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     they aren't used to a normal court(nm) - TigerA MU - 3/12/25 15:58:55
     They absolutely do(nm) - Mormad MU - 3/12/25 15:39:34
     Did you recalculate for the winless 2013-2014 season?(nm) - TigerMatt STL - 3/12/25 16:54:48
     Zounami-Gates,THERE ARE THIRTY FOUR PAGES-34!!!!!!!!! - Macgrantt MU - 3/12/25 16:24:54
     Haith got to coach a team populated with - HDTiger MU - 3/12/25 15:59:52
     RE: POLL: did Gates (.381) or Haith (.640) have a better confer- - Stump Mitchell MU - 3/12/25 15:53:01
     Is Haith weaving magic still at Tulsa?(nm) - Valley Tiger MU - 3/12/25 15:41:32
          He’s an assistant for the Texas team that beat us this year(nm) - FIJItiger MU - 3/12/25 15:49:00
               correct (nm) - zounami MU - 3/12/25 16:55:22
               He is not a head coach anymore? Gates wins then. He is still - Valley Tiger MU - 3/12/25 15:53:14
                    Bob Knight isn’t a head coach anymore either, Gates wins (nm) - FIJItiger MU - 3/12/25 16:41:38
     I hope you can get some help (nm) - Columbian Gold MU - 3/12/25 15:10:33
          What fun would that be for the rest of us?(nm) - TheWildcat MU - 3/12/25 15:13:24
               He still shows up as Valley Tiger, no getting rid of it. - Macgrantt MU - 3/12/25 15:51:10
     that isn't Haiths conference record(nm) - tman MU - 3/12/25 14:59:33
          it's exactly his conference record (nm) - zounami MU - 3/12/25 15:04:45
               Technically Fuller was the coach in 5 of those wins(nm) - FIJItiger MU - 3/12/25 15:09:58
                    Those weren't conference games. (nm) - zounami MU - 3/12/25 15:13:32
                         Good point, I stand corrected (nm) - FIJItiger MU - 3/12/25 15:18:01
     haith's record was better overall. why you using conf?(nm) - TigerA MU - 3/12/25 14:53:54
          Haith's overall & conference records were both much better (nm) - zounami MU - 3/12/25 15:03:39
               so.....why....did.....you.....use.....conf....?(nm) - TigerA MU - 3/12/25 15:07:12
                    conference records are better comparisons since non-con - zounami MU - 3/12/25 15:10:11
                         Good point. The Big XII in 2011 with 3 ranked teams - kmawv8 MU - 3/12/25 15:41:39
                              b/c the SEC has *60% more teams* than the 2011 Big 12... - zounami MU - 3/12/25 16:52:38
                                   ... 2011 Big12 = 10 teams, current SEC = 16 teams (nm) - zounami MU - 3/12/25 16:53:17
                                        ... so of course a conference with 60% more teams will have - zounami MU - 3/12/25 16:54:41
                                             lol, no(nm) - TigerA MU - 3/12/25 16:55:36
                              Lmao at sue (nm) - smoke MU - 3/12/25 16:10:41
                              Lol(nm) - TheWildcat MU - 3/12/25 15:58:31
          Because he is retarded (nm) - TheWildcat MU - 3/12/25 14:55:21
               you're still fuming (nm) - zounami MU - 3/12/25 15:04:15
                    We're all pointing and laughing (nm) - TheWildcat MU - 3/12/25 15:04:35
                         trolled and triggered (nm) - zounami MU - 3/12/25 15:07:11
                              Lmao(nm) - TheWildcat MU - 3/12/25 15:12:36
               that's why i thought he asked the question below the answer - TigerA MU - 3/12/25 14:56:27
     If that happened I don't get it - TiGertim MU - 3/12/25 14:44:05
          Oh, it happened and he admitted to it on the post game(nm) - TheRoyalTiger MU - 3/12/25 15:04:52
     Zzzzzzx(yawn)zzzzzzxz(yawn).. Irrelevant! - Sigma MU - 3/12/25 14:36:32
          it really is... the OP thought he had a 'gotcha' but asked - zounami MU - 3/12/25 14:39:30
          ok thanks (nm) - phrejd KC - 3/12/25 14:37:19
               Better question. Are you still holding F4 tickets? - Sigma MU - 3/12/25 14:57:45
     gates and anyone arguing differently is retarded (nm) - phrejd KC - 3/12/25 14:28:58
          But you can guess who is without even looking (nm) - TheWildcat MU - 3/12/25 14:29:38
               oh i'm sure i can (nm) - phrejd KC - 3/12/25 14:36:33
               you're arguing a point I never made, and you're too dumb to - zounami MU - 3/12/25 14:32:12
                    Here you go for the 5th time - TheWildcat MU - 3/12/25 14:36:00
                         Those statements are correct and have NOTHING to do with - zounami MU - 3/12/25 14:37:42
     Gates (nm) - Columbian Gold MU - 3/12/25 14:22:57
     Kim Anderson - namres MU - 3/12/25 14:22:45
          I agree that Kim inherited the worst situation of the 3 (nm) - Columbian Gold MU - 3/12/25 14:31:19
          Correct but he was not a good coach(nm) - alstl MU - 3/12/25 14:28:45
