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Politics Board

     Did she ask if he ever gave out sexual favors yet?(nm) - ZouMiz STL - 1/30/25 11:03:09
          That was her first question - El Zorro MU - 1/30/25 11:12:40
     People that ignore chirping smoke alarms - El-ahrairah BAMA - 1/30/25 11:05:42
          lol - mizzouSECedes STL - 1/30/25 11:09:54
     I think that was a fair question and the answer imo was - hokie VT - 1/30/25 11:01:41
          I remember when Obama came out and said that the - Outsider MU - 1/30/25 11:10:22
          RE: I think that was a fair question and the answer imo was - meatiger MU - 1/30/25 11:09:23
          RE: I think that was a fair question and the answer imo was - Columbian Gold MU - 1/30/25 11:08:40
     I am a Trump guy and clearly there was a huge mistake - Outsider MU - 1/30/25 11:01:32
          I do agree that 'blame it on the coloreds" isn't good - mizzouSECedes STL - 1/30/25 11:08:42
          bad timing but you don't know that he is incorrect. He likle - TigerFan92 STL - 1/30/25 11:04:07
               Could very well be true and we agree on the timing. (nm) - Outsider MU - 1/30/25 11:12:24
               It is dumb and lazy to say DEI every time - meatiger MU - 1/30/25 11:07:25
                    absolutely happens to non DEI people who are incompetent - TigerFan92 STL - 1/30/25 11:13:17
          Maybe, I'm sure Trump knows who the ATC was - ZouMiz STL - 1/30/25 11:02:51
     Sickening(nm) - qbbearcat MU - 1/30/25 10:56:09
          Not if you have common sense..........nm - tigertix MU - 1/30/25 11:00:24
          as sick a demonrats blaming guns while bodies are still bein - TigerFan92 STL - 1/30/25 10:58:19
Drones have sensors when objects are to close.... - TigerTuff MU - 1/30/25 10:50:40
     At the speed they were going - meatiger MU - 1/30/25 10:54:24
     They have a ton of technology in them - Bosalphus KC - 1/30/25 10:54:14
     I read that the helicopter had their sensoring system turned - ZouMiz STL - 1/30/25 10:53:11
          where did you read that? (nm) - Bosalphus KC - 1/30/25 10:54:26
               RE: where did you read that? (nm) - ZouMiz STL - 1/30/25 10:56:57
                    That account basically admitted they have zero facts (nm) - Bosalphus KC - 1/30/25 11:00:19
                    "Pure speculation"(nm) - meatiger MU - 1/30/25 10:58:09
                         maybe but it makes sense unless it was intentional (nm) - ZouMiz STL - 1/30/25 10:58:51
                              That airspace is congested - Bosalphus KC - 1/30/25 11:01:25
     Yes....nm - tigertix MU - 1/30/25 10:52:16
Good news for an underprivileged minority - Columbian Gold MU - 1/30/25 10:46:43
So disingenuous Don is blaming Obama/Biden - playhard KC - 1/30/25 10:31:31
     Yeah man those two individuals have always - Bosalphus KC - 1/30/25 10:46:09
     did he just say bullsh*t? - Ferg MU - 1/30/25 10:32:55
          Discussing the FAA tapes and video, now there is - tigertix MU - 1/30/25 10:36:26
     Your boy Booty Juice is being exposed for the fool he and - tigertix MU - 1/30/25 10:32:52
     seems to me air traffic control is the percent t stop for AI - tigerinhogtown STL - 1/30/25 10:53:54
     He is and rightfully so. I don’t think this presser, the - Outsider MU - 1/30/25 10:43:06
          We know his position on DEI - mu7176grad MU - 1/30/25 10:50:56
               How did you get access to the FAA tapes and video of the - tigertix MU - 1/30/25 10:55:13
               Agree. They know a lot but they don’t know everything… - Outsider MU - 1/30/25 10:54:35
