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RE: And that my friend is why he was hired.(nm)

Posted on: October 12, 2016 at 11:04:15 CT
KC_MizzouFan MU
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8.57 yrs
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I have thought for the longest time that I am the only one who thought this. Everyone is wanting us to go make this great hire of an up and coming coach to take us to the next level.

Anderson probably will not take us to the next level. But what he will do, given the opportunity, is set the program up to be taken to the next level.
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Reasons why I think we will be better... - KC_MizzouFan MU - 10/12 10:29:06
     1. We cannot possibly be worse. NM - JoplinTiger07 MU - 10/12 13:16:44
     Don't forget about the other shoe. - DirkPitts34 MU - 10/12 11:33:06
          I just that went without saying... - KC_MizzouFan MU - 10/12 11:39:34
     RE: Reasons why I think we will be better... - tgr MU - 10/12 11:17:33
          Improvement be damned. Just keep starting over. - alwaysright MU - 10/12 12:25:49
          Stopped reading after you mentioned Namon as a good - Uncle John MU - 10/12 11:20:32
               Did you watch Mizzou play last year? Namon was an excellent - StaleyTiger MU - 10/12 11:28:23
                    Uh yeah, because if you watched, he didn't play d - MidMoBaller4Life MU - 10/12 11:35:30
                         So what do we do if Jackson ends up averaging 1 less board - alwaysright MU - 10/12 12:29:59
                              I guess we clap and stuff - MidMoBaller4Life MU - 10/12 12:48:03
                                   note, I am not arguing with you, but just pointing out - alwaysright MU - 10/12 18:03:53
                    Rebounding is Jackson's specialty - wu-tangtiger MU - 10/12 11:34:44
                         Sure it will be missed. We should have both of them(nm) - FIJItiger MU - 10/12 11:46:18
                              No, because I don't think I could watch another year of - Uncle John MU - 10/12 11:48:24
                                   Well that is why we aren't any good - FIJItiger MU - 10/12 11:52:15
               He lead the team in rebounding last year. He had the 2nd - tgr MU - 10/12 11:25:01
                    Willie Jackson will average more rebounds per 40 minutes - KC_MizzouFan MU - 10/12 11:28:48
                         I think it really depends on whether or not he ends up - tgr MU - 10/12 11:31:25
                              I actually disagree with you a little bit... - KC_MizzouFan MU - 10/12 11:38:08
                                   Rebounding is about desire more than any other single - alwaysright MU - 10/12 12:25:14
                                   He led the team in Italy with an average of 9.5 - MidMoBaller4Life MU - 10/12 11:41:55
                                        Earnest Ross averaged 9.3 RPG in Europe in 2012. - tgr MU - 10/12 11:52:00
                                             True but Ernest never seemed to play like we all thought - MidMoBaller4Life MU - 10/12 11:55:46
                                                  And you love the Tigers and don't wish for failure like tgr - Uncle John MU - 10/12 13:46:07
                                   They actually rebound in different ways - wu-tangtiger MU - 10/12 11:40:55
                                        RE: They actually rebound in different ways - KC_MizzouFan MU - 10/12 11:44:54
                                             He just seems to be a gamer from the little we've - MidMoBaller4Life MU - 10/12 12:01:58
                                                  Agreed, rebounding is an art - KC_MizzouFan MU - 10/12 12:06:28
     None of your items that should "...definitely be enough for - 90Tiger MU - 10/12 11:06:14
          RE: None of your items that should "...definitely be enough for - KC_MizzouFan MU - 10/12 11:22:18
     Very logical post... - Bump834 MU - 10/12 11:05:38
          RE: Very logical post... - KC_MizzouFan MU - 10/12 11:14:37
               my thoughts exactly - Bump834 MU - 10/12 12:42:18
                    Agreed, and anyone who thinks they already know... - KC_MizzouFan MU - 10/12 13:02:43
               I want KA gone. - Rabbit Test MU - 10/12 11:20:33
                    Yeah you're repetitive and an annoyance, - nerdmachine KC - 10/12 13:03:01
                    We know that and that's totally fine - Bump834 MU - 10/12 12:44:06
                    RE: I want KA gone. - Tigerfem MU - 10/12 11:47:05
                    RE: I want KA gone. - KC_MizzouFan MU - 10/12 11:25:00
                         RE: I want KA gone. - FIJItiger MU - 10/12 11:27:03
                              Sounds like another liar with a lot of hot air. At first I - Uncle John MU - 10/12 11:37:59
                    Not as much as most on here want you gone. - Uncle John MU - 10/12 11:22:45
     If #1 and #2 are correct - Rabbit Test MU - 10/12 10:59:34
          Your predictions and analysis are not rooted in reality, - nerdmachine KC - 10/12 11:03:04
               19–44 (.302) 6–30 (.167) 3 conf wins and - Rabbit Test MU - 10/12 11:11:23
                    This is a new year, shut up and watch - nerdmachine KC - 10/12 13:04:22
     I agree with your top 4 posts, - nerdmachine KC - 10/12 10:49:18
          well liked around campus is going to bring - Rabbit Test MU - 10/12 10:52:45
               It's a lot better than having a bad reputation, - nerdmachine KC - 10/12 11:00:00
                    It won't bring thousands of fans back. - Rabbit Test MU - 10/12 11:02:45
                         Well they have those other qualities as well, - nerdmachine KC - 10/12 11:03:39
                              They are right, - KC_MizzouFan MU - 10/12 12:08:35
                              It won't bring thousands of fans back. (nm) - 90Tiger MU - 10/12 11:09:46
          I agree with this assessment. It will also be nice to have - go tigers MU - 10/12 10:50:52
     Nice, rationale, well-thought post. (nm) - go tigers MU - 10/12 10:47:01
          rational (nm) - 90Tiger MU - 10/12 11:10:01