               Yup, all those things can be true(nm) - Eggs MU - 3/12/25 14:33:08
     Is this a real question? - Eggs MU - 3/12/25 14:22:06
          Zounami(nm) - TheWildcat MU - 3/12/25 14:25:05
               you're arguing a point I never made (nm) - zounami MU - 3/12/25 14:26:45
                    RE: you're arguing a point I never made (nm) - TheWildcat MU - 3/12/25 14:29:52
                         That's all correct, and has nothing to do with your question - zounami MU - 3/12/25 14:32:49
          beyond the first team, MA left the cupboard empty and... - zounami MU - 3/12/25 14:24:41
     gates by far inherited a worse team. has a much easier - TigerA MU - 3/12/25 14:21:47
     Gates, by a wide margin - FIJItiger MU - 3/12/25 14:21:35
          "Haith faced a more challenging rebuild" has been my point (nm) - zounami MU - 3/12/25 14:22:36
               That is different than inheriting a program(nm) - FIJItiger MU - 3/12/25 14:24:01
                    right, Wildcat is arguing a point I never made (nm) - zounami MU - 3/12/25 14:24:57
                         you did right here - TheWildcat MU - 3/12/25 14:30:56
                              Wrong. That has nothing to do with the question you asked. (nm) - zounami MU - 3/12/25 14:33:02
                                   My post was that Gates inherited a worse situation and here - TheWildcat MU - 3/12/25 14:36:35
                                        worse "program" or "situation" ?... which post are you - zounami MU - 3/12/25 14:38:55
                                             You can use those words interchangably in this - TheWildcat MU - 3/12/25 14:39:23
                                                  better roster for the first year, but a more challenging... - zounami MU - 3/12/25 14:41:12
                                                       Haith's roster his second year was loaded too...He just - TheWildcat MU - 3/12/25 14:42:42
                                                            he did an amazing job patching the holes with grad - zounami MU - 3/12/25 14:44:28
                                                  nope... it's more nuanced than that, simpleton (nm) - zounami MU - 3/12/25 14:39:48
                                                       It's not. Haith inherited a program ready to compete for - TheWildcat MU - 3/12/25 14:40:24
                                                            To be fair, this is nonsense - FIJItiger MU - 3/12/25 14:59:32
                                                                 correct (nm) - zounami MU - 3/12/25 15:06:39
                                                                 The team quit on Anderson. That was known. Bowers - TheWildcat MU - 3/12/25 15:00:48
                                                            Both inherited a talented roster for their first season... - zounami MU - 3/12/25 14:43:21
                                                                 Gates did not inherit a talented roster. He inherited 1 guy(nm) - TheWildcat MU - 3/12/25 14:43:54
                                                                      Inherited an NBA first-rounder (his best player by far) and - zounami MU - 3/12/25 14:46:17
               then you should've asked a better question(nm) - TigerA MU - 3/12/25 14:23:30
                    I didn't ask the question, 'TheWildcat' did... - zounami MU - 3/12/25 14:27:21
                         i'm sorry (nm) - TigerA MU - 3/12/25 14:28:06
     Anderson - namres MU - 3/12/25 14:21:15
     Gates(nm) - MidMoBaller4Life MU - 3/12/25 14:20:33
          How so? (nm) - zounami MU - 3/12/25 14:20:58
               They were different times with different rules but - MidMoBaller4Life MU - 3/12/25 14:24:57
                    The rules must be taken into consideration given that Haith - zounami MU - 3/12/25 14:26:35
                         Laurence Bowers and Mike Dixon would be two nice pieces.(nm) - TheWildcat MU - 3/12/25 14:30:39
     Haith-haters will say Gates, but Mike Anderson left the - zounami MU - 3/12/25 14:19:16
          Yea, Haith gets one vote...will be the last (nm) - TheWildcat MU - 3/12/25 14:19:39
               (also I just defended Haith)(nm) - TheWildcat MU - 3/12/25 14:20:02
     Gates and it isn't even close. (nm) - Tiger_Claw MU - 3/12/25 14:18:40
          Well I hope everyone votes. We have a real moran here (nm) - TheWildcat MU - 3/12/25 14:18:55
     Gates (nm) - TheWildcat MU - 3/12/25 14:17:18
Offensive goaltending is a dumb rule (nm) - Cosmo MU - 3/12/25 14:04:05
     Agreed. They need to do away with the current rule. (nm) - Tiger_Claw MU - 3/12/25 14:12:02
     Yeah i don’t like it, prefer international rule(nm) - MidMoBaller4Life MU - 3/12/25 14:05:18
