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is there evidence he has? his job is harder now

Posted on: June 29, 2023 at 13:39:53 CT
Fire Marshall Bill MU
Member For:
12.51 yrs
M.O.B. Votes:
because he has a record (of mediocrity) to answer to

in his early years he could sell his vision and not be held accountable for the results

just because he hasn't had as much success in MO doesn't mean they're not trying just as hard, if not harder
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Has Drink given up, or is he just a horrible recruiter? - Fourth and Long MU - 6/29 13:09:23
     were phucked- guess players arent buyin what Drink is sellin - Beakerbasher KC - 6/29 19:48:05
          Mizzoubasher is deeply concerned (nm) - zounami MU - 6/29 20:01:41
               how can u not be? We literally have the worst class so far - Beakerbasher KC - 6/30 00:43:17
     specifically, which Big12 opponents appeal to you?... - zounami MU - 6/29 18:28:25
     nope (nm) - zounami MU - 6/29 18:23:22
     BAWK ! nm - Nohawks KC - 6/29 17:51:45
     It does not change the fact that you are a beaker troll.(nm) - Carlos Rossi KC - 6/29 14:53:43
     it is a lame duck year.(nm) - SuperTone MU - 6/29 14:36:00
     He should've been fired last year - zoomer 99 - 6/29 14:24:39
          You should have been fired last year yet you're both - hangman MU - 6/29 15:17:56
          after getting the best recruiting class in program history - KCT-BoneTiger MU - 6/29 14:28:35
     You get what you pay for is currently working it's - TrumpToRushmore MU - 6/29 14:17:16
     Bush Hamdan is gone (nm) - KCT-BoneTiger MU - 6/29 13:54:10
     After reveiw, of the Top 15 players in Missouri, none are - Fourth and Long MU - 6/29 13:33:58
          In my opinion, when the top kids in the state don't want to - KCT-BoneTiger MU - 6/29 13:53:31
               Maybe they go to social media and see all the dmfkery - cybertyger MU - 6/29 14:31:18
               High School seniors today only know a middling Mizzou - Joeboo MU - 6/29 14:18:19
                    How about high school seniors in 2006? - Columbian Gold MU - 6/29 14:29:17
                         We were starting to - Joeboo MU - 6/29 14:34:12
               Agreed (nm) - Fourth and Long MU - 6/29 13:58:28
          Hard to recruit when the HC is considered to be on - namres MU - 6/29 13:41:30
               Not really; if he is fired, just enter the portal - OntheMark MU - 6/29 15:01:21
               Good point (nm) - Fourth and Long MU - 6/29 13:47:22
     Maybe he has switched recruiting philosophy - tman MU - 6/29 13:15:20
          correct, roster construction is totally different than - Fire Marshall Bill MU - 6/29 13:31:51
               Why have local kids abandoned Mizzou(nm) - DevilsAdvocate KC - 6/29 22:22:20
               Agreed, but why has Drink abandoned Missouri? (nm) - Fourth and Long MU - 6/29 13:37:02
                    is there evidence he has? his job is harder now - Fire Marshall Bill MU - 6/29 13:39:53
                         Understand, just don't recall doing this poorly in state - Fourth and Long MU - 6/29 13:50:31
                              RE: Understand, just don't recall doing this poorly in state - steviesly MU - 6/29 14:05:12
                              yeah, it’s certainly not good right now(nm) - Fire Marshall Bill MU - 6/29 13:59:54
          I bet he still finishes with about 20 prep recruits - wu-tangtiger MU - 6/29 13:30:23
               If you were the coach 2hat would be your target mix - tman MU - 6/29 13:45:29
                    There is not a limit on the number of recruits - wu-tangtiger MU - 6/29 14:01:20
                         So you would do a 2 for 1 high school v portal - tman MU - 6/29 14:26:34
                              Probably something close to that - wu-tangtiger MU - 6/29 14:44:53
          HS recruits can xfer after a year or 2, look at Lovett has a - MU-TULSA MU - 6/29 13:23:48
               yep (nm) - zounami MU - 6/29 18:30:15

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