     Why would defense be better? - Rabbit Test MU - 10/12 10:46:22
          I think where you and I differ in thinking is... - KC_MizzouFan MU - 10/12 11:00:28
               Defensive effort is on the coach. - Rabbit Test MU - 10/12 11:04:51
                    You clearly didn't read my post and are just wanting 2 ***** - KC_MizzouFan MU - 10/12 11:09:40
                         And they clearly weren't going to work hard on defense no - Uncle John MU - 10/12 11:18:17
                              Well they probably never heard the word defense - KC_MizzouFan MU - 10/12 11:42:25
     You forgot to mention that attendance will drop to 'hearing - DirkPitts34 MU - 10/12 10:36:25
          Attendance will not drop much, if at all, since last year's - go tigers MU - 10/12 10:46:24
               Sterk already said season ticket sales are down. - StaleyTiger MU - 10/12 11:04:50
               I am positive with the marketing we have done that - Rabbit Test MU - 10/12 10:51:45
     14-15 wins won't save his job. 15 wins would be the 2nd - StaleyTiger MU - 10/12 10:33:45
          I think that would most likely save his job, but hopefully - go tigers MU - 10/12 10:48:50
          I understand your view point Staley, but - williemu13 MU - 10/12 10:45:13
               The program obviously blames Haith. They have ever - StaleyTiger MU - 10/12 10:57:19
                    I don't think anyone from the program has publicly - nerdmachine KC - 10/12 11:05:31
                         Uh, maybe you missed the investigation and self penalties?(nm) - FIJItiger MU - 10/12 11:09:16
                              Pretty sure you missed it - haeffb MU - 10/12 20:23:03
                              Nobody from the basketball program said that though, - nerdmachine KC - 10/12 13:05:57
          won't save his job but will be improvement moving forward - ajpe53 MU - 10/12 10:36:28
               It would mean that even if he is fired... - KC_MizzouFan MU - 10/12 10:41:27
                    MU hasn't been in worse shape from a roster - FIJItiger MU - 10/12 11:10:48
                         According to recruiting services you are right... - KC_MizzouFan MU - 10/12 11:16:48
                              Not sure, I don't follow any recruiting services - FIJItiger MU - 10/12 11:22:38
                                   I never said those guys were top of the line contributors, - KC_MizzouFan MU - 10/12 11:28:03
                                        So if I'm understanding, the pitch is - FIJItiger MU - 10/12 11:31:03
                                             No, I'm saying the pitch is - KC_MizzouFan MU - 10/12 11:46:52
                                                  Because that isn't the way things actually play out - FIJItiger MU - 10/12 11:49:54
                                                       Are you crazy? Have you seen Gordon play? - nerdmachine KC - 10/12 13:08:52
                                                            RE: Are you crazy? Have you seen Gordon play? - Gorilla MU - 10/12 13:47:07
                                                                 Sounds like this guy - FIJItiger MU - 10/12 13:52:18
                                                            No, I don't watch high school basketball - FIJItiger MU - 10/12 13:12:01
                                                                 Gordon's team beat the Porters, - nerdmachine KC - 10/12 15:09:26
                                                                      Grimes was ranked #2 heading into his junior season(nm) - FIJItiger MU - 10/12 15:33:55
                                                       Again I say... - KC_MizzouFan MU - 10/12 11:51:40
                                                            I'm not forcing you to respond. I respect your opinion and - FIJItiger MU - 10/12 11:54:22
                                                                 RE: I'm not forcing you to respond. I respect your opinion and - KC_MizzouFan MU - 10/12 12:04:37
                                                                      Cool, understood. One thing we are in unison on - FIJItiger MU - 10/12 12:08:17
                                                                           What type of program do you define as mid-major? - nerdmachine KC - 10/12 13:12:37
                                                                                RE: What type of program do you define as mid-major? - FIJItiger MU - 10/12 13:14:26
                                                                                     We beat Valparaiso, I'm sure they wouldn't trade rosters tho - nerdmachine KC - 10/12 15:11:27
                                                                                          RE: We beat Valparaiso, I'm sure they wouldn't trade rosters tho - KC_MizzouFan MU - 10/12 15:27:41
                         last year(nm) - ajpe53 MU - 10/12 11:16:33
                              No, last year was the answer until this year - FIJItiger MU - 10/12 11:18:34
                    And that my friend is why he was hired.(nm) - Uncle John MU - 10/12 10:54:18
                         RE: And that my friend is why he was hired.(nm) - KC_MizzouFan MU - 10/12 11:04:15
                              That's what I've thought all along.(nm) - Uncle John MU - 10/12 11:06:55
                                   You're not alone.(nm) - sprintcar STL - 10/12 11:08:09
               It definitely would be. It would be a decent base where a - StaleyTiger MU - 10/12 10:38:48
     14 or 15 wins? - FIJItiger MU - 10/12 10:32:21
          Why do you find it necessary to lie about this stuff. - Uncle John MU - 10/12 10:58:52
               those first 3 are in the '70's, the last 2 > 15 wins - FIJItiger MU - 10/12 11:07:15
          Easy there Michelle Pfeefer(nm) - MidMoBaller4Life MU - 10/12 10:51:08
          Haith ruined the program. Coach Anderson took on a - go tigers MU - 10/12 10:50:04
               Ya, I don't think anyone buys that narrative anymore(nm) - FIJItiger MU - 10/12 11:06:29

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