     Should follow the FIBA rule (nm) - wu-tangtiger MU - 3/12/25 14:05:16
     (1) USCe has been hot lately... (2) The game isn't over. (nm) - zounami MU - 3/12/25 13:58:22
          and... Arkansas wins (nm) - zounami MU - 3/12/25 14:16:30
               Good? They should have won. What they should not have - Tiger_Claw MU - 3/12/25 14:18:03
                    It's common for a team with a big lead to lose focus, then - zounami MU - 3/12/25 14:34:52
     They are getting worked by a guy on 1 leg(nm) - Eggs MU - 3/12/25 13:58:11
          He’s a stud(nm) - MidMoBaller4Life MU - 3/12/25 14:02:20
Breaking news: Jordan Butler just attempted a 2 pt fg(nm) - MidMoBaller4Life MU - 3/12/25 13:37:29
     RE: Breaking news: Jordan Butler just attempted a 2 pt fg(nm) - BH O'bonga MU - 3/12/25 14:18:20
          Holy shyt(nm) - MidMoBaller4Life MU - 3/12/25 13:39:30
               He evened it out by taking (and making) a 3 as well - Mormad MU - 3/12/25 13:41:25
                    just got swatted by a dude 3 inches shorter than him(nm) - MizzouAstro MU - 3/12/25 14:06:43
                         Never happened before (nm) - wu-tangtiger MU - 3/12/25 14:13:47
     Haith was a failure everywhere he went. Gates has - alwaysright MU - 3/12/25 14:03:49
          Haith .640, Gates .381 ... and Gates "recruiting" has - zounami MU - 3/12/25 14:06:48
               You are mentally ill - alwaysright MU - 3/12/25 16:18:23
                    I posted facts. (nm) - zounami MU - 3/12/25 16:50:47
     I'm glad you posted this - Johnny Parkour MU - 3/12/25 13:51:21
          No such word as inastute, low IQ,& just another calca/sue DH - Macgrantt MU - 3/12/25 16:21:16
          .640 vs .381 — no counterpoints, Mr. Member-For-One-Day? (nm) - zounami MU - 3/12/25 13:54:44
     haith is officially at .555 in conf play at mizzou(nm) - TigerA MU - 3/12/25 13:25:59
          Come on, you are better than that(nm) - FIJItiger MU - 3/12/25 14:06:40
               i appreciate that (nm) - TigerA MU - 3/12/25 14:23:12
                    Maybe I have you confused with that ape53 guy(nm) - FIJItiger MU - 3/12/25 14:28:21
                         ajpe53 but close enough(nm) - TigerA MU - 3/12/25 14:34:04
                              I mean ape53. ajpe53 was a moran (nm) - FIJItiger MU - 3/12/25 15:20:00
                                   lol(nm) - TigerA MU - 3/12/25 16:13:56
               no, I don't think he is (nm) - zounami MU - 3/12/25 14:07:19
          Nope, those wins happened. MU's clown AD self-imposing - zounami MU - 3/12/25 13:27:41
               nope(nm) - TigerA MU - 3/12/25 13:28:12
                    you're proving my point about racist MU fans who (still) - zounami MU - 3/12/25 13:29:37
                         You are proving everyone's point that you are a moran - TheWildcat MU - 3/12/25 13:33:09
                              Reading comprehension. I never said Haith's first roster - zounami MU - 3/12/25 13:35:41
                                   Haith's best season ever was with someone else's roster - TheWildcat MU - 3/12/25 13:36:57
                                        same with Gates... but Haith went 30-5 (Kenpom #7) - zounami MU - 3/12/25 13:40:21
                                             Gates had a good team, an atrocious team, and a good team - TheWildcat MU - 3/12/25 13:44:07
                                                  so... Haith's "decent team" was Kenpom #25, and Gates' - zounami MU - 3/12/25 13:46:38
                                                       Gates good team advanced in the tourney and finished - TheWildcat MU - 3/12/25 13:50:08
                                                            got blown out by 15-seed Princeton, squandering the - zounami MU - 3/12/25 13:52:21
                                                                 Haith...lost.....to a 15 seed. Both made the toruney 2/3. - TheWildcat MU - 3/12/25 13:53:41
                                                                      Correct, both did... because the NCAAT is fluky and highly - zounami MU - 3/12/25 13:56:42
                                                                           Both are 2/3. Gates inherited a program in much worse - TheWildcat MU - 3/12/25 13:58:48
                                                                                Wrong. Mike Anderson left the cupboard empty after that - zounami MU - 3/12/25 14:03:16
                                                                                     There is no one that agrees with you. (nm) - TheWildcat MU - 3/12/25 14:13:45
                                                                                          lol, now make something else up out of thin air (nm) - zounami MU - 3/12/25 14:15:35
