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RE: She needs an Assistent job for a couple of years first. nm

Posted on: January 9, 2025 at 05:40:02 CT
drfrightner MU
Member For:
12.15 yrs
M.O.B. Votes:
LOL an WNBA player isn’t taking ANY assistant coaching job have you lost your freaking mind.

Let me throw this out there… if Catlin Clark decided she wanted to coach IOWA woman’s team do you think they would hire here right out of the wnba or do you think they’d say no you go get an assistant job first.

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Sophie Or Bust? - drfrightner MU - 1/7 20:08:57
     RE: Sophie Or Bust? - GreatScott MU - 1/10 21:59:02
     😂 - Panthera MU - 1/8 14:32:33
     She needs to have a set of quadruplet daughters via - TigerFan92 STL - 1/8 13:12:55
     She has been announcing during the pre game shows for - Erwin Fletcher STL - 1/8 08:24:35
     RE: Sophie Or Bust? - Achmed MU - 1/8 08:21:52
          She needs an Assistent job for a couple of years first. nm - thytiger MU - 1/8 17:55:29
               RE: She needs an Assistent job for a couple of years first. nm - drfrightner MU - 1/9 05:40:02
     RE: Sophie Or Bust? - BruceInLA MU - 1/7 22:30:55
          RE: Sophie Or Bust? - drfrightner MU - 1/9 05:43:45
          RE: well said Bruce. Nm - Achmed MU - 1/8 08:22:39
     Dumb as **** - Hickeytime MU - 1/7 22:24:12
     RE: Sophie Or Bust? - *M* KC - 1/7 20:54:58
          Never Coached before are you guys nuts - drfrightner MU - 1/9 05:38:22
               It ain't rocket science either - alzoo MU - 1/9 07:22:48

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