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Some things can be corrected. Nm

Posted on: October 8, 2021 at 16:52:41 CT
SparkyStalcup MU
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An unborn baby is 'not your body' - Spanky KU - 10/8 16:02:41
     it's your property (nm) - ashtray UF - 10/8 17:16:34
          The baby is the parents' offspring, but the baby owns his/ - MizzouTigerz MU - 10/8 18:14:03
               No. The life belongs to God. - TigerMatt KC - 10/8 18:39:55
                    That's SHOCKING! You say God doesn't exist. - MizzouTigerz MU - 10/8 19:15:01
                         You are incapable of learning. I love how you change - TigerMatt KC - 10/8 19:57:13
                              I use the NKJV at least 95% of the time. Those posts go back - MizzouTigerz MU - 10/8 21:17:07
                                   the fake xitian busted (nm) - ashtray UF - 10/9 07:39:10
                                   Because I know you know better. An atheist isn't usually - TigerMatt KC - 10/8 23:28:50
               The topic is a fetus, not a baby (nm) - ashtray UF - 10/8 18:15:32
                    False. The issue is alive or not. - MizzouTigerz MU - 10/8 18:18:11
                         You obviously didn't read the OP which explains why you - ashtray UF - 10/8 18:31:28
                              'unborn BABY' - MizzouTigerz MU - 10/8 18:36:19
                                   strawman (nm) - ashtray UF - 10/8 19:09:45
          Sounds like slavery, which make sense because - AllThingsKC KC - 10/8 17:28:16
               Who owns the woman’s body? - pickle MU - 10/8 18:00:53
                    Who owns anyone else's body? Do parents have a right to - JeffB MU - 10/8 19:21:41
               Is your foot a slave? (nm) - ashtray UF - 10/8 17:57:46
                    Is your brain dead?(nm) - Spanky KU - 10/8 18:00:00
                         apparently it's my slave (nm) - ashtray UF - 10/8 19:10:20
          You advocating for slavery? nm - pinkman MU - 10/8 17:23:21
               He likes the idea of selling babies, apparently - Spanky KU - 10/8 17:29:30
                    He likes to sell them piecemeal, one part at a time.(nm) - Tigrrrr! MU - 10/8 18:14:38
                    He also likes selling born babies too - RHAYWORTH MU - 10/8 17:39:02
                         You wish, pedo (nm) - ashtray UF - 10/8 18:32:02
                    The pickletopians are drawn to evil like moths to a flame. (nm) - JeffB MU - 10/8 17:35:18
                         Infringement on the right to self ownership is evil - ashtray UF - 10/8 18:32:42
                              Self ownership does not mean that one can do anything that - JeffB MU - 10/8 19:19:19
                                   it means you have the right to do whatever you want - ashtray UF - 10/8 19:41:36
                                        Your right to swing your fist ends where your neighbor's - JeffB MU - 10/9 09:31:17
          no more than a newborn or 5 year old is your 'property'(nm) - Spanky KU - 10/8 17:19:20
               incorrect (nm) - ashtray UF - 10/8 17:49:53
                    Only in a ‘tard world is a child (unborn or born) property - Spanky KU - 10/8 17:52:59
                         is your dick your property? - ashtray UF - 10/8 17:53:27
                              A penis is not a child. You are truly a ‘tard(nm) - Spanky KU - 10/8 17:58:06
                                   Neither is a fetus, stunad (nm) - ashtray UF - 10/8 18:13:49
                                        Wrong (nm) - Spanky KU - 10/8 20:24:31
                                        Why are science and facts irrelevant to you? (nm) - JeffB MU - 10/8 19:20:16
                                             your made up definition for words are irrelevant to me (nm) - ashtray UF - 10/8 19:42:13
     RE: An unborn baby is 'not your body' - MOCO SON MU - 10/8 16:49:53
          Some things can be corrected. Nm - SparkyStalcup MU - 10/8 16:52:41
               Killing one's child does not 'correct a mistake', of course. - JeffB MU - 10/8 16:59:16
                    An egg is not a person, and an abortion is not killing a - SparkyStalcup MU - 10/8 16:59:44
                         That's like saying tadpole isn't alive because hasn't yet - MizzouTigerz MU - 10/8 18:17:07
                              A tadpole is a baby frog. An egg is not a frog. Nm - SparkyStalcup MU - 10/8 22:15:54
                         A new, unique human being comes into existence when an - JeffB MU - 10/8 17:09:30
                         RE: An egg is not a person, and an abortion is not killing a - MOCO SON MU - 10/8 17:00:46
                              Viability changes the equation. Most pro choice people - SparkyStalcup MU - 10/8 17:01:55
                                   'Viability' is an absurd demarcation line. The only - JeffB MU - 10/8 17:33:53
                                        so people should also be forced to take care of elderly - ashtray UF - 10/8 17:52:06
                                             It is hard to take seriously anyone with views such as yours - JeffB MU - 10/8 18:48:43
                                                  it's hard to take seriously a religious fanatic who wants a - ashtray UF - 10/8 19:08:43
                                                       Yes, laws against intentionally killing one's children is - JeffB MU - 10/8 19:10:35
                                                            false (nm) - ashtray UF - 10/8 19:42:31
                                   RE: Viability changes the equation. Most pro choice people - MOCO SON MU - 10/8 17:02:25
                                        Which law? Roe vs.Wade addressed viability. - SparkyStalcup MU - 10/8 17:04:45
                                             RE: Which law? Roe vs.Wade addressed viability. - MOCO SON MU - 10/8 17:08:18
                                                  Not true. Several.abortions have been performed to.save - SparkyStalcup MU - 10/8 17:10:09
                                                       False. There are no cases where a child must be aborted to - Spanky KU - 10/8 18:09:25