                                                                                               This is going well for you up above. Lol(nm) - TheWildcat MU - 3/12/25 14:26:01
                                                                                                    you asked an irrelevant question about a point I never made - zounami MU - 3/12/25 14:28:37
                                                                                                         RE: you asked an irrelevant question about a point I never made - TheWildcat MU - 3/12/25 14:29:23
                                                                                                              The question you asked is irrelevant to those points. (nm) - zounami MU - 3/12/25 14:33:44
                                                                                                                   You answered it with "wrong"..why didn't you say what you - TheWildcat MU - 3/12/25 14:38:45
                                                                                                                        This kind of interchanges is what zounami lives for, you're - Macgrantt MU - 3/12/25 16:40:32
                         lol, i didn't think i doing that well here but you just - TigerA MU - 3/12/25 13:30:42
                              I was joking about the racism, but I'm serious about MU fans - zounami MU - 3/12/25 13:32:24
                                   So we ignore 15 years of him as a head coach (nm) - wu-tangtiger MU - 3/12/25 13:33:12
                                        apples-to-apples is their performance at MU (and actually - zounami MU - 3/12/25 13:48:25
                                             That leads to incorrect assessments of coaches - wu-tangtiger MU - 3/12/25 13:52:27
                                                  no, it leads to a fair-and-accurate comparison of when they - zounami MU - 3/12/25 14:04:55
                                                       It leads to being wrong. Both coaches have 1 season - wu-tangtiger MU - 3/12/25 14:07:32
                                                            you've got it backwards... apples-to-oranges comparisons - zounami MU - 3/12/25 14:08:46
                                                                 So 3 years as a coach tells us more of his ability than - wu-tangtiger MU - 3/12/25 14:12:47
                                                                      his ability to win at MU, yes (nm) - zounami MU - 3/12/25 14:13:20
                                                                           Seems fishy that he never replicated that season (nm) - wu-tangtiger MU - 3/12/25 14:22:35
                                                                                pre-NIL, Mizzou was the easiest place to win of all - zounami MU - 3/12/25 14:29:30
                                                                                     Or basing your opinion of him based on that 1 season - wu-tangtiger MU - 3/12/25 14:42:09
     What’s our payroll again? - Hickeytime MU - 3/12/25 13:25:47
     Kim Anderson fans scapegoat Haith for Kim’s failures - FIJItiger MU - 3/12/25 13:17:16
          Gates is better than Kim, but that's it. (nm) - zounami MU - 3/12/25 13:49:12
          Tim Fuller was ahead of his time with "recruiting". - Chievous'Bandaid MU - 3/12/25 13:30:47
               There are zero credible allegations Fuller paid players(nm) - FIJItiger MU - 3/12/25 13:44:21
                    correct (nm) - zounami MU - 3/12/25 14:07:52
                    I guess we know different people. nm - Chievous'Bandaid MU - 3/12/25 13:50:03
                         I’m open to learning about any such credible allegations (nm) - FIJItiger MU - 3/12/25 14:09:56
                              get ready for some *crickets* - zounami MU - 3/12/25 14:11:38
               Poor guy is about to be out of a job again for working for - TheWildcat MU - 3/12/25 13:37:49
          I agree with this and I also think Haith is average at - TheWildcat MU - 3/12/25 13:19:29
               At MU, Haith was slightly above avg - FIJItiger MU - 3/12/25 13:40:22
               who possibly argues that?(nm) - TigerA MU - 3/12/25 13:32:12
                    Old people/low information fans(nm) - FIJItiger MU - 3/12/25 13:41:13
                    You typically have to be above the age of 65 but - TheWildcat MU - 3/12/25 13:36:05
               again, after 3 seasons at MU... Haith .640, Gates .381 - zounami MU - 3/12/25 13:24:09
               It depends on how you view cheating - Columbian Gold MU - 3/12/25 13:22:17
                    Not relevant. There are no accusations much less evidence - FIJItiger MU - 3/12/25 13:42:42
