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I don't defend corruption, regardless of who did it. However

Posted on: November 18, 2023 at 09:54:21 CT
hokie VT
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9.34 yrs
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I don't believe someone is corrupt just because some liberal talking head on television said so.

Did you believe the Russia hoax?
Did you believe the FIB couldn't find the owner of the cocaine in the White House?
Do you believe whispering Joe Biden is compromised on the world stage by his family business selling influence to foreign leaders?

Trump has been accused of treason. That's just stupid.
Trump has been accused of planning and orchestrating an insurrection. That is an absurdity.

You think that because liberals accuse someone of something that that person is guilty. And you believe that since the liberals defend liberal corruption that they are innocent, your post defined your own beliefs as you pointed them at someone else.

You don't seem to know your own mind, or you won't admit what you actually believe.
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          I don't defend corruption, regardless of who did it. However - hokie VT - 11/18 09:54:21
               Muh rapist - JG A - 11/18 14:52:52
               There you go again. R vs d - meatiger MU - 11/18 11:13:32
     This is just a rehash of the “we need to elect better - TigerMatt STL - 11/18 09:32:29
          what's wrong with that argument? Some leaders are better - Ferg MU - 11/18 09:37:49
               There are 2.87 million federal employees. - CulturedDan MU - 11/18 10:37:26
               You don't understand, if govt were dissolved and natural - hokie VT - 11/18 10:18:58
                    nobody has ever claimed that (nm) - 90Tiger STL - 11/18 12:31:11
                         I have asked many times what happens in the land of rainbows - hokie VT - 11/18 13:17:17
                              another straw man. you have no interest in learning - pickle MU - 11/18 13:30:08
                              Why do you demand others waste their time providing - TigerMatt STL - 11/18 13:21:48
                              you just provided more proof that libertarians don't make - 90Tiger STL - 11/18 13:19:51
                    No one has ever claimed that - meatiger MU - 11/18 11:11:24
                    this is a straw man fallacy (nm) - pickle MU - 11/18 10:19:54
               it’s both fallacious and impossible - pickle MU - 11/18 09:52:17
                    But the next one could be different - meatiger MU - 11/18 09:55:44
               99.9% of the government is unelected - El-ahrairah BAMA - 11/18 09:45:48
                    This is the correct answer. And additionally, those who run - Bulldog Bob Brown STL - 11/18 10:16:33
                         and that is also correct - pickle MU - 11/18 10:19:21
               It doesn’t work. It doesn’t account for the vast parts - TigerMatt STL - 11/18 09:39:44
                    Do you want the entire voting public to confirm every - hokie VT - 11/18 10:00:59
                         I sure wish people could vote - meatiger MU - 11/18 11:22:06
                         stop being stupid (nm) - pickle MU - 11/18 10:05:59
     Well said. But of course we get the usual rebuttal - GA Tiger MU - 11/18 09:11:27
          no (nm) - pickle MU - 11/18 09:26:11
          Can you name any government in the world - meatiger MU - 11/18 09:19:17
               RE: Can you name any government in the world - BH O'bonga MU - 11/18 09:27:57
                    lol (nm) - pickle MU - 11/18 09:28:53
     no (nm) - pickle MU - 11/18 08:33:29
          Your brilliance astounds me - mu7176grad MU - 11/18 08:48:12
               i have no doubt of that (nm) - pickle MU - 11/18 09:03:40
               Do you still have cnbc on in the office or switch to - SwampTiger MU - 11/18 08:50:03
                    Speaking of GameDay - 4TigersinMichigan MU - 11/18 09:06:07
                         He's awful, but at least he wears a shirt on Game Day. Nm - hokie VT - 11/18 09:32:34
                         Whoops - 4TigersinMichigan MU - 11/18 09:09:44
                         0(nm) - El-ahrairah BAMA - 11/18 09:09:43
                         He is ok on game day - meatiger MU - 11/18 09:08:22
                              Haven't seen his show but that would be my guess(nm) - SwampTiger MU - 11/18 09:18:33
                                   RE: Haven't seen his show but that would be my guess(nm) - meatiger MU - 11/18 09:20:03
                              Tend to agree - 4TigersinMichigan MU - 11/18 09:10:38
     The US is not a "representative democracy" either by form - ummmm MU - 11/18 08:21:42
          RE: The US is not a "representative democracy" either by form - sarasotatiger MU - 11/18 13:59:15
          ^ this. and it makes you a kook to hokie (nm) - 90Tiger STL - 11/18 12:33:06
          Great post. And it is that - Bulldog Bob Brown STL - 11/18 08:29:59
               I would say that’s the “nature” of all gvmt - pickle MU - 11/18 08:37:56
                    we're all doomed to what type of government in the future? - tigerinhogtown STL - 11/18 11:41:58
                         huh? (nm) - pickle MU - 11/18 12:10:49
                    no(nm) - Calca STL - 11/18 09:28:10
                         yes. there are no examples otherwise - pickle MU - 11/18 09:34:52
                              no - Calca STL - 11/19 17:43:11
               But that is needed - meatiger MU - 11/18 08:31:45
               RE: Great post. And it is that - ummmm MU - 11/18 08:31:19
     A monarchy would be preferable to democracy - El-ahrairah BAMA - 11/18 07:51:58
          A dictatorship could be wonderful - 4TigersinMichigan MU - 11/18 08:19:09
               What does that have to do with monarchies or democracies? - El-ahrairah BAMA - 11/18 08:24:42
                    Everything - 4TigersinMichigan MU - 11/18 08:26:39
          Some good examples, for you would be czarist Russia, idi - hokie VT - 11/18 08:04:23
               examples of what? monarchies??? (nm) - pickle MU - 11/18 08:38:57

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