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we must have more people digging for ore

Posted on: September 24, 2018 at 17:35:41 CT
Kazoo MU
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7.12 yrs
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its what every program does
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     Yes, w/ 40k fewer seats - Tigerfish MU - 9/25 20:48:13
     BO brings no juice to the scene. - ERB KC - 9/25 12:22:41
     RE: A friend of mine from Georgia came to the came and said - sarasotatiger MU - 9/25 12:15:00
     Ask your Georgia friend about Georgia basketball - meansonny UGA - 9/25 12:01:38
     Reality: Football isn't all that important in Missouri - ScottsdaleTiger MU - 9/25 11:39:45
     No one thought we were going to win - Beakerbasher KC - 9/25 08:10:09
     There were maybe 6 people in the stands that questioned - Mizzou Lou KC - 9/25 07:41:59
     Sadly I think he is right - CaptBob MU - 9/24 21:51:43
          "Ring the bell on your walker on 3rd down." LOL - Tigerborn MU - 9/25 10:44:12
          I like the West stands. - RayKinsella1922 SEC - 9/25 07:14:53
     I think it’s great that Mizzou folks aren’t all consumed by - Emoji Man MSU - 9/24 20:12:09
          Are you the guy that posted recently that - CaptBob MU - 9/24 21:57:53
          Hard to believe this is the - MizzouGunner MU - 9/24 21:49:40
               he's the dumbest fvck on the board with his boyfriend - Jeff85 MU - 9/24 23:00:01
                    Oh shlt! Did I get the nerd Antlers all worked up?!? - Emoji Man MSU - 9/25 13:30:14
                         come on out of the closet - Jeff85 MU - 9/25 15:01:10
               You think it's Great? - CaptBob MU - 9/24 21:55:20
     Frankly, Turn2, I don't give a damn(nm) - Danny Whizzbang USA - 9/24 20:11:01
     We do need better turnouts, but the big "secret" here is - alwaysright MU - 9/24 19:35:07
     Pregame cocktail parties continue in the stands and - BingBing MU - 9/24 18:19:29
     It's any program at any level, really. There was a stretch - Diamond Dave MU - 9/24 17:50:00
          Missouri could only hope to ever enjoy the mediocrity that - Ohtiger MU - 9/25 06:30:50
     Bring the Miners. And stop taking a knee!!!(nm) - DrViagra MU - 9/24 17:43:07
     we must have more people digging for ore - Kazoo MU - 9/24 17:35:41
     The student side is rowdy, alumni side ... not so much - TigerSven MU - 9/24 17:23:10
          Would a music change bring out more of your friends? Perhaps - Emoji Man MSU - 9/24 20:20:12
          And more fans would help win games(nm) - McKinneyTiger MU - 9/24 17:11:36

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