          He and Duffy have reviewed the tower tapes and video, and as - tigertix MU - 1/30/25 10:47:20
               Not sure how you got that I’m “programmed” to think - Outsider MU - 1/30/25 10:52:19
                    The NTSB will take months to determine what happened by - tigertix MU - 1/30/25 10:59:37
                         Because they don’t have enough information at this - Outsider MU - 1/30/25 11:04:33
          ^^^^^ THIS ^^^^^ - TigerTuff MU - 1/30/25 10:46:29
               Waiting on the swamp commission I see............nm - tigertix MU - 1/30/25 10:48:46
     The trump cult will eat it up, they always believe - playhard KC - 1/30/25 10:34:51
          He's your god - Wildcat KSU - 1/30/25 10:40:53
               How do you all even speak with - playhard KC - 1/30/25 10:46:14
                    Mumbling and typing, great skill..............nm - tigertix MU - 1/30/25 10:49:49
               Like a marionette................nm - tigertix MU - 1/30/25 10:44:06
          ^^^This from a being that worships at the altar of abortion - tigertix MU - 1/30/25 10:38:32
     Killing Booty Juice..............nm - tigertix MU - 1/30/25 10:31:52
     you write hysterically and incoherently (nm) - 90Tiger STL - 1/30/25 10:28:09
Drunk Dem attacks WH Press Secretary - Spanky KU - 1/30/25 10:17:39
     Straight out of the Chuckie Schumer playbook - MU Diaspora MU - 1/30/25 10:26:41
     Dave Min is tragically confused. He calls her - JeffB MU - 1/30/25 10:23:14
          why are "abortion rights" referred to as "reproductive right - 90Tiger STL - 1/30/25 10:32:19
               Well, they test marketed baby killing on demand. - RHAYWORTH MU - 1/30/25 10:41:19
                    there is also a morning after pill for rape, incest, etc (nm) - 90Tiger STL - 1/30/25 10:43:55
               Soothing language for the Kens and Karens in the 'burbs..nm - tigertix MU - 1/30/25 10:39:22
     Dayum - Wildcat KSU - 1/30/25 10:19:18
     That's a confusing response to her post (nm) - Bosalphus KC - 1/30/25 10:18:43
FIJI, was this a qualified cabinet pick? - Calca STL - 1/30/25 10:14:44
     FIJI doesn't know anything about any cabinet members fr - 90Tiger STL - 1/30/25 10:45:04
     Hell, the DOJ settled with the Portland Antifa/BLM rioters - tigertix MU - 1/30/25 10:21:24
     What else is on TV? - Wildcat KSU - 1/30/25 10:13:50
Tulsi yum yum - Chievous'Bandaid MU - 1/30/25 09:57:59
     Pick one: A woman in a dress or a man in a dress nm - MU Diaspora MU - 1/30/25 10:28:01
     violation (nm) - Bosalphus KC - 1/30/25 10:09:03
     Don't objectify her. She has great positions - 4TigersinMichigan MU - 1/30/25 09:59:37
          Or a wet suit when surfing..........nm - tigertix MU - 1/30/25 10:25:32
          agreed - Chievous'Bandaid MU - 1/30/25 10:01:01
     How do you know he hasn't gone through the process to - tigertix MU - 1/30/25 10:29:57
     Those are the rules Trump is attempting to change - DHighlander NWMSU - 1/30/25 10:26:49
     As long as he's not a yid though. Right? nm - hokie VT - 1/30/25 10:23:02
          RE: As long as he's not a yid though. Right? nm - Columbian Gold MU - 1/30/25 10:39:11
     Sounds like a pretty cool story…thanks! (nm) - Outsider MU - 1/30/25 10:15:44
     Link to them being on temp visa?(nm) - Spanky KU - 1/30/25 10:02:54
          Work visas are temporary, non-immigrant visas - Columbian Gold MU - 1/30/25 10:43:00
     I don't think you know what an anchor baby is. - CulturedDan MU - 1/30/25 09:58:48
Admiral Tranny and her battalion of mega-cucks - Chievous'Bandaid MU - 1/30/25 09:31:32
     Trannies are fake military, just like they are fake women. - RHAYWORTH MU - 1/30/25 09:39:33
