21:49:40
               he's the dumbest fvck on the board with his boyfriend - Jeff85 MU - 9/24 23:00:01
                    Oh shlt! Did I get the nerd Antlers all worked up?!? - Emoji Man MSU - 9/25 13:30:14
                         come on out of the closet - Jeff85 MU - 9/25 15:01:10
               You think it's Great? - CaptBob MU - 9/24 21:55:20
     Frankly, Turn2, I don't give a damn(nm) - Danny Whizzbang USA - 9/24 20:11:01
     We do need better turnouts, but the big "secret" here is - alwaysright MU - 9/24 19:35:07
     Pregame cocktail parties continue in the stands and - BingBing MU - 9/24 18:19:29
     It's any program at any level, really. There was a stretch - Diamond Dave MU - 9/24 17:50:00
          Missouri could only hope to ever enjoy the mediocrity that - Ohtiger MU - 9/25 06:30:50
     Bring the Miners. And stop taking a knee!!!(nm) - DrViagra MU - 9/24 17:43:07
     we must have more people digging for ore - Kazoo MU - 9/24 17:35:41
     The student side is rowdy, alumni side ... not so much - TigerSven MU - 9/24 17:23:10
          Would a music change bring out more of your friends? Perhaps - Emoji Man MSU - 9/24 20:20:12
          And more fans would help win games(nm) - McKinneyTiger MU - 9/24 17:11:36

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