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This narrative is so dumb. Fuller changed nothing about

Posted on: September 20, 2016 at 15:20:33 CT
StaleyTiger MU
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8.87 yrs
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Kim's trajectory. With or without Fuller he would have attempted to retain Wright and Gant. Without Fuller he probably doesn't end up with Fulford who is his best recruiter. This idea that Fuller caused the mess which Kim currently resides over is just too funny and actually kind of sad that you guys believe it. Kim Anderson's first class without Fuller is probably Allen/Isabell level players. His 2nd class is probably the same but with some lower-level players added to Puryear/Phillips/Walton because he wouldn't have been retained Gant/Wright and would have had some open scholarships.

Tim Fuller wasn't the reason Kim's first year was wasted. His inability to do the job he was hired to do was the reason the first, second, and likely third year of his job was wasted.

Would we be sitting here talking about how Fuller was forced on Greg Marshall, Ben Howland, or Mike White? No, because those guys were actually qualified to get this job and would have been able to bring their own assistants or make an educated decision on retaining Fuller. Kim was so laughably unqualified that our AD had to mandate who he hired. Kim and his inexperience is entirely to blame for this failure of a basketball program.
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     RE: It wasn't Kim's fault that he didn't have enough experience - o'lineydisciple MU - 9/20 17:25:17
     Kim is proving he recognizes talent better than Haif and - Mr. Orange SU - 9/20 16:51:55
          RE: Kim is proving he recognizes talent better than Haif and - o'lineydisciple MU - 9/20 17:25:56
               Kim doesn't pay players nor recruit primadonnas - Mr. Orange SU - 9/20 17:56:23
                    He actually had players paid by the same booster during - StaleyTiger MU - 9/20 19:17:35
                         The booster that Haif set up. He didn't recruit Isabel - Mr. Orange SU - 9/20 20:46:48
          LOL. (nm) - StaleyTiger MU - 9/20 17:00:52
               The truth is often funny - Mr. Orange SU - 9/20 17:01:55
     Kim did not push back against the Fuller hiring. - cefoo MU - 9/20 15:30:50
          It wasnt his preference - Mr. Orange SU - 9/20 16:52:36
               How do you know this? Are you Mrs. Anderson? (Nm) - Da_Haze KC - 9/20 18:59:39
                    And Fuller is a POS - Mr. Orange SU - 9/21 05:51:10
                    Because coaches don't prefer to let AD's pick assistants - Mr. Orange SU - 9/21 05:50:05
          Why would he. He wasn't going to pay any attention to him - Uncle John MU - 9/20 16:12:57
     Ummm...was KA supposed to foretell the future and start - MUIntensity USA - 9/20 13:51:23
          Yes - o'lineydisciple MU - 9/20 17:29:50
          It would have been nice from an MU perspective if - FIJItiger MU - 9/20 14:04:24
               Yeah, like you'd pass up millions of dollars. nm - nerdmachine KC - 9/20 14:28:59
                    I'm not particularly fond of being a - FIJItiger MU - 9/20 14:39:40
                         You already are a failure based on this post, - nerdmachine KC - 9/20 21:25:35
               Hindsight being 20/20, Mizzou should've gone all in - MUIntensity USA - 9/20 14:20:34
                    No, actually it is unprecedented - FIJItiger MU - 9/20 14:43:38
                         No, actually by forcing Fuller on Kim Alden handcuffed Kim - sprintcar STL - 9/20 14:48:57
                              This narrative is so dumb. Fuller changed nothing about - StaleyTiger MU - 9/20 15:20:33
                                   Considering his staff now and who he just signed, - nerdmachine KC - 9/20 21:31:01
                              Oh, I agree we completely wasted the opportunity - FIJItiger MU - 9/20 14:54:07
                                   Agree. Keeping Fuller set Kim back an entire year and - sprintcar STL - 9/20 15:01:18
                                        Seems amazing there are still those who - FIJItiger MU - 9/20 15:03:49
                                             Nah it's pretty easy to beat zero wins & probation, - nerdmachine KC - 9/20 21:34:27
                                             Agree. Asking someone to dig out from the Haith and Fuller - sprintcar STL - 9/20 15:15:27
                                                  77 is the 3 year record for wins at MU - FIJItiger MU - 9/20 15:21:02
                                                       Wrong, 23 of those were vacated(nm) - MidMoBaller4Life MU - 9/20 16:17:22
                                                            Sorry, was referring to reality (nm) - FIJItiger MU - 9/20 16:30:30
                                                                 Just stating facts feefee, sorry you can't handle it!(nm) - MidMoBaller4Life MU - 9/21 09:05:06
                                                                 Yes, in reality, 23 of those wins were vacated - nerdmachine KC - 9/20 21:35:41
                    The KA hire mirrored the FH hire - just another page from - tigerdb MU - 9/20 14:29:43
                    That was an obvious mistake from day one(nm) - Uncle John MU - 9/20 14:23:59
     Whose fault is it that you post the same thing over and over - HissingPrigs77 MU - 9/20 13:19:08
          Seriously!(nm) - MidMoBaller4Life MU - 9/20 14:11:26
          I blame Haith. (nm) - Evenflow MU - 9/20 13:24:24
               And mike Anderson - Bump834 MU - 9/20 13:32:11

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