                                                            RE: False. There are no cases where a child must be aborted to - MOCO SON MU - 10/8 23:25:25
                                                       RE: Not true. Several.abortions have been performed to.save - MOCO SON MU - 10/8 17:12:24
               RE: Some things can be corrected. Nm - MOCO SON MU - 10/8 16:58:55
                    A fetus is not a person. Nm - SparkyStalcup MU - 10/8 17:00:11
                         You, the Nazis and the slave owners all agree that you can - JeffB MU - 10/8 19:22:55
     A fetus is the mother's body. Nm - SparkyStalcup MU - 10/8 16:46:25
          Has its own DNA, its own heartbeat, its own bloodtype, - Tigrrrr! MU - 10/8 18:16:29
          False. Only a ‘tard thinks that(nm) - Spanky KU - 10/8 16:47:48
               Straw man. Thanks for playing. Nm - SparkyStalcup MU - 10/8 16:50:28
                    Not a straw man.. an actual fact that only a 'tard - Spanky KU - 10/8 16:59:17
                         Not a fact at all. Definitely an appeal to emotion, however. - SparkyStalcup MU - 10/8 17:00:43
                              Separate heart, brain, lungs, etc.... it is a separate human - Spanky KU - 10/8 17:05:27
                                   Not viable until somewhere in the 24 week range. A fetus - SparkyStalcup MU - 10/8 17:07:23
                                        It is a separate body.... viability or not. Different DNA - Spanky KU - 10/8 17:13:41
                                             it isn't separate. Clearly (nm) - ashtray UF - 10/8 19:43:03
                                                  Get on the ‘tard bus - Spanky KU - 10/8 20:26:06
                                                       learn the difference between your opinion and real world - ashtray UF - 10/9 07:40:41
     Abortion = racism.(nm) - AllThingsKC KC - 10/8 16:34:34
     Scientists claim bacteria found on Mars as life. Yet libscum - Fourth and Long MU - 10/8 16:31:26
          A tumor is also living tissue. Doesn't make it a person. Nm - SparkyStalcup MU - 10/8 16:47:13
               Can a tumor grow into an independent human being?(nm) - Tigrrrr! MU - 10/8 18:17:30
     Abortion is not birth control (nm) - Tigrrrr! MU - 10/8 16:16:49
          Of course it is. It is not the only form, but it certainly - SparkyStalcup MU - 10/8 16:48:05
          For liberals, it’s the perfect birth control. Liberals are - Outsider MU - 10/8 16:32:57
          It is live birth control.(nm) - TigerMatt KC - 10/8 16:21:26
               Ha! And I guess rounding up the homeless and - Outsider MU - 10/8 16:35:02
                    Round up the Jews, while you are at it--ashtray (nm) - Tigrrrr! MU - 10/8 16:57:02
                    That would be called murder.(nm) - TigerMatt KC - 10/8 16:41:01
                         Not by the standards of abortion advocates but - Outsider MU - 10/8 16:44:19
                              Pro choice advocates are for the only person in this: - SparkyStalcup MU - 10/8 16:50:00
                                   except in the exceedingly rare case of rape or incest - DesertTiger MU - 10/8 16:53:13
                                        If you are for forced pregnancy, then you are for it whether - SparkyStalcup MU - 10/8 16:57:28
                                             You are correct...I don't think - DesertTiger MU - 10/8 17:03:44
                                                  i agree...you don't think (nm) - pickle MU - 10/8 22:45:01
                                                  An egg is not a person, and an abortion is not killing a - SparkyStalcup MU - 10/8 17:05:39
                                                       You're right, a chicken egg is not a person - DesertTiger MU - 10/8 17:08:49
                                                            A chicken egg is also not a chicken. Nm - SparkyStalcup MU - 10/8 17:10:44
                              no - pickle MU - 10/8 16:45:29
                         abortion is murder, regardless of what you call it (nm) - DesertTiger MU - 10/8 16:43:23
                              No, it isn't. Nm - SparkyStalcup MU - 10/8 16:53:13
                                   yes, yes it is - DesertTiger MU - 10/8 16:55:23
                                        No, it isn't. An egg is not a person. Nm - SparkyStalcup MU - 10/8 16:58:08
                                             it's not an egg once fertilized...it's a human with - DesertTiger MU - 10/8 17:05:21
                                                  Do you prefer your chickens sunny side up or scrambled?(nm) - tigerdb MU - 10/8 17:19:42
                                                  It is a fertilized egg, but still.an egg. An egg is not a - SparkyStalcup MU - 10/8 17:08:05
                                                       you just really want to justify - DesertTiger MU - 10/8 17:12:43
                                                            you just really want to justify force on a woman (nm) - ashtray UF - 10/8 19:44:23
                              is taxation theft? (nm) - pickle MU - 10/8 16:44:08
                                   Thread drift DENIED. NM - SparkyStalcup MU - 10/8 16:59:04
                                   SKIPPPPPYYYYYYY to my lou. (nm) - DesertTiger MU - 10/8 16:50:06
                                        is taxation theft? (nm) - pickle MU - 10/8 17:33:04
               Birth control prevents conception. - Tigrrrr! MU - 10/8 16:23:41
                    Not always(nm) - tigerdb MU - 10/8 17:14:44
                    Birth control prevents birth. Nm - SparkyStalcup MU - 10/8 16:53:40
                    do you know what “birth” means? (nm) - pickle MU - 10/8 16:40:12
                         Sure he does. Birth comes after life begins…next! (nm) - Outsider MU - 10/8 16:41:33
                    That would be conception control. (nm) - TigerMatt KC - 10/8 16:27:36
                         lol (nm) - pickle MU - 10/8 16:39:37

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