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Interesting box scores the last few games…

Posted on: January 26, 2025 at 14:35:27 CT
bluetiger_ MU
Member For:
12.74 yrs
M.O.B. Votes:
Against Alabama Izzy only took 11 shots (scored only 5 points) and the other 4 starters took 35 shots combined. More than 3 times as many. While today they took only half the shots combined than Izzy did.

And against Vandy Izzy only took 6 shots (and scored 7 points), and the other 4 starters took 25 combined, 4 times as many. Also in that game when Izzy only shot 6 times there were two players off the bench who shot 23 times combined, nearly 4 times as often as Izzy, and each of them scored at least double what Izzy did, 16 and 14 points. I bet without looking that her taking only 6/60 shots that game was a season low.

Now to be sure, the Alabama and Vandy games were outliers, usually Izzy takes most of the shots on the team, she’s clearly their best scoring option by a wide margin, and overall, it’s amazing how far the talent level at Arky has deteriorated. I’ve never seen a stat on the player with the highest percentage of total team shots, but she has to be right up there.

Sad situation for me to spend so much time talking about an ex Mizzou player, but the current Mizzou team is just so depressing to watch now, and she was one of my favorite players here, still wonder how different her career arc would have been if she stayed here. I suspect she wouldn’t have gotten the playing time here to develop her game.
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Pingetons race to an 0-16 conference record… - bluetiger_ MU - 1/26 12:45:22
     RE: Pingetons race to an 0-16 conference record… - BruceInLA MU - 1/27 11:20:32
          I really can’t imagine losing to Arky… - bluetiger_ MU - 1/27 14:22:13
     RE: Pingetons race to an 0-16 conference record… - MIZISHOME MU - 1/26 22:17:13
     RE: Pingetons race to an 0-16 conference record… - GreatScott MU - 1/26 21:57:56
     Re comment on Izzy H… - bluetiger_ MU - 1/26 12:51:35
          RE: Re comment on Izzy H… - THINKINGTIGER MU - 1/26 13:45:19
               Interesting box scores the last few games… - bluetiger_ MU - 1/26 14:35:27
                    RE: Interesting box scores the last few games… - THINKINGTIGER MU - 1/26 21:43:57
                         what did she avg, 3 minutes at mizzou? - fatrat MU - 1/27 05:14:08
                    She's the definition of the only decent player on a bad team - Mormad MU - 1/26 21:40:52

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