                         The notion was reinforced by a cowardly AD who self-imposed - zounami MU - 3/12/25 14:11:10
     I will agree that Haith was mistreated by MU and its fans(nm) - TheWildcat MU - 3/12/25 13:10:16
          it was awful... especially since he was a better coach than - zounami MU - 3/12/25 13:11:01
               So far I'd put him about even with Gates. (nm) - TheWildcat MU - 3/12/25 13:14:35
                    based on what? (nm) - zounami MU - 3/12/25 13:15:16
                         Gates has showed the ability to rebound. Haith got worse - TheWildcat MU - 3/12/25 13:16:07
                              Haith probably got another year had he not had NCAA - Harvey Specter MU - 3/12/25 13:29:47
                              because he went 0-19 ... Haith never had a bad season... - zounami MU - 3/12/25 13:17:20
                                   he has a winless conf record his last year here(nm) - TigerA MU - 3/12/25 13:26:32
                                   Haith took over for our best coach since Norm. Gates - TheWildcat MU - 3/12/25 13:17:55
                                        GMAB. Gates' best player was an NBA first-rounder ... - zounami MU - 3/12/25 13:22:20
                                             Haith inherited 2 NBA players and another who got drafted. (nm) - TheWildcat MU - 3/12/25 13:24:38
                                                  who was the first-rounder he inherited? (nm) - zounami MU - 3/12/25 13:25:16
                                                       That first rounder isn't currently an NBA player and is a G - TheWildcat MU - 3/12/25 13:27:30
                                                            and Haith went 30-5 (Kenpom #7) with those players (nm) - zounami MU - 3/12/25 13:41:32
                                                                 Yes he should have. It was built to win. (nm) - TheWildcat MU - 3/12/25 13:45:05
                              Haith left on his own. - wu-tangtiger MU - 3/12/25 13:17:06
                                   He was forced out and you know it (nm) - TheWildcat MU - 3/12/25 13:17:34
                                        Not really. He wanted an extension and didn’t get it - wu-tangtiger MU - 3/12/25 13:21:26
                                        correct (nm) - zounami MU - 3/12/25 13:17:43
Brazile and Butler have both had nice moments - Mormad MU - 3/12/25 12:53:21
     It’s amazing to think Butler started 13 games for us as FR(nm) - FIJItiger MU - 3/12/25 12:58:02
          Really tells you how bad our inside presence was(nm) - MidMoBaller4Life MU - 3/12/25 12:59:14
     So if we don’t make the finals - Hickeytime MU - 3/12/25 13:23:14
     Really just hopeful we get 1 win - atMIZZOUnow MU - 3/12/25 13:04:03
          such low expectations... I just posted a thread about this - zounami MU - 3/12/25 13:10:13
     All will be looking for revenge if we get to that point - MidMoBaller4Life MU - 3/12/25 12:58:11
     Bama is the only one we have beaten since our defense - Harvey Specter MU - 3/12/25 12:52:41
          True, but defense (more than offense) depends on motivation - zounami MU - 3/12/25 13:13:52
               What talent? - Hickeytime MU - 3/12/25 13:23:46
                    It's the deepest roster we've ever had. Poorly coached, but - zounami MU - 3/12/25 13:30:47
                         Doesn’t say much about all our previous teams - Hickeytime MU - 3/12/25 13:33:58
On my way to Nashville - Shu MU - 3/12/25 12:50:42
Heard a rumor that this kid will wind up at MU - TheWildcat MU - 3/12/25 12:40:09
     25% from 3, 60% from the FT Line, what are his strengths? (nm) - ZouMiz STL - 3/12/25 12:59:01
          The 25% is on 2-8 - MidMoBaller4Life MU - 3/12/25 13:03:40
     good numbers for a freshman. 5.8 rbs/game is nuts for 6'5(nm) - MizzouAstro MU - 3/12/25 12:46:15
     For a 6’5 guard that dude does not shoot 3’s much - MidMoBaller4Life MU - 3/12/25 12:45:28
          We need a 3-pt assassin on the wing this kid - alwaysright MU - 3/12/25 14:06:11
          He had 14 & 8 against Mizzou - wu-tangtiger MU - 3/12/25 12:53:00
               That’s also the game Grill injured his neck in(nm) - MidMoBaller4Life MU - 3/12/25 12:56:21
Do you think Boateng will transfer out? - Delicious MU - 3/12/25 10:59:52
     He’s probably one of the players Mizzou - wu-tangtiger MU - 3/12/25 12:07:43
          I thought crews was done. i hope he is done. His - SabertoothTiger MU - 3/12/25 12:42:08
               He has at least 1 more year because of the juco lawsuit - wu-tangtiger MU - 3/12/25 12:45:44
                    He played 2 seasons North Florida, 1 at UT Martin - TheWildcat MU - 3/12/25 13:07:07
                         The juco year doesn’t count - wu-tangtiger MU - 3/12/25 13:11:44