          Yes, thanks to BHO and Biden/Austin.........nm - tigertix MU - 1/30/25 10:27:23
          Are they any worse than women soldiers? - El-ahrairah BAMA - 1/30/25 10:05:53
          and if you thought veteran suicide rates were bad....(nm) - CulturedDan MU - 1/30/25 09:42:56
     RE: To the TDS crowd on TB, your leader has spoken and it is - sarasotatiger MU - 1/30/25 09:34:39
     what a handsome they - TigerFan92 STL - 1/30/25 09:33:38
     It is certainly revolting what they’ve done to the military - El-ahrairah BAMA - 1/30/25 09:24:23
          RE: It is certainly revolting what they’ve done to the military - sarasotatiger MU - 1/30/25 09:32:27
     Is that a banana clip under his dress? (nm) - Tigrrrr! MU - 1/30/25 09:23:57
     yeah, all 10k of them will sashay right up to the capitol - Seagull MU - 1/30/25 09:22:46
          and make your day..........nm - tigertix MU - 1/30/25 09:23:28
     it's a no brainer. The casualty rate for trannies in the - CulturedDan MU - 1/30/25 09:21:09
          and that's probably just in the showers....nm - tigertix MU - 1/30/25 09:22:11
               wut?(nm) - CulturedDan MU - 1/30/25 09:22:32
                    anal bleedouts (nm) - mizzouSECedes STL - 1/30/25 09:36:02
                         we're talking trannies, not homos. - CulturedDan MU - 1/30/25 09:36:47
     Just exercising their right to peacefully protest their GOP - DHighlander NWMSU - 1/30/25 09:19:38
          Kash's first mission is to infiltrate Antifa and BLM and - tigertix MU - 1/30/25 09:21:31
               Gitmo has plenty of room (nm) - Tigrrrr! MU - 1/30/25 09:22:53
Trump prepares Gitmo for migrants - El-ahrairah BAMA - 1/30/25 09:03:55
     Trump explained why - Spanky KU - 1/30/25 10:09:51
     or No worko, no eato..........nm - tigertix MU - 1/30/25 09:22:56
Flown millions of miles--only accident was at KCI - mu7176grad MU - 1/30/25 08:54:30
     Military or commercial plane?(nm) - TigerMatt KC - 1/30/25 09:29:00
     Was it really 52 years ago this month? - Nebraska99 STL - 1/30/25 09:12:30
     it isn't always about you (nm) - Seagull MU - 1/30/25 08:54:44
Day 9 and democracy hasn't ended. (nm) - Logan STL - 1/30/25 08:52:56
     Has Rachel Maddow been arrested yet? They're building - hokie VT - 1/30/25 09:04:00
          No, she's going to Gitmo.............nm - tigertix MU - 1/30/25 09:24:23
     But so far womyn have lost 17,231 rights - 4TigersinMichigan MU - 1/30/25 08:56:20
          I think they only have two left. Life for women in this - hokie VT - 1/30/25 09:18:04
               In some states, they can't even have sex - 4TigersinMichigan MU - 1/30/25 09:21:51
                    I've even heard that the WNBA players aren't paid as much - hokie VT - 1/30/25 09:32:19
     We must be patient(nm) - El-ahrairah BAMA - 1/30/25 08:54:24
While the age of wide spread social media can be great - 4TigersinMichigan MU - 1/30/25 08:46:09
     Musk personally types all of those, man - 90Tiger STL - 1/30/25 08:47:15
          So you are a "Muskie"? - 4TigersinMichigan MU - 1/30/25 08:48:27
               100%, everything there is factual, like facebat (nm) - 90Tiger STL - 1/30/25 08:51:28
                    It is false everything on X is factual - 4TigersinMichigan MU - 1/30/25 08:54:40
Hey FL residents what's going on down there? - Bosalphus KC - 1/30/25 08:03:43
     Donor money and - SwampTiger MU - 1/30/25 10:01:32
     quick read - it's the Ag sector defending their labor - 90Tiger STL - 1/30/25 08:42:09
          Even if they hire a bunch of undocumented workers - playhard KC - 1/30/25 09:07:17
