That is debatable
Posted on: June 6, 2021 at 13:10:41 CT
Calca STL
Member For:
11.89 yrs
M.O.B. Votes:
How much responsibility did the Emperor have over the entire war? Was he a pawn to warmongering nationalists like Tojo or did he know everything that happened such as the Raping of Naking? That is definitely a discussion you can have.
However, the Emperor was definitely not in charge after the US occupation, as he was left as a "symbol" as stated in the new constitution that the US even helped set up (a constitution that Japan is very proud of today btw).
If it weren't for the US occupation, which would not have happened under Japan's terms, women would not be able to vote (MacArthur's insistence). Hell, no one would probably be able vote. No post war economic miracle, and Japan likely may still be more akin to an authoritarian state than what it is today.
Edited by Calca at 13:12:36 on 06/06/21