                              ESPN says he played 9. When did he play at JUCO?(nm) - TheWildcat MU - 3/12/25 13:13:58
                                   Here’s his Mizzou profile. Played at Daytona state in 2023 - wu-tangtiger MU - 3/12/25 13:19:11
          Hopefully we get to see Burns play at some point(nm) - FIJItiger MU - 3/12/25 12:28:43
               Not this season (nm) - wu-tangtiger MU - 3/12/25 12:46:02
               I'm told, he's come on in practice lately.Is a rim protector - Macgrantt MU - 3/12/25 12:32:33
          Crews has played 4 years of college basketball (nm) - TheWildcat MU - 3/12/25 12:24:08
          Crews has more eligibilty? Dude has to be in his mid 20s(nm) - TheRoyalTiger MU - 3/12/25 12:11:48
               think he is done(nm) - tman MU - 3/12/25 12:20:59
     Yes. Odds say there will be at least 2 or 3 tranfers(nm) - ERB KC - 3/12/25 11:31:49
     If he does, the portal makes it easy to replace him(nm) - ZouMiz STL - 3/12/25 11:19:24
     Hopefully not, he can play at this level - FIJItiger MU - 3/12/25 11:11:41
     At least 1 player will. No one is immune to it anymore - Eggs MU - 3/12/25 11:06:51
          No one is safe anymore. Mitchell could leave, Robinson - TheWildcat MU - 3/12/25 11:29:14
     I don't think he should - this was a learning year - Mormad MU - 3/12/25 11:01:33
          I would not mind losing Allen. I don’t see a defined role - namres MU - 3/12/25 12:10:41
               Work on his handles and he could be a bull - Mormad MU - 3/12/25 12:13:36
     And at least a few every game are just pointless - TheRoyalTiger MU - 3/12/25 12:13:58
     it's crazy because he is so close - o'lineydisciple MU - 3/12/25 11:51:28
          Agree, he is more Jason Sutherland than JT Tiller - FIJItiger MU - 3/12/25 11:56:32
     I don't blame Gates but I suspect one of the assistants is - alstl MU - 3/12/25 11:49:58
     the foul issue has been going on longer than a month(nm) - MizzouAstro MU - 3/12/25 11:42:08
     I would take the opposite approach for him - FIJItiger MU - 3/12/25 10:51:43
          Same. I'm just fine with more Barrett PT.(nm) - Harvey Specter MU - 3/12/25 12:01:46
          depends on his fouls - MizzouAstro MU - 3/12/25 11:42:57
          Agreed. Just play him in what would be the normal rotation - Eggs MU - 3/12/25 11:15:30
          I might not start him - let him watch first couple minutes - Mormad MU - 3/12/25 11:02:51
               Come out blazing and set the tone - FIJItiger MU - 3/12/25 11:06:26
Good little known historical MU conf tourney story - FIJItiger MU - 3/12/25 10:29:41
     Thanks.Some of us don't forget just can't remember 🤣(nm) - oldtgr MU - 3/12/25 11:38:03
Big XII Post-Season Conference Tournament - Valley Tiger MU - 3/12/25 09:38:12
     It’s neat they still have money in budget for a commissioner - FIJItiger MU - 3/12/25 09:58:12
          It's really the premier basketball conference in the nation(nm) - Genco98 MU - 3/12/25 12:30:01
     There was something off about that game, and it - Carlos Rossi KC - 3/11/25 22:10:29
     Zags defense was very good. (nm) - Outsider MU - 3/11/25 22:03:07
          Both teams were 1-31 from 3 point land...and if you - Carlos Rossi KC - 3/11/25 22:15:35
               St. Mary’s could have made 5 three pointers and still only - Outsider MU - 3/11/25 22:32:27
          Did a really good job pushing them out on the 3 - Mormad MU - 3/11/25 22:04:05
               St. Mary's got very few easy possessions, had to - Outsider MU - 3/11/25 22:07:20
Ike is fouling every time on those screens - Mormad MU - 3/11/25 21:42:21
Farewell Leonard Hamilton - MidMoBaller4Life MU - 3/11/25 21:17:37
     That was one Mizzou game I did bet on for big money - Genco98 MU - 3/12/25 07:50:56
     Bye bye Renoard Hamirton. I riked our times - Carlos Rossi KC - 3/12/25 07:47:24
Tight game for the CAA conference tournament money grab - Valley Tiger MU - 3/11/25 20:02:58
     If you didn't buy a ticket, why are you concerned with - Mormad MU - 3/11/25 20:08:58
          Why do you say I am concerned?(nm) - Valley Tiger MU - 3/11/25 20:43:30
               Because you repeatedly call it a "money grab" - Mormad MU - 3/11/25 20:46:20
                    I'm sorry, Mormad, I didn't originate the term - Valley Tiger MU - 3/12/25 09:04:11
                    * - Uncle John MU - 3/11/25 20:57:42
Zags favored by 3.5 against #19 SMC...hmmmm - Carlos Rossi KC - 3/11/25 17:46:30
     St Mary's will cover (nm) - Uncle John MU - 3/11/25 18:26:25
          I agree - let's do this!(nm) - Carlos Rossi KC - 3/11/25 18:27:40
               Tough start for the Mary's(nm) - Mormad MU - 3/11/25 20:18:50
                    Covering at half...this is a good rivalry.(nm) - Carlos Rossi KC - 3/11/25 20:55:54