          1% of illegals are in agriculture - El Zorro MU - 1/30/25 08:53:17
               argue with Florida Republicans, not me (nm) - 90Tiger STL - 1/30/25 09:46:47
               What % of agriculture workers are undocumented workers?(nm) - playhard KC - 1/30/25 09:03:48
                    In Missouri, close to none - El-ahrairah BAMA - 1/30/25 09:16:19
                         in Florida... - Seagull MU - 1/30/25 09:18:55
                         There are 88,000 farms in MO - meatiger MU - 1/30/25 09:18:08
               most ilegals are not on welfare - sks MU - 1/30/25 08:59:07
               Where do you get that stat?(nm) - meatiger MU - 1/30/25 08:56:54
     maybe because of the tourism industry? - Seagull MU - 1/30/25 08:24:05
     They're doing the same thing in Texas - El Zorro MU - 1/30/25 08:13:02
Prayers for Eric Swalwell - Bosalphus KC - 1/30/25 07:07:33
     AOC was almost carried away by violent rioters too - Calca STL - 1/30/25 08:01:11
          In this case - mizzouSECedes STL - 1/30/25 08:07:36
     Poor fella. (nm) - hefeweizen MU - 1/30/25 07:10:00
     could be the biggest accomplishment for either of those two - mutigr92 MU - 1/30/25 08:34:45
     And if they had said nothing you'd have accused them of not - SparkyStalcup MU - 1/30/25 08:13:47
          Sounds like it's straight out of the Prog playbook(nm) - Wildcat KSU - 1/30/25 10:10:38
          You're right, of course. I was just about to post that 48 - hokie VT - 1/30/25 08:18:14
     He's Jewish and his parents were in the Holocaust - Seagull MU - 1/30/25 06:39:18
     RE: Twice, Fox News mentioned that Alejandro Mayor kiss was on - THEGROVE68 MU - 1/30/25 06:06:01
Potomac River is approximately 35 degrees - 615Tiger STL - 1/30/25 01:11:49
     Plane was found in 3 pieces in waist deep water - SparkyStalcup MU - 1/30/25 08:16:30
     Nobody survives - *M* KC - 1/30/25 07:39:16
          Chuck Norris begs to differ(nm) - 4TigersinMichigan MU - 1/30/25 08:29:20
          RE: Nobody survives - Tigrrrr! MU - 1/30/25 08:29:16
     well, she's a Russian plant and Dems really don't like it - 90Tiger STL - 1/30/25 08:46:45
          Fiji embarrasses himself every time he posts on here - El Zorro MU - 1/30/25 08:55:27
     RE: Looks like Tulsi has the toughest path to confirmation … - sarasotatiger MU - 1/30/25 07:46:56
          Great post as usual. But it makes who look guilty of what?Nm - hokie VT - 1/30/25 08:15:11
     Her hearing will just be more of the liberals - Bosalphus KC - 1/30/25 07:12:32
          Split TV screen is awesome - nominee / unhinged Democrat - El Zorro MU - 1/30/25 07:31:44
     This is a totally unserious process, they will all be - FIJItiger MU - 1/30/25 06:36:04
          All are Qualified. Your dislike for all things non democrat - Logan STL - 1/30/25 08:09:30
               Richard Leland Levine a lunatic was confirmed. The standard - TigerFan92 STL - 1/30/25 08:50:24
                    fiji doesn't know who any of Biden's cabinet members were - 90Tiger STL - 1/30/25 08:52:23
               Kissing trumps ring doesn't make someone qualified(nm) - playhard KC - 1/30/25 08:20:27
               Hope you don’t work at a serious org if you actually - FIJItiger MU - 1/30/25 08:14:24
                    Fiji , you being in judgement of ANYONE is laughable - El Zorro MU - 1/30/25 08:57:23
                         I was thinking more like Adam schift...but Hirono works too. - Logan STL - 1/30/25 09:00:04
                    Well...I said it so I must think it. (nm) - Logan STL - 1/30/25 08:17:11
                         That is unfortunate (nm) - FIJItiger MU - 1/30/25 08:19:12
