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RE: Bad take

Posted on: January 11, 2025 at 16:28:41 CT
cybertyger MU
Member For:
26.03 yrs
M.O.B. Votes:

Almost all coaching is competent at this level.

See the great zen master when Jordan played baseball…
Zen crap no longer worked. Meh came back from baseball, Zen stuff worked.

If RP coulda landed Naphesa (from JC area) Collier, to go along with Cunningham and Porters (and they healthy) they woulda won NC.

She woulda been same coach.

Bb simple-
Stay between your man and basket at all times.
Pass to open man
Don’t turn it over
Box out
Make FT
Know your roles
Take good shots

If there was a magic set or offense,everyone could watch film and put it in.
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The Pingeton options… - bluetiger_ MU - 1/11 14:17:03
     RE: The Pingeton options… - GreatScott MU - 1/12 16:46:52
     Option 4: Keep her as coach……. - ClassicTiger MU - 1/12 12:55:03
          RE: Option 4: Keep her as coach……. - slamduncan KC - 1/16 16:57:41
          RE: Option 4: Keep her as coach……. - THINKINGTIGER MU - 1/12 18:14:57
               RE: Option 4: Keep her as coach……. - nomotiger MU - 1/13 05:11:49
                    RE: /\/\/\/\ truth. /\/\/\/\ - Achmed MU - 1/13 07:49:49
          What are you expecting? A top 25 program? Nm - ClassicTiger MU - 1/12 16:59:35
          You are aware, aren’t you… - bluetiger_ MU - 1/12 14:32:43
               RE: You are aware, aren’t you… - momacman MU - 1/20 09:16:15
          Did we compete for championships in the BIG 12? Cause if we - thytiger MU - 1/12 13:58:14
               RE: Did we compete for championships in the BIG 12? Cause if we - GreatScott MU - 1/12 16:50:01
     Well no more than they seem to care about women's - thytiger MU - 1/12 12:28:47
     Pay next coach the minimum - cybertyger MU - 1/11 15:29:31
          still wrong - alwaysright MU - 1/12 20:11:00
          Great talent won’t play for incompetent coaching - Hickeytime MU - 1/11 18:20:41
               RE: Great talent won’t play for incompetent coaching - cybertyger MU - 1/12 10:13:58
                    RE: Great talent won’t play for incompetent coaching - cybertyger MU - 1/12 10:48:39
                    RE: Great talent won’t play for incompetent coaching - *M* KC - 1/12 10:45:10
          Bad take - *M* KC - 1/11 16:17:41
               RE: Bad take - cybertyger MU - 1/11 16:28:41
                    correct(nm) - TigerFan92 STL - 1/11 20:31:24
                         No hes not - Hickeytime MU - 1/11 21:04:50
                              RE: No hes not - TigerFan92 STL - 1/11 23:36:20
                                   RE: disagree - Achmed MU - 1/13 07:53:00
                    RE: Bad take - *M* KC - 1/11 17:08:06
     RE: The Pingeton options… - THINKINGTIGER MU - 1/11 14:30:36

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