                         Yeah, they came storming back - Mormad MU - 3/11/25 20:57:03
                              Time to attack Nembhard (nm) - Uncle John MU - 3/11/25 21:01:00
                                   And try to keep Battle on the bench - Mormad MU - 3/11/25 21:07:30
                                        Good game.(nm) - Carlos Rossi KC - 3/11/25 21:27:36
                                             Always is, but isn't there more than 2 teams - Mormad MU - 3/11/25 21:28:53
                                                  Not sure either of these teams would do all that well in - Carlos Rossi KC - 3/11/25 21:51:53
                                                       Legs may be gone....neither shooting well - Mormad MU - 3/11/25 21:55:50
                                                            SMC 0 for 16 from 3. LMAO/(nm) - Carlos Rossi KC - 3/11/25 22:02:44
                                                                 I think Gonzaga only made 1 or 2(nm) - Mormad MU - 3/11/25 22:07:17
                                                                      there was something fishy about that game.(nm) - Carlos Rossi KC - 3/11/25 22:09:13
     the data sets/models change daily and that - Harvey Specter MU - 3/12/25 07:53:18
     There have been automatic qualifying games being - Erwin Fletcher STL - 3/11/25 21:42:45
     He works for ESPN and they have a $3 billion business deal - alstl MU - 3/11/25 21:03:08
     I think MU is anywhere between a 5 or 7...probably won't - Carlos Rossi KC - 3/11/25 18:21:20
          I disagree. I think the tournament is important. - Genco98 MU - 3/11/25 18:28:45
               I just don't see how it really helps us or hurts us that - Carlos Rossi KC - 3/11/25 18:32:36
                    I’ll give you one big reason - Genco98 MU - 3/11/25 18:42:24
                         I think the biggest impact is to team psyche - Mormad MU - 3/11/25 19:35:42
     Other teams have played since then - XRob MU - 3/11/25 18:13:42
     Puts his prediction in line with most others. - wu-tangtiger MU - 3/11/25 16:39:01
          He has us as a 7 v Baylor then MSU...I'll take it...nm - tigertix MU - 3/11/25 17:20:19
          Hopefully a win Thursday puts them on the last 6 spot(nm) - tigerNkc KC - 3/11/25 16:44:01
I like the pick and role with Mark Mitchell - Johnny Parkour MU - 3/11/25 15:10:58
     Not sure if this is DOC or not, but I am going to laugh at - Carlos Rossi KC - 3/11/25 15:58:42
     Very clever subtle misspelling of names - Columbian Gold MU - 3/11/25 15:36:41
          The wit here is boundless(nm) - Mormad MU - 3/11/25 15:54:53
     Best roster in a very long time - alstl MU - 3/11/25 13:27:11
          Also winningest player in Florida high school history (nm) - FIJItiger MU - 3/11/25 14:45:43
               Also made the SEC all conference defensive team - alstl MU - 3/11/25 21:01:38
          Like 1 year, when you compare within just MU, it's different - Macgrantt MU - 3/11/25 13:57:49
               Grill is a perfect example. Started 22 games for 6 seed ISU - alstl MU - 3/11/25 14:09:53
                    The until recent Grill, who made 3's, was the only example - Macgrantt MU - 3/11/25 15:03:22
                    Gray started 0 games and avged 10mpg with minimal stats at - FIJItiger MU - 3/11/25 14:47:50
                    Not really. He plays more than the players that start - wu-tangtiger MU - 3/11/25 14:11:44
                         Warrick was the best guard on the floor vs Kentucky - alstl MU - 3/11/25 15:00:48
                              As good as Warrick is on O, he's that bad on D. - Macgrantt MU - 3/11/25 17:11:27
                                   We allowed over 90 points 5 of last 6 games - alstl MU - 3/11/25 20:55:39
                              Or not enough that are consistent (nm) - wu-tangtiger MU - 3/11/25 15:47:06
                                   Warrick is the all time scoring leader at his former school(nm) - alstl MU - 3/11/25 17:16:48
                                        When they are playing well - wu-tangtiger MU - 3/11/25 17:28:38
                                             We certainly stacked with talent(nm) - alstl MU - 3/12/25 06:55:43
          some would call it stacked (nm) - TigerA MU - 3/11/25 13:28:24
               Should have been able to roll the ball out there - DevilsAdvocate KC - 3/11/25 13:57:36
                    No, be undeated with all those NBA prospects & ALL SECers - Macgrantt MU - 3/11/25 14:01:34
     Awesome. Albert White was once named CPOY while also - FIJItiger MU - 3/11/25 13:07:12
          Mitchell also cut his hair for the post-season(nm) - Valley Tiger MU - 3/11/25 13:10:01
               Hopefully Grill gets rid of his mop as well (nm) - Uncle John MU - 3/11/25 13:47:15