          Some folks get my vote on looks alone - alzoo MU - 1/30/25 06:43:00
               Seems valid and legitimate (nm) - FIJItiger MU - 1/30/25 07:04:17
                    Well they are not trannies or from the alphabet mafia like - DHighlander NWMSU - 1/30/25 07:15:12
                         Smart take (nm) - FIJItiger MU - 1/30/25 07:46:36
     She’s the most important - El-ahrairah BAMA - 1/30/25 05:45:02
     what the **** is wrong with you? (nm) - pickle MU - 1/30/25 08:11:33
     That would be false attribution, however tragedies of - FIJItiger MU - 1/30/25 07:45:02
          Yup, we'll see the effects from Biden's DEI policies - mizzouSECedes STL - 1/30/25 08:08:27
          Is the secretary of transportation a former MTV reality tv - KCT-BoneTiger MU - 1/30/25 07:50:42
          Are you predicting another national embarrassment like - Reagan STL - 1/30/25 07:49:41
               Yes. Many across all levels(nm) - FIJItiger MU - 1/30/25 07:52:16
          Meated it(nm) - Wildcat KSU - 1/30/25 10:13:29
          I suspect they got confused - DC Jayhawk KU - 1/30/25 08:13:44
          What if it was the fault of the helicopter? (nm) - Bosalphus KC - 1/30/25 07:42:26
               What if it was?(nm) - *M* KC - 1/30/25 07:43:33
                    Then I'd imagine an investigation would be done - Bosalphus KC - 1/30/25 07:55:03
                         Moron. Investigations of such things - *M* KC - 1/30/25 10:38:50
     CNN and Huffpost already did minutes after - Calca STL - 1/30/25 06:31:43
     Do we know the Blackhawk pilot is to blame? What about - hokie VT - 1/30/25 05:55:54
          They asked the pilot if he saw the plane, and then told them - ZouMiz STL - 1/30/25 06:29:28
               The Army chopper was reportedly on a routine training flight - BH O'bonga MU - 1/30/25 06:54:51
               Hadn't heard that, thanks. Don't think we know nearly enough - hokie VT - 1/30/25 06:32:30
          Terrible accident. Seems to have involved some human error - raskolnikov MU - 1/30/25 06:15:02
     Hope he doesn’t - TigerFan92 STL - 1/30/25 00:25:40
     RE: How long until the left blames Trump for the copter pilots - hefeweizen MU - 1/30/25 00:18:47
          Well, you were not first(nm) - meatiger MU - 1/30/25 00:34:01
Do you feel like no matter what you think or believe - KCT-BoneTiger MU - 1/29/25 22:39:44
     Times like what? (nm) - DHighlander NWMSU - 1/30/25 07:16:36
          These... - CulturedDan MU - 1/30/25 08:51:49
     RE: Do you feel like no matter what you think or believe - THEGROVE68 MU - 1/29/25 23:26:07
     Probably not.(nm) - TigerMatt KC - 1/29/25 23:18:11
     Here's the thing...pretyy much everyone on TB hates you so - Carlos Rossi KC - 1/29/25 23:11:19
          what do you think will happen after that? (nm) - KCT-BoneTiger MU - 1/29/25 23:13:52
               RE: what do you think will happen after that? (nm) - MIZ45 KC - 1/30/25 06:57:39
               Nothing, but it will help TigerBoard.(nm) - Carlos Rossi KC - 1/29/25 23:18:56
                    I predict another retarded question (nm) - hefeweizen MU - 1/29/25 23:21:20
     RE: Do you feel like no matter what you think or believe - THEGROVE68 MU - 1/29/25 22:58:30
          I believe in freedom, liberty and adherence to - KCT-BoneTiger MU - 1/29/25 23:02:08
               No - Wildcat KSU - 1/29/25 23:22:51
               RE: I believe in freedom, liberty and adherence to - THEGROVE68 MU - 1/29/25 23:20:56
     RE: Do you feel like no matter what you think or believe - Panthera MU - 1/29/25 22:43:31
