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Curious, what has been your interaction with Coach Tate?(nm)

Posted on: July 29, 2016 at 15:02:30 CT
sprintcar STL
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Should we even replace Tate? - AndyTiger MU - 7/29 12:34:25
     How about an actual coach like Shields or KA? - MUIntensity USA - 7/29 14:42:35
          I guess Rosburg didn't think he was a real coach - Doc Stone MU - 7/29 15:46:23
          Recruiting is WAAAAAY more important than any other - tgr MU - 7/29 14:52:39
          You misspelled "white" - tigerdb MU - 7/29 14:49:34
     RE: Should we even replace Tate? - Ragarm MU - 7/29 14:21:38
     Get rid of all the coaches... - Soltan Gris MU - 7/29 14:13:53
          So funny... especially as Tate (a guy that knows more than.. - Tiger@chicago MU - 7/29 14:28:04
               Tate is not a basketball genius by any stretch. - MUIntensity USA - 7/29 14:43:41
                    quite the basketball expert aren't we? - Doc Stone MU - 7/29 16:08:27
                    Curious, what has been your interaction with Coach Tate?(nm) - sprintcar STL - 7/29 15:02:30
                    MCCAC coach of the year in 2006 and 2007 - FIJItiger MU - 7/29 14:51:24
                         That is a level where coaching ability is extremely - Uncle John MU - 7/29 15:37:01
                         and as we've been told, the level isn't relevant :-) (nm) - 90Tiger MU - 7/29 15:27:56
               Not long after a head coach left Mizzou for Tulsa.(nm) - sprintcar STL - 7/29 14:42:15
          RE: Get rid of all the coaches... - Ragarm MU - 7/29 14:18:30
          That would be terribly unfair to the rest of college - sprintcar STL - 7/29 14:18:09
     how does a person get to the point in their life where - Jeff85 MU - 7/29 13:45:19
     Yes. - zodiac6 JC - 7/29 13:26:21
     i could see bringing in an Ernie Nestor type - FIJItiger MU - 7/29 12:40:16
          RE: i could see bringing in an Ernie Nestor type - Ragarm MU - 7/29 14:23:35
               No, not as head coach. Was a perfect compliment to - FIJItiger MU - 7/29 14:30:53
          Some around the program say Tate didn't bring much besides - HissingPrigs77 MU - 7/29 13:20:49
               He got an entire year to - FIJItiger MU - 7/29 13:23:40
                    That kind of personal cheap shot - haeffb MU - 7/29 14:13:54
                         His weight gain is something he himself pokes fun at(nm) - FIJItiger MU - 7/29 14:23:06
          satire is not dead(nm) - Doc Stone MU - 7/29 13:13:23
          It is almost laughable - MakeShift MU - 7/29 12:54:39
               I'm extremely happy for Tate, though. - Evenflow MU - 7/29 12:56:09
                    Great guy - met him down at the Vashon summer league - MakeShift MU - 7/29 14:04:58
          You have to be joking here. - Evenflow MU - 7/29 12:53:15
               A good solid tactical coach would be a huge addition - FIJItiger MU - 7/29 13:00:19
                    Yeah, but that was still a nice satirical effort - tigerdb MU - 7/29 13:06:48
                    Working for Kim is a career killer. - Evenflow MU - 7/29 13:04:23
                         I feel really bad for Fulford and Fuller(nm) - FIJItiger MU - 7/29 13:08:46

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