               whole team should shave their heads(nm) - TigerA MU - 3/11/25 13:11:20
                    they should all bleach their hair platinum blonde(nm) - MizzouAstro MU - 3/11/25 13:26:56
                         the Sisqo look would be nice(nm) - TigerA MU - 3/11/25 13:28:11
                              Barrett would look sick(nm) - MizzouAstro MU - 3/11/25 13:29:18
     Because it's the only location that has shown can put on the - bcoop199 KC - 3/11/25 18:08:56
     I imagine, because ku has a lot of sway - implode STL - 3/11/25 18:00:35
     Better question is what the hell is with that court design? - ChiTownTiger MU - 3/11/25 15:31:40
     great location with fans from isu, ku, k-state ... - tmcats KSU - 3/11/25 14:34:24
          does k-state have a chance in Vegas to win the money grab?(nm) - Valley Tiger MU - 3/11/25 15:13:55
     They should play it in Mumbai (nm) - Columbian Gold MU - 3/11/25 14:22:36
     This bothers you because??You like less revenue for MO??? - Macgrantt MU - 3/11/25 14:00:14
     Strange battle you’re fighting here - Hickeytime MU - 3/11/25 13:15:38
          Agreed. Nm - quicksand MU - 3/11/25 18:23:42
     That is typical of smaller conferences with undesirable - FIJItiger MU - 3/11/25 13:00:58
          they also tend to go to lesser towns(nm) - TigerA MU - 3/11/25 13:01:39
               Think there is a burning desire of the leftovers - FIJItiger MU - 3/11/25 13:03:18
     The old Big 8 (and Big 12) tournaments - o'lineydisciple MU - 3/11/25 12:43:59
          Remember parking near burnt out gas station lot near Kemper - implode STL - 3/11/25 18:04:16
     nice central location(nm) - TigerA MU - 3/11/25 12:23:11
          not with the new conference additions - Valley Tiger MU - 3/11/25 12:27:54
               So you think that Kansas City is not roughly - alwaysright MU - 3/11/25 12:53:55
                    Dallas is midway and more convenient(nm) - Valley Tiger MU - 3/11/25 12:54:50
                         more convenient....debatable - alwaysright MU - 3/11/25 13:00:38
                              Dallas is an airline hub (American) - Valley Tiger MU - 3/11/25 13:07:15
                                   There are not flight issues to KC from these places. - alwaysright MU - 3/11/25 14:37:49
                                        I listed member schools to remind you of the geography of - Valley Tiger MU - 3/11/25 15:04:20
                                             I had already provided you with the corners - alwaysright MU - 3/11/25 15:36:23
                                   you don't think that KC has enough hotels and restaurants?(nm) - TigerA MU - 3/11/25 13:12:16
                                        Dallas/Fort Worth is great & host of Cotton Bowl - Ace UNC - 3/11/25 14:19:23
                                             my cat's breath smells like cat food(nm) - TigerA MU - 3/11/25 14:22:43
     always good for kansas city. Why do you care?(nm) - SabertoothTiger MU - 3/11/25 12:14:10
     It's an excellent tourney set up - MizzouAstro MU - 3/11/25 12:07:49
     Because it is a Jayhawks town(nm) - TigerMatt STL - 3/11/25 12:06:47
          and Stl is a MO state town given Arch Madness?(nm) - tman MU - 3/11/25 12:19:05
     That is a disaster(nm) - FIJItiger MU - 3/11/25 13:05:20
     & Hoiberg is safe w/ 1 NCAA in 6 yrs. Unbelievable! - Sigma MU - 3/11/25 11:49:54
          Well that's pretty much their history - XRob MU - 3/11/25 13:10:39
          He is the owner of their best season record in 34 years & - alwaysright MU - 3/11/25 12:56:20
               6 yrs 1 NCAA, and didn't make Big Tourney in yr 6. He's - Sigma MU - 3/11/25 13:00:40
                    They have never won a tournament game, ever (nm) - TheWildcat MU - 3/11/25 13:35:20
                    Then so has every other coach they have ever hired - alwaysright MU - 3/11/25 13:03:35
                         He's getting paid like an elite coach - Sigma MU - 3/11/25 14:19:45
          has he really been there that long?(nm) - MizzouAstro MU - 3/11/25 11:56:24
               For Nub fans it feels longer.....* - Sigma MU - 3/11/25 12:20:29
     really effing weird bracket they have with 15 teams in - MizzouAstro MU - 3/11/25 11:40:38
          Give the conf champ a bye and let the other 15 - Rabbit Test MU - 3/11/25 11:45:38
               or just do what the SEC is doing with 16 teams(nm) - MizzouAstro MU - 3/11/25 11:46:56
Holy sh*t the big 12 tourney court is HORRIFIC(nm) - MizzouAstro MU - 3/11/25 11:32:53
Which CBB teams have the best rotation depth - wu-tangtiger MU - 3/11/25 11:31:06
     I think Missouri left the Big 12 in 2012(nm) - Valley Tiger MU - 3/11/25 11:26:39



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