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Mann looks like James Brown leaving stage - Macgrantt - 3/16/18 23:25:19
that isn’t why it happened - Doc James - 3/14/18 21:35:35
Your quote preceded his conclusion - Doc James - 3/14/18 20:27:10
Lunardi thinks Missouri is a 1 and done - Doc James - 3/14/18 19:43:10
the lack of rotating help was clear - Doc James - 3/12/18 20:24:46
I re-watched the UGA loss - Doc James - 3/12/18 20:13:15
One less Non-Leader(nm) - Doc James - 3/10/18 08:57:09
Obtuse, stubborn and - Doc James - 3/9/18 09:06:43
you failed. There is no team leader. (nm) - Doc James - 3/9/18 09:01:54
The Picture Clears - Doc James - 3/9/18 08:35:50
GFY, kook(nm) - Doc James - 3/4/18 09:45:57
You should go pray for some knowledge - Doc James - 3/4/18 09:31:19
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