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RE: Thamel: "Sources tell me Gates"... Mizzou fans: "Huh? Why

Posted on: March 18, 2022 at 22:52:15 CT
okayplayersmu MU
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Now I see why we can't get players here....
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     RE: Thamel: "Sources tell me Gates"... Mizzou fans: "Huh? Why - okayplayersmu MU - 3/18 22:52:15
     Dude, can you look or sound any more racist? … - Ernie Webb III - 3/18 22:48:58
          RE: Dude, can you look or sound any more racist? … - CPA MU - 3/18 23:12:37
          How does he "look" racist? - Calca STL - 3/18 22:56:18
          You seem sensitive - Johnny Utah MU - 3/18 22:53:21
               You seem like another clown(nm) - Ernie Webb III - 3/18 22:54:52
                    Do you really think skin color isnt being taken into account - Calca STL - 3/18 22:57:17
                    Wow, you are triggered. Keep defending the racist and - zounami MU - 3/18 22:56:22
          Hiring someone based on their skin color is certainly racist - zounami MU - 3/18 22:52:43
          I think he’s referring to the mask wearing (nm) - ZouMiz STL - 3/18 22:49:33
               Sure he is(nm) - Ernie Webb III - 3/18 22:51:07
               lol no he's not(nm) - MizzouAstro MU - 3/18 22:49:50
                    When I asked if anyone here thinks Gates is the most - zounami MU - 3/18 23:00:10
     No - tiger4real MU - 3/18 22:47:44
          Ironically, I'm calling out the racist practice of excluding - zounami MU - 3/18 22:55:46
          He’s a clown. Always has been … - Ernie Webb III - 3/18 22:50:31
          Could easily be talking about the covid mask - Mormad MU - 3/18 22:48:31
               No eye shield though. - Newcatbirdseat MU - 3/18 22:50:11
               Uh huh(nm) - tiger4real MU - 3/18 22:49:42

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