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I really can’t imagine losing to Arky…

Posted on: January 27, 2025 at 14:22:13 CT
bluetiger_ MU
Member For:
12.74 yrs
M.O.B. Votes:
But I won’t truly believe it until I see it this year. And I wouldn’t even put a single dime of my money on it, that's how really confident I am lol. They certainly have had our number for many years.

At least it’s not as bad as TCU and Baylor. Saw an astonishing article after TCU beat Baylor yesterday in a top 25 matchup, that it was the first time they had beaten Baylor in 35 years. They had been 0-37 against them in the last 35 years. Now that’s dominance.

Of course TCU had to buy a team with all that Texas oil booster money in order to do it, getting AA type talent from Stanford and LSU the last two years. Wish the Walton family would donate to a huge NIL fund so we could start paying the going price in WBB, softball and VB.
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Pingetons race to an 0-16 conference record… - bluetiger_ MU - 1/26 12:45:22
     RE: Pingetons race to an 0-16 conference record… - BruceInLA MU - 1/27 11:20:32
          I really can’t imagine losing to Arky… - bluetiger_ MU - 1/27 14:22:13
     RE: Pingetons race to an 0-16 conference record… - MIZISHOME MU - 1/26 22:17:13
     RE: Pingetons race to an 0-16 conference record… - GreatScott MU - 1/26 21:57:56
     Re comment on Izzy H… - bluetiger_ MU - 1/26 12:51:35
          RE: Re comment on Izzy H… - THINKINGTIGER MU - 1/26 13:45:19
               Interesting box scores the last few games… - bluetiger_ MU - 1/26 14:35:27
                    RE: Interesting box scores the last few games… - THINKINGTIGER MU - 1/26 21:43:57
                         what did she avg, 3 minutes at mizzou? - fatrat MU - 1/27 05:14:08
                    She's the definition of the only decent player on a bad team - Mormad MU - 1/26 21:40:52

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