"And that brings us lastly to Ben Howland. Tactically speaking, Howland is probably the superior candidate. His resume is the best. He is most available. He is the least risky candidate. He has built programs. He has recruited at the highest level. He can point to tremendous success at putting kids at the next level. His NCAA tourney results dwarf MU’s. He can return MU to winning conference titles. You wouldn’t have to overextend resources to land him. In the short term MU is going to have to win a lot of games next year 65-60, Howland is the right man to do that. His teams will bend you to their will, and while many games will not be pretty it is exactly the sort of toughness and focus that MU fans can appreciate. He is confident enough to work with Alden and our subpar and illogical fanbase. As he said recently: “I want to make sure I’m coaching at a place where there’s a chance to be successful. Whether it’s next year or the year after, I know it has to be pretty soon. But I’m 56 and I think I’ve got 10 good years left. I will be coaching again. One thing I take great pride in is that if you go back and ask NBA scouts which players were best prepared to play in the NBA, I think our name would be mentioned. I probably watched more college basketball this year than I’ve ever watched. The games start at 4 o’clock and they go to midnight. That’s all I do.”
Ben Howland is the no-brainer, in this case completely fortunate for MU, worst case scenario. We should come out of this thing with at least Ben Howland, and that is a pretty awesome place to be in. And knowing MU, we have already eliminated him and moved on."
Edited by FIJItiger at 15:16:17 on 09/14/16