          Yikes. (nm) - KCT-BoneTiger MU - 1/29/25 22:47:41
     Nope. Fvck you(nm) - hefeweizen MU - 1/29/25 22:40:36
          I don't wish negative on you. I wish you the best for you & - KCT-BoneTiger MU - 1/29/25 22:44:06
               RE: I don't wish negative on you. I wish you the best for you & - THEGROVE68 MU - 1/29/25 22:59:35
               Eat dicks, you are an annoying tvvat (nm) - hefeweizen MU - 1/29/25 22:51:28
                    What do you mean by "eat dicks"? You are telling me to - KCT-BoneTiger MU - 1/29/25 22:53:32
                         Literally eat dicks. Hopefully you choke on one(nm) - hefeweizen MU - 1/29/25 22:55:07
                              What is up with you? (nm) - KCT-BoneTiger MU - 1/29/25 22:56:35
                                   I don't like you. I have never liked you, and I will - hefeweizen MU - 1/29/25 23:00:31
                                        I think we have more in common than we don't. (nm) - KCT-BoneTiger MU - 1/29/25 23:04:38
                                             Never want to find out. Dgaf about your thoughts on - hefeweizen MU - 1/29/25 23:09:28
                                                  thanks for responding (nm) - KCT-BoneTiger MU - 1/29/25 23:12:21
If a Trump nominee was on that plane.....(nm) - hefeweizen MU - 1/29/25 21:41:59
is it just me or is it not good to have the last name - SEC-BIG-GAMEHUNTER MU - 1/29/25 20:52:33
American Airlines flight crashes in DC? - ZouMiz STL - 1/29/25 20:47:01
     Wonder if the military pilot was an unskilled DEI person (nm) - mizzouSECedes STL - 1/29/25 22:20:13
     You can't tell a lot from the video - 4TigersinMichigan MU - 1/29/25 21:47:36
          & not responded to air traffic control warnings. (nm) - JeffB MU - 1/29/25 21:50:44
               Just really strange if those stories are true - 4TigersinMichigan MU - 1/29/25 22:00:20
     ATC audio.. though the site is getting hammered. - TigerMatt KC - 1/29/25 21:32:35
     It was an Army helicopter (nm) - TigerMatt KC - 1/29/25 21:12:38
          an Army VH-60 aka Presidential/VIP transport - Columbian Gold MU - 1/29/25 21:16:47
               Some are claiming it was a police helicopter... - JeffB MU - 1/29/25 21:24:02
               FAA is only saying Sikorsky H-60 so far. - TigerMatt KC - 1/29/25 21:21:00
               Don’t the fly in Marine aircraft?(nm) - Spanky KU - 1/29/25 21:20:33
                    Sikorsky VH-92.. different than what the FAA reporting (nm) - TigerMatt KC - 1/29/25 21:23:53
                         Russians (nm) - meatiger MU - 1/29/25 21:26:23
                              This is going to be big. The helicopter pilot was not - TigerMatt KC - 1/29/25 21:34:23
                                   What time on the recording is the critical portion? (nm) - JeffB MU - 1/29/25 21:49:47
                                        Around 17:30, ATC calls out PAT-25 asking if they have - TigerMatt KC - 1/29/25 22:05:53
                                             yeah from 19:00 on lots of rerouting going on (nm) - TigerFan92 STL - 1/29/25 22:13:26
                                                  Ok this link has better audio quality and someone responds - TigerMatt KC - 1/29/25 22:32:59
                                                       Thanks. (nm) - JeffB MU - 1/30/25 10:14:02
                                   Probably a dei hire(nm) - meatiger MU - 1/29/25 21:35:55
     awful but probably not political(nm) - TigerFan92 STL - 1/29/25 20:51:46
          I hope it wasn’t intentional. (nm) - ZouMiz STL - 1/29/